Word of the Day
Zeasy - It's easy
Christmas has been stored away until the end of November. I was going to write that it was stored away for another year but then I'd be implying that I don't plan to decorate for Christmas until January of 2008. I must say, however, that it's becoming harder and harder for me to drag all this Christmas stuff out each year and then put it all away again before people start to make comments. HTP and I looked at each other as we sat down for a supper that I had very little energy left to fix and asked ourselves why the heck we do all this every year. Tradition? Mostly but it's more than that. I can't tell you exactly what that more is but it's there. I just know that I'd feel empty somehow if and when I find myself unable to do it all or have someone do it for me. Someone needs to do it. Maybe someday I can pass the torch and let one of my children do it. I think I'd like that. Someday.
Murphyism of the Day
Pareto's Law (20/80 Law)
Twenty percent of the customers account for 80 percent of the turnover.
Twenty percent of the components account for 80 percent of the cost, etc.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The world is more like it is now then it ever has before. - Dwight Eisenhower
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