Old Grey Frog's Gypsy Lady Luck - October 2007
Word of the Day
Destinesia - Going upstairs or downstairs and being unable to remember why.
Day Four With a New Puppy
Yet again I find myself blogging with my feet in a dog basket and a puppy at my feet. New twist. Gypsy is licking my feet. *sigh* I'm loved. When she decided to nibble on my Sudoku puzzle last night as I was working on it, I distracted her with a chew bone. Problem solved. Thankfully, Gypsy seems to like plush toys and is limiting her chewing right now, as she sits at my feet, to her plush bone.
I'm taking Gypsy to "meet" the Vet this afternoon. I've decided that Gypsy's tail is just fine. It looks a bit bizarre to me but from what I've seen it'll eventually end up with a lot more hair. Apparently, tail docking, when it comes to this breed, is no longer popular. I didn't see even one picture of a Cavalier King Charles with a docked tail online. I'm relieved. There's no way that I want to cause my new baby any unnecessary pain. Puppy shots fall into the necessary category.
As for housebreaking, Gypsy is doing just fine so far. She woke me up at around 2:30 AM last night. I got up to take her out in the backyard. She "produced", I cuddled her for a bit and then I returned her to her kennel for the rest of the night. I didn't want to just thrust her back into her kennel after she'd been so good as to wake me up instead of having an "accident" in her kennel. Such good behavior shouldn't be rewarded by what she may consider punishment.
Murphyism of the Day
Nitzberg's Law
A home is ruled by the sickest person in it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. -- Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
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