Mom and Dad in Vegas
Word of the Day
Flatterful - To be full of flattery.
It's my Dad's birthday today! I wish both you and Mom the best of luck at the casinos and the buffets today. You ask how someone could have luck at a buffet? I've always felt that finding yourself in a short line at a buffet fairly lucky. And's really lucky if they keep refilling the food with fresh and tasty food, especially if that food is your favorite. Then, if they end up comping you that buffet because it's your birthday. That's lucky. And you're really lucky if they let you take home leftovers. I called my Dad last night but just in case he drops in to read my blog.....
I threw away my first pair of disposable contact lenses and have donned my second pair. This pair should last for two weeks. I was reading the bottle of contact lens solution that I bought. I have that kind of time on my hands. Of course, I've owned and have been using this contact lens solution for two weeks so I took my time getting around to it. It's supposed to be a NO RUB contact lens solution. Big letters on the box. To me, that doesn't just imply that you don't need to rub the contacts with solution when you take you contact lenses out of your much abused eyes, it means that you DO NOT RUB the contact lenses with the solution. You merely drop you lenses into their case and let them soak themselves clean in the solution. Right? Wrong. I read the directions. Why do they tell you that this stuff is a No Rub solution when it isn't? And then they tell you in the fine print that you may need to buy some other product to dissolve protein deposits? The main reason that I bought these disposable contact lenses is because my eyes tend to deposit LOTS of protein on my contact lenses. So much protein that short of a jackhammer (only a slight exaggeration), nothing is going to separate the protein from the lenses without destroying the lenses. I've got allergies. Protein deposits etc. happen when you have allergies. I won't even go into what happens to my eyes and my contact lenses should I dare to wear them, when I spend time in a smoke-filled (despite the much bragged on filtered air) Vegas casino. I think I'd better go see if I can find that special cleaner that they mentioned in the fine print on the contact lens solution box. And I think I need some new eye drops, the kind that will take the red out.
Murphyism of the Day
Anthony's Law of Force
Don't force it; get a bigger hammer.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers.
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968)
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