DD Daughter and MC Daughter Carving Pumpkins - Halloween 1988(9)?
Word of the Day
Dinophobia - Extreme fear of dinosaurs.
I'm moving kind of slow today. Gypsy is doing great when it comes to house-breaking. Not a single accident so far. I think she may be able to make it through the night without having an accident but she went to sleep last night at 9 PM and I woke her up to take her out at 10 PM but she didn't seem to want to take advantage of that "walk" so I decided not to risk an accident and got up at 4 AM to take her outside to "do her thing". I woke her up, took her outside, she "did her thing" and then I put her back in her kennel. She's used to me getting up early so she started complaining at 6 AM. She didn't have to go outside but I took her outside anyway. She wanted to eat and play...not necessarily in that order. My puppy loves playing. I'm pretty sure she'd rather play than eat. Oh well....I put her back in her kennel because HTP doesn't appreciate a third bed partner. After a few heart-rending complaints, she settled back down until I decided that it was time to get up at 7 AM.
The thing is that I wanted to watch something on The History Channel last night. A special on a new Nostradamus book that was discovered. Plus, two specials that were repeats of Nostradamus's' writings. I really tried to stay awake for them all but I dozed off with Gypsy in the middle of the show that I hadn't seen before which doesn't really have a thing to do with the quality of the show. I just dozed off. I was rather upset because I really wanted to see that show and then I discovered that they were playing the same show again right away. I hadn't missed it. Actually, after I took Gypsy outside and put her in her kennel for the night, I'm afraid that I still may have missed parts of the show. I dozed off again. I'll have to check the TV Guide to see if it's going to be played at another time, during the day, when I'm not so sleepy. I'm afraid I tend to get rather sleepy between 9 and 10 PM, even if I can't actually fall asleep right away. I know with my insomnia that it'll take a while for me to actually turn off my brain enough to nod off. However, lately, I seem to nod off a lot easier. (I'm thinking that it may be partly because of that bag of chocolate candy I bought for Halloween. I've been sneaking...oh heck...let's be honest...I don't even sneak it, I just eat it, and I don't care how much caffeine chocolate may have in it, caffeine tends to put me to sleep.) Add a sleepy puppy to the mix at 9 PM? I'm out for the count. Apparently, Gypsy has a sedative affect on me because normally I'm an experienced insomniac. Takes me forever to settle down and fall asleep.
Murphyism of the Day
Ellis's Law
Progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No great deed, private or public, had ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty.
-- Leon Wieseltier
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