Gypsy Bringing Me Her Frog - October 2007
Word of the Day
Destructination - The state of being destructinated, or completely decimated and destroyed; the utter annihilation of something or someone.
Day Six With a New Puppy
"OK, already, enough with the new puppy bit." I'm betting you're saying this about now. I've been feeling a bit like a Mom with her new baby. Right now my new baby is chewing on the fleece in her my feet. *sigh* Excuse me while I go get her bone for her so I don't have to buy a whole new basket after she shreds this one. At least she's not nibbling on my toes. My baby greeted me with numerous kisses this morning when I got up to take her outside. She wouldn't sit down to eat her food unless she knew I was right there watching her. I know this because she kept turning around to check up on me. "Is she still there...ok...I can continue eating now." I'm not letting her have the free run of the house...exactly. I'm not spoiling her...exactly. My Mom asked me yesterday if I'd taught her to heel yet. What?! She's too young! I am getting her used to walking on leash. I figure I've got a bit of time yet before I teach her to heel and sit on command. However, she is learning to fetch. She loves to play fetch. I'm thinking I'd better go buy a few more toys for my baby to fetch so she gets used to fetching a variety of toys rather than just the one. I mean, what would happen if the one got lost? I know that my brother's dog just loves the one toy so he ended up buying all kinds of the exact same toy....just in case. Nicky loves his ball. Gypsy loves her frog but I'm trying to get her interested in the funny green squeaker ball with feet. Humans (at least this human)tend to buy toys that strike their fancy, or funny bone.
OK. Enough about my puppy. I'm actually going to tackle some other jobs around the house today. Dusting. Vacuuming. Laundry. I need to find a place online where I can purchase champagne yeast. I've got lots of pomegranates on my tree outside. Since I have plenty of liqueur, I want to start a new Vintage 2008 batch of pomegranate wine. I think I'm going to add a bit more sugar this year. Unfortunately, I can't make wine without wine yeast so...I'll have to find a reliable source online since the only place here in the big city west which might sell it, maybe, sells mostly beer making supplies. Aside from all this, I need to do a bit of bush and tree trimming in the backyard. I was really happy to find that I'm going to have my own grapefruit from my own dwarf grapefruit tree again this winter. I love grapefruit and so far I'm not taking any medications that would prevent me from eating it. I was also happy to discover that I have a lot of tangelos on my not-so-dwarf tangelo tree. All the citrus is still green. The temperatures need to get a bit colder that the sunlight days need to get a bit shorter before my fruit will resemble that which you'd find in the stores. Next month I'll have fruit to enjoy. I'm thinking of making some Arancello from the tangelo zest but...I guess you can't actually call it Arancello anymore when you're using tangelos instead of oranges. Shall I call it Tarancello? What's the Italian word for "tangelo"? Do they have tangelos in Italy? I'll have to do some more research. So far, I haven't been successful in finding the word in my Italian/English dictionary...even online.
Murphyism of the Day
Ertz's Observation
Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
They say they climb mountains because they are there. I wonder if it would astound them to know that the very same reason is why the rest of us go around them.
-- S. Omar Barker
1 comment:
There ya go...and they are in Ohio! It's gotta be good stuff! lol
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