DD Daughter - Halloween 1979
Word of the Day
Dialup - Something that is very slow.
My whole schedule has been thrown off. That's OK. I love talking to my daughters. MC Daughter needs to learn about the time differences between where she's living and where HTP and I are living right now but...that will come. I was awake. I wasn't up yet. I was thinking about getting up and thinking about taking care of Gypsy and then the phone rang. Only, the phone near my bed decided not to work this morning. I need a new phone by my bed but I'm reluctant to replace the one I've got because it's one of those neat combo phone/clock radio things. Only...even though the radio is still functioning just fine, the phone part works erratically which isn't a good thing so I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy a phone and a new radio. Which...of course, will take up tons of space on my nightstand. Oh well...
Anyway, MC Daughter called at around 7 AM this morning before I was up and about. Normally, I'm up and about a lot earlier but I stayed up rather late last night reading a book. I bought books while I was out shopping yesterday. I've read two of them. *sigh* I am such an addict when it comes to books. So, I didn't get to sleep until around 2 AM with full expectation of getting up at 3 AM to take the puppy out for a walk. Thus, I decided not to jump out of bed this morning at my normal 6 AM. If I hadn't read those books, I would have gotten up at my normal 6 AM, I would have fed and walked Gypsy while I drank my first cup of coffee. I would have answered the phone at 7 AM, using the functioning phone in our kitchen instead of having to call MC Daughter back after the phone by my bed hung up on her.
Oh well...I called MC Daughter back and got to talk to her while I juggled with Gypsy because by this time Gypsy wanted to get up and out of her kennel. And Gypsy is such a good puppy that she waited patiently for her food until I got off the phone with MC Daughter (who is doing just fine and has started her job which I'm not going to discuss because I'd have to kill you....only kidding...but HTP doesn't like me to go into details about stuff because he's HTP and he figures people don't need to know everything about everything that goes on with our family and I tend to blab about too much stuff).
After hanging up the phone, I went outside to check on Gypsy. She'd gotten into some paint chips. *sigh* The ceiling of our deck is cracking along the seams where the drywall should be joined and huge bits of paint are peeling off and falling onto the deck. We're going to have to hire someone to come out and fix it. The roof isn't leaking. I think it's a drywall/paint problem. The drywall tape is pulling away from the drywall and the paint isn't sticking to the drywall. Too bad the warranty doesn't cover this kind of mess. So while I was on the phone with MC Daughter, Gypsy was busy nibbling on bits of paint. I'm sure she'll be just fine but I quickly cleaned off all the paint chips that had fallen overnight while we were sleeping. Then, I mixed up Gypsy's puppy food and sat with her, drinking my morning coffee (which only had a hint of vinegar taste because I rinsed the coffeemaker with a couple of pots of clean fresh water yesterday after I'd cleaned it with vinegar).
I made coffee and I forgot to open the shades because my schedule was all off whack. Of course, HTP pointed out that I'd forgotten to open the shades which is a part of my normal routine. He blamed it on my preoccupation with Gypsy. Not so. Gypsy is a really patient puppy. I blame it on my addiction to books which started the snowball of events that threw off my entire morning schedule.
I'm back on "schedule" now. Gypsy is happily sitting at my feet while I blog. Breakfast was made and eaten. Dishes are in the dishwasher and the dishwasher is running. There's a cool breeze coming in from the open window by my computer desk. I'll have to close the windows soon but I'm enjoying the breeze so there's no need to hurry on that little chore. Besides, I like listening to the sound of the water cascading in our fountain which I can't hear when our double-pane windows are closed. It's Sunday. I'm not going to think too hard on the To Do List that I should be making. I'll wait until tomorrow for that. I plan to spend the day doing absolutely nothing. Content that I heard from all my children this week/weekend, I don't feel the need to do anything more than maybe go out to get a Sunday paper. HTP hasn't renewed our prescription (editted to say...subscription. However, this just might have been one of those Freudian slips that everyone talks about.) to the paper yet and it's nice to have a Sunday paper. I got to talk with #1 Son earlier in the week when he got his new cell phone. I got to talk to DD Daughter yesterday when she called to tell me about the new washer and dryer she and GI Joe got and all the really neat Halloween decorations their neighbor was putting up. And I got to talk to MC Daughter this morning about all the doings in her and D Buddy's life. Schedules are all well and good but talking to my children is far more important to me than any schedule. Schedules can end up turning into ruts if you're not careful and sometimes ruts are kind of hard to climb out of before you even realize you've fallen into one.
Murphyism of the Day
Twain's Observation
If you abstain from drinking, smoking, and carousing, you may not live longer -- but it will feel longer.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Always new. Always exciting. Always full of promise. The mornings of our lives, each a personal daily miracle! -- Gloria Gaither
1 comment:
Your prescription to the paper? A paper a day keeps the doctor away.
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