#1 Son LOVES Winter! He revels in the snow! He loves to play in the cold.
Word of the Day
Flavorite - Referring to a flavor that is preferred above all others.
Cold! I'm not going to whine too much because it's REALLY cold in Minnesota and Wisconsin right now. However, it feels cold here in Arizona today. I'm going to have to go out and cover plants tonight. Sheet dance! I was hoping that we'd seen the last of freezing temperatures for this winter season. My hopes are dashed. Dare I hope that my sheet dance tonight will be the last until next winter?
Oh well, I've only turned on the furnace for one day this season so far. I'm a firm believer in dressing for the weather. If you're cold, put on a sweater. The temperature inside (without furnace) is 66°F. That's not bad. That very temperature would be decried by HTP as too hot if we were staying at a hotel. I'll never understand HTP's inner thermostat. He always seems to be freezing when we're home and HOT if we're traveling. Actual temperature hasn't got a thing to do with it. I think he just likes being contrary.
Murphyism of the Day
O'Rourke's Rule
Never fight an inanimate object.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No one goes there nowadays, it's too crowded.
- Yogi Berra
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