Word of the Day
Dietribe - An irate sermon or lecture on healthy eating.
I'm wearing jeans and a sweatshirt this morning and I'm still cold while I'm sitting by the open window next to my computer desk. 58°F feels a lot colder here in Arizona then the same temperature in Wisconsin...at least to me. There is a perfectly good scientific explanation for this if you'd care to look it up on the Internet. I'll leave that up to you. It's all about dew points, humidity and windchill etc if you can dig past all the scientific mumbo jumbo...which I really don't feel like doing. I know why it feels colder here than there. I also know it'll warm up this afternoon but for right now, I'm cold. I suppose I could close that open window but I'd rather be cold and enjoy the fresh air streaming in from outside. I'm weird that way.
DD Daughter sent me some pictures of how their neighbor decked out their house for Halloween. She also sent me a picture of Ms. En in one of her Halloween costumes. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. Since HTP and I moved here...to this house...in an age-restricted neighborhood, I haven't bothered decorating for Halloween. I've got all the decorations but with no kids...I haven't bothered. There doesn't seem to be much of a point in it. I may, however, go out to buy some of that candy in the store...for old times sake. We won't have any trick-o-treaters but.....
OK...to be honest...I LOVE CHOCOLATE! Another addiction and this is the bestest time of year to buy it...that and Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter. I figure that the reason I have a freezer is so I can stock up on chocolate when the buying's good so I can nibble away on frozen chocolate during the times when they jack up the prices and make you feel to guilty about buying it. I love DARK chocolate. The darker the better. Milk chocolate always seems to be a bit too sweet. I'll eat it but dark chocolate is so much better and since I'm on a perpetual diet, I'd rather not waste my daily intake of calories on milk chocolate unless I have no alternative. However, milk chocolate is acceptable if I'm totally out of dark chocolate and I'm going through chocolate withdrawal. Heck....when I NEED chocolate, I'll dive into the chocolate chips in my baking cupboard. White chocolate? That's not even chocolate. Blech! Why bother! Oh well...the doctors are now claiming that dark chocolate is good for you. I'll stick my fingers in my ears so I can't hear any of the disclaimers or follow-up studies on this subject. I've heard enough. I can now eat my dark chocolate and imagine that it's actually doing something wonderful for my body. I'm told that dark chocolate is supposed to lower your blood pressure and be healthy for your heart. They're claiming it's an anti-oxidant. Now...I know that there are lots of pills out there that claim to do the same thing but given the choice of taking another pill or supplement or eating a really good dark chocolate candy bar? I'll bite the bullet and munch on some chocolate. Having said all this....I think I've got some dark chocolate whispering to me from the freezer. The sound is a bit muffled because I haven't had any breakfast yet but I can hear it. Maybe later this afternoon. I'm still enjoying my cup of coffee that the doctors are now telling me is healthy too. "Want a drug that could lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and colon cancer? That could lift your mood and treat headaches? That could lower your risk of cavities?" Thank goodness I don't have to feel guilty anymore about drinking my coffee in the mornings.
Murphyism of the Day
Russell's Rule
Don't worry about avoiding temptation - as you grow older, it starts avoiding you.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It doesn't make a difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature.
-- Steven Wright
Russell's Rule
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