Snow at The Lake - 2006
Word of the Day
Fiblag - The period of time that elapses when a police officer asks a suspect a simple question, such as, "Do you know how fast you were going?"
I had a dream last night. I suppose I dream a lot but I don't always remember my dreams even though they come through in living color. This was a nice dream. Nothing like the ones where I'm driving the car and need to quickly stop but my feet can't quite reach the brake pedals because for some reason I didn't adjust the seat properly. Nothing like the ones where I'm madly searching floor by floor for my classroom in this HUGE school...I mean, this place is HUGE... where I'm supposed to be taking a final exam...and the reason I can't find the class is because I only attended the class once or twice. Nor was it like the ones where I can't remember my locker combination or I can't remember where my classrooms are located after Christmas break. And this wasn't like my Mom's calico hair dream where she came to visit and discovered that the shampoo that she found in my guest bath was actually some weird hair dye. dream last night was about a dog. HTP and I had driven to Vegas and had stopped at my folks' place like we always do and.... My folks got a new dog! She was so cute. Actually, I'm not sure if the dog was a male or female but I'm assuming that it was a she because, historically speaking, my folks haven't bought all that many male dogs. I think she was a chihuahua/pug mix. Full grown. She wasn't a puppy. Short brown hair like a dachshund mix dog that my folks used to have. Her nose wasn't pushed in like a pug but it was really short. Dad was sitting with her on his lap when we arrived at their house. I woke up before I found out what her name was but I do remember that Gypsy and my folks' new dog seemed to get along just fine. As I said, this was a nice dream.
The seed catalogs have starting arriving at my home here in Arizona. Every day I've been getting e-mail special offers from these companies. I guess it's time to start thinking about gardening at The Lake. I've decided to wait until I get to The Lake this year before I buy any plants but it is kind of nice to look at the catalogs and think of the coming spring and summer months. I suppose if I actually lived at The Lake for the entire year, I'd be looking outside right now at endless vistas of snow. I'd be planting peat pots full of tomatoes and peppers and eggplant so they'd be ready for planting in the garden as soon as the danger of frost had left. Who am I kidding? I wouldn't use peat pots. I'd use cottage cheese cartons, egg cartons, and butter Tupperware and old coffee tins (which aren't tin anymore...they're plastic). I'm sure I'd be driving HTP nuts with my seedlings. Oh well...I'm not there and I am here in Arizona so I'll just have to wait until I get to The Lake and depend on the nurseries for gardening supplies. But, it is nice to look through the seed catalogs. Only a few more months here before we'll be back at The Lake. I wonder how my new plum tree has fared over the winter? I wonder how my raspberries are surviving...and my blueberries. How much snow is there? Are my special violas that never freeze blooming still?
Murphyism of the Day
Johnson's Law
When any mechanical contrivance fails, it will do so at the most inconvenient time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.
- Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914)
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