Mom and Ms. En - 2007
Word of the Day
Faxole - One who gets a new fax machine and insists on sending practice faxes to any friend with a fax machine.
It's my Mom's birthday today!
We'll have to go out and celebrate the next time we're in Vegas! I hope you take the time and have a wonderful day.
Today has been set aside as a preparation for departure day. I'm doing some last batches of laundry so that #1 Son won't have to pack too much dirty laundry back to school with him. I mended his winter jacket. A jacket that he WILL need when he gets off the airplane tomorrow night.
I suppose, now that I'm done mending #1 Son's jacket (my excuse for not putting my contact lenses in this morning), I could put my contact lenses in but.... It's not that my contact lenses are all that uncomfortable. Anyway, I think I'll wash my hair first and then give Gypsy a bath. Then...I'll put my contact lenses in.
It froze again last night. The forecast calls for at least one more night of possible freezing temperatures so I haven't taken the sheets off my plants as yet. I think they'll be OK for one more day covered. Gypsy is outside right now sitting on one of the sheets that is covering a smaller hibiscus bush. I suppose the sheet is a lot more comfortable to sit on than the gravel.
I don't think that Gypsy even knows what a lawn looks like. Yet. The people we bought Gypsy from didn't have a lawn. They had desert landscaping...just like we have desert landscaping. It's a lot more practical here in Arizona and it saves on water. It should be interesting to see how Gypsy reacts to our lawn at The Lake.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Repair
You can't fix it if it ain't broke.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)
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