DD Daughter - Halloween 1981
Word of the Day
Dimp - A person who insults you in a cheap department store by asking, "Do you work here?"
I finally got all the pomegranates that I needed for wine-making cleaned and squished at about 8:30 PM last night. After that it was just a matter of measuring out water and ingredients into each of the two large buckets and then covering them and carrying them to the guest room/library/wine cellar. They were heavy. I haven't added any wine yeast as yet. I'll have to do that tonight. After that it'll be bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. A good bit of toil and a good bit of trouble before I can actually bottle and cork my 2008 vintage wines. I wish I had Sis here to help. I spent at least two hours after carrying those buckets to the guest room/library/wine cellar, cleaning up the mess in my kitchen.
After cleaning and squishing a laundry basket full of pomegranates yesterday, I took one look at the remain pomegranates that I have sitting here in a box in my kitchen and thought...I really should clean these pomegranates, juice them, and freeze what I'm not going to drink right away. *sigh* My hands don't agree with my thoughts. Right now my hang-nails have hang-nails. Besides that, I can't seem to get one of those little cactus spines out of my little finger. Oh, the things I do in the scientific pursuit of wine-making.
Baby Gypsy now has a duck. A stuffed plush Mallard duck which has joined her growing accumulation of toys. It's my Mom's fault. She's the one who said that Gypsy should have a duck and then when I was out shopping the other day....there it was and it fell into my cart. If it hadn't quacked, I might have been able to resist it. It actually is almost as big as she is. That doesn't stop her from playing fetch with it. I saw it at the store the other day and couldn't resist. It quacks as she pounces on it and chomps around to get a good grip on it. Watching her fetch this huge duck is hilarious to watch.
I can't believe it's Saturday already. Heck! I didn't even know that yesterday was Friday until I heard my favorite talk show host scream his weekly, "It's Friday!" And this morning I was greeted by The Garden Guy. I'm not fond of The Garden Guy because he's doesn't have too many answers for us here in the desert. Oh well...the thing is, I tend to lose track of time. Maybe this is because I don't wear a watch anymore. Maybe it's because I keep my calendar out of sight inside the cupboard door. Probably, it's because, it really doesn't make too much difference what day it is unless I have an appointment or a scheduled activity. I do have appointments and scheduled activities but I don't let them bother me too much. I noted that some of my neighbors have put up Halloween decorations. Maybe I'll do that next year. For me. I think it would be fun for all us "seniors" to dress up and go trick-o-treating around our age restricted neighborhood.
Murphyism of the Day
Huxley on Progress
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
-- Bertrand Russell
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