Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yargle - Sound made when yodelling and gargling at the same time.
I unpacked last night before heading to bed. Today, I'm doing laundry. I started my new Sudoku calendar and finished the puzzles that I'd missed out on for January 1 and January 2nd. I'll save January 3rd's puzzle until tomorrow morning. No point in overdoing the puzzle thing. I might hurt myself.
Do I have any New Year's resolutions this year? Nope. I'm a firm believer of not making any promises that I can't or won't make the effort to keep. I'd like to lose some weight but I also happen to like to cook and eat what I cook...and what other people cook. I'd like to go out and exercise but I'm just too lazy and I although I love to walk, there's no way that my knees and feet will take the punishment of running. I might start walking but I make no promises. My dog Mancha might go out walking with me. The last time I started a regime of walking my dog Muggsy got rather nasty about the whole prospect of joining me in my morning walk. She's lost most of her teeth but she can still make her feelings known when it comes to doing things that she'd rather avoid. Not that I put up with that sort of thing but it tends to put a pall on things when you have to drag an ticked off chihuahua around the block at the end of a leash. Plus, neighbors tend to look at you like they're ready to call the Humane Society any second. Oh well, at least Mancha still likes to walk with me. I ate a half of a grapefruit for breakfast. Maybe this will counteract the cookies that I consumed with my morning coffee before breakfast. Do you think?
Murphyism of the Day
Edwards's Time/Effort Law
Effort X Time = Constant
1. Given a large initial time to do something, the initial effort will be small.
2. As time goes to zero, effort goes to infinity.
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"The private enterprise system indicates that some people have higher incomes than others." -Gerry Brown
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