DD Daughter in our Arizona Backyard - Early Spring 2007....I need to clean and fill that fountain and get it started again. Not #1 on my mental list of things to do today.
Word of the Day
Depocket - 1. To fall from a pocket due to one becoming horizontal. 2. The act of unloading the contents of one's pockets before lying or sitting on a bed or couch. 3. To remove the pockets from an article of clothing.
We're Home! In Arizona. HTP and I arrived back at "Ye Ole Homestead West" at around 6 PM last night. We stopped to pick up cable boxes for our television viewing pleasure before we even got home. First task? Unloading the car. Second task? I had to get the ice box unloaded so the stuff that was frozen in there stayed frozen. I still wish I could have had some dry ice but for the most part, everything was still frozen when we got home. Unpacking the ice box as soon as I got here was important. Third task? HTP set up all the electronics. I went out to get some groceries so that we could eat supper...or at least have something to eat for breakfast. And then, after I'd put away all the groceries, I unpacked my suitcases and I was just too tired to eat any supper. Oh well...I've got breakfast. Now...I guess I'd better tackle unpacking that box where I've got our special coffee which you can't buy here in Arizona. Butternut coffee....which Folgers put their label on but it still tastes like Butternut coffee. Unfortunately, I can't buy it here in Arizona. I stock up and bring it back from Wisconsin each year.
It looks like we lost one of our trees in the front yard. It's brown. It's dead. I'll have to replace it with something. I also lost one of our bushes in the front yard. I'm thinking both of these probably died because of last winter's freezing temperatures. They seemed to be doing pretty good by the time HTP and I left here in April but they weren't exactly thriving. I may go out and buy another sage plant to replace that bush. As for the tree, I'm in no rush. In the meantime, I've got a lot of trimming to do in the backyard and I need to figure out how to stake one of the trees that my neighbor found lying on its side. She jury-rigged a support system so it looks like it will at least live until I can figure out something more permanent.
I'm going to have to sweep up all the dust storm debris today. There's a fine layer of silt covering our entire patio area. In some areas there are even silt dunes. I suppose I'll have to make a few lists of all the things that I need to do and then figure out what needs doing first. I need to get the fountain up and running. I need to set up all the patio furniture. I need to...
I need to go unpack some coffee so I can brew a pot to get this morning started.
Murphyism of the Day
Maury's Law
No one is too old to learn a new way of being stupid.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Truth has beauty, power and necessity.
-- Sylvia Ashton-Warner
Glad you made it safe and sound. The transition period is challenging. Good thing it gets so cold at the lake one doesn't mind going south.
I have wed-sat of next week to finish all my chores and close up. Then the winter life begins!!!
Ah, a picture of DD Daughter mere minutes after she wakes up. No makeup, no brushing of the hair. Stunning...
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