MC Daughter, #1 Son, and DD Daughter - Halloween 1988
Word of the Day
Disasterbacle - An event or procedure that has gone terribly wrong.
It's Halloween! *sigh* The most I've done to celebrate is to post pictures of past Halloween's on my blog. I didn't even buy a costume for Gypsy. To be honest, I was tempted but I'm really not the type who goes around putting clothes on a dog. Oh well...I've got candy. Yummy chocolate candy! I'll store it in the freezer tomorrow and nibble on it until Christmas....if it last that long.
Someone had promised to give us an estimate on our drywall problem out on the back patio yesterday afternoon. He never showed up. HTP left a message on his phone but I'm not at all sure how reliable someone is who just doesn't show up for an appointment. HTP and I were stuck at home all afternoon waiting for him to show up. Of course...we don't get out much...but I would have liked to go stop at the store to pick up a few things but didn't because this guy was supposed to be coming. I guess we'll have to call someone else. In the meantime, I've already called our bug man and he's coming the first week of November. I also called the guy that washes our windows and he's coming on Friday. I hope whatever drywall work we have done doesn't mess up my windows.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Survival
It's not who is right, it's who is left.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-- William G. McAdoo (1863 - 1941)
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