Word of the Day
Desnigletize - 1. Process by which a word is removed of its sniglet/unword status.
2. To eliminate an unword.
Day Three With a New Puppy
Gypsy just doesn't like being on her own. Which I guess is just fine but I'm not getting too much done around the house because I feel like I'm one of those cartoon prisoners that you see with a ball and chain around her ankle. Or a horse with a hobble. During the day Gypsy insists on remaining within touching or tripping distance. On the plus side, she hasn't had any accidents in the house. On the negative side, I'm having to sit here blogging with my feet in the dog basket, a puppy curled and sleeping between my feet. Looks a bit bizarre, not at all uncomfortable because the dog bed's cushioning is kind of nice on my feet, but I'm not getting a whole lot done.
I did get the AKC paperwork all filled out. My puppy(unless the name is rejected by AKC because someone has already taken that name)has a name. Old Grey Frogs Gypsy Lady Luck. (No possessive mark between the "g" and the "s" in Frogs...I would have put one there but...you get the idea. I still haven't had a chance to take pictures. I think I'm going to have to have HTP take pictures because Gypsy isn't exactly co-operating, at least, unless I'm in the picture with her. I may have HTP employ the wonders of PhotoShop. Maybe if I take a few later today, if I find the time, I'll post it. We'll see.
One place that Gypsy doesn't seem to mind being alone...too much...is in her kennel. She reminds me that she'd rather not be alone but after a few reprimands, she quiets down at night. Still no accidents...other than the occasional "I'm so happy to see you" lack of bladder control. Sis tells me that this is common in the spaniel breed and that she'll outgrow it? Since I've never owned a spaniel before, I'll have to take her word for it....and go get the spray cleaner out. Gypsy does like playing outside...if I'm there. Her favorite toy (HTP insisted that we needed to buy her at least one toy), is a little stuffed frog. Last night she was having a great deal of fun playing tug of war and fetch with said frog. I've started using training words while we're playing and she's taken to fetching like a true retriever. Her breed is designated in the gun dog category...also the toy dog category but... She seem incredibly smart, or that may just be as seen through my puppy love eyes. HTP pointed out that she doesn't seem to bark at all and that she really isn't much of a watch dog. He's right, at least so far. No barking yet. We'll see. Early days yet. HTP isn't crying in his soup. I think he sees this as a good thing.
Murphyism of the Day
Pierson's Law
If you're coasting, you're going downhill.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it. -- Russell Baker
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