MC Daughter at The Lake
Word of the Day
Fauxfile - A profile on any of the internet dating sites with alluring content detailing a non-existent person to target a response from a specific or non-specific user.
It's cold outside. 29°F at 7 AM this morning when Gypsy woke me up. No...MC Daughter did not wake me up. She called me after I got up, dressed and in the process of washing my face. She was afraid that she woke me up. Time zone dyslexia. That's where you can't remember if you are ahead of the person in another time zone or behind. She's ahead of HTP and me right now. But that's all beside the point. Baby, it's cold outside. Though the temperature outside has reached a balmy 45°F, there is still a fine layer of ice on my fountain. It's a good thing that I covered the plants last night.
It was nice to hear from MC Daughter this morning. She wanted to know if #1 Son was here. He is...but technically, he isn't here. He spent the night at a friend's house. However, I think she meant, is #1 Son here in Arizona. She wanted to know when #1 Son will be back in the frozen temperatures of Minnesota. If she'd read my blog yesterday, she'd have known when he'll be heading on back to her neighborhood. Oh well...she's been busy at work. It's perfectly understandable that she doesn't have time to read my blog. It was nice to hear that all's well, cold, but well, in Minnesota.
Murphyism of the Day
Ray's Rule of Precision
Measure with a micrometer.
Mark with chalk.
Cut with an ax.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room.
- Woody Allen
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