GypsyWord of the Day
Enterstainment - Dubious, dreadful entertainment which leaves one feeling stained.Happy New Year! We're back home from Vegas. It was wonderful to sleep in our own bed last night. Although Sam's Town has a wonderful facility (nice rooms), their beds are not MY bed. Their rooms are not MY room. As it was, this last visit, we were given one of the smallest of their rooms that could still accommodate two queen beds. #1 Son was sharing a room with us. On top of that, we were put on the third floor right over one of the banquet rooms where there was a charity event held on New Year's Eve. The rap music reverberated and vibrated well into the New Year and beyond. Even the noise reducing headphones that HTP gave me for Christmas couldn't block out the bass line. Our view was of the parking garage where the light from these huge spotlights cut right through the curtains in our room. A view of The Strip? No way. #1 Son and I had to race down the hall to view the fireworks from the windows near the elevator and there too were more spotlights to compete with the fireworks. Oh well.... HTP and I have decided that 3rd Floor isn't where we want to be from now on. Especially on New Year's Eve.
On a second note to myself (first note being not to let Sam's Town put us on the 3rd Floor again), I've decided that if and when we drive over the Hoover Dam, I'm the one that needs to do the driving. I normally don't get carsick anymore. It's a rare event these days. If I fly, I take Dramamine. I should have taken Dramamine yesterday when #1 Son did the driving across The Dam. The line-up of traffic started before The Hacienda (the first casino that you pass after crossing The Dam into Nevada). #1 Son is a good driver but that hurky-jerky drive with bumper to bumper, slow to no go traffic was a guarantee to make me sick...if I'm not driving. Even with my eyes closed.... Well, I did not get sick. But it was a close thing. We stopped after crossing The Dam because HTP and #1 Son needed to use the facilities. Thank goodness they needed to stop because I did too. I just walked to the side of the road and stared off into the desert, inhaling the fresh (no exhaust fumes)air, while I waited for my stomach to settle down again. While standing out looking over the desert, I saw a desert chipmunk and several lizards. It's amazing how much one notices when one just stands very still and breaths. It took a full ten minutes for me to even think about getting back into that car again so we could continue on. And I didn't even feel half-way better until we got to Kingman, at which point the belated Dramamine that I took finally started to work. Note to self. If I'm not the person driving, I should take Dramamine on long trips. Just to be on the safe side.
Well...enough of that sort of thing. We did have fun in Vegas. I lost more than I won. HTP took home more money than he came with...and so did #1 Son. Plus, #1 Son got this nifty cutting board for racking up enough points on his brand new player's card and he was able to pay for his own breakfast yesterday morning. Gotta love it.
Today is dedicated to doing laundry. Needs must. However, I may go out shopping with #1 Son. There's a couple of books that I'd like to purchase. #1 Son wants to look at some sport shoes. And I want to buy a new orange juicer so I can start that batch of Tangelocello. I need to get the citrus off my trees before the end of the month. On top of all this, I need to make some more dog food for Gypsy. I'm going to make Beef Barley Stew this time. Only...I need to buy some barley....and some beef....and some cabbage....and some other ingredients. I need to go to the grocery store anyway so I can make people food too.
I need to crack down and start some serious training with Gypsy. She needs to learn some basic commands. I've been spoiling her. I just love holding her and so it hasn't been a big deal to carry her outside each morning. However, not everyone (HTP) wants to carry my puppy outside. She needs to learn the command, "OUTSIDE". She also needs to learn the command, "KENNEL". Mancha and Muggsy both knew these commands and the hand signals. Gypsy? Not so much. I'll work on it. I'm hoping that her little bladder problems (she's a leaker when she gets excited) will go away with time. My Mom and Dad looked after Gypsy while we were in Vegas. They tell me that she was a good guest but whenever my Dad reached down to pick her up, she'd get all excited. Good thing they have a tile floor. Thanks Mom and Dad. Gypsy is really sorry that she leaked on your floor.
Murphyism of the Day
Coblitz's LawA committee can make a decision that is dumber than any of its members.
Noteworthy Quote of the DayYou live and learn. At any rate, you live.
- Douglas Adams