DD Daughter and MC Daughter - Halloween 1982
Word of the Day
Dinch - A meal, usually between lunch and dinner, eaten after lunch time, 12:00pm to 2:00pm, and before dinner, 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The compliment to brunch. One of two meals eaten by those on a two-meal-a-day diet.
I need to wash my hair. I haven't washed it since I got it cut, styled and dyed at the beauty parlor. *sigh* I know that I'll never be able to get it to look like she did. I'm just not handy like that. I'd need to have more arms than an octopus in order to get the job done and I refuse to use tons and tons of styling products that will guarantee that I'll just have to wash my hair again tomorrow. I love the hair cut but....will it look good after I wash it and try to style it myself? Probably not. *sigh* Regardless, I have to wash my hair because I refuse to make a weekly run to the beauty parlor and spend gobs of money to have the professionals wash and style my hair. I'm not related to John Edwards. (Presidential candidate who doesn't sweat it when he pays his stylist over $400 for a haircut....Geez! I wonder how much his wife pays for a cut and style?)
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. I forgot to add the yeast to my wine mixtures last night. I got busy doing absolutely nothing important and forgot. So...I added the yeast this morning and I'm sure the delay won't make a whit of difference. I'm really curious about how the Prickly Pear Wine will turn out. I noticed that one of my neighbors has a prickly pear cactus growing in their front yard. It's loaded with fruit right now. If this experiment turns out, I may see if I can wander over there, knock on their door and offer to de-fruit their cactus for them. Either that or I'll see if I can grow a prickly pear cactus of my own.
My plans for the day aren't to grand. I think I'll cuddle up with Gypsy and read a book or work on a Sudoku puzzle. Aside from that, I need to go out to the store and pick up the Sunday paper. HTP plans to subscribe...next week. I think he was hoping for some kind of smoking deal to get us to subscribe but instead we've only seen mediocre deals.
Murphyism of the Day
Ogden Nash's Law
Progress may have been all right once, but it went on too long.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -- George Bernard Shaw
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