#1 Son and MC Daughter Playing in The Snow at The Lake - Once upon a time.
Word of the Day
Fanaddict - 1. One who insists on sleeping with a fan on during cold weather while taking refuge under blanket. 2. A regular viewer of any celebrity news television syndication.
It did not freeze last night. All my dancing with sheets was for naught. However, I'm told that it's supposed to get colder tonight so I'm thinking about leaving the plants covered so I won't have to dance again tonight.
My supply of Christmas goodies are dwindling and will soon be nothing but a fond memory. I've got to clean and store away empty cookie tins. It won't be too long before HTP and I will start our post-holiday diet. Whatever remains of the Christmas goodies on Saturday will be packed up and sent along home with #1 Son when he heads back to school on Sunday. From past experience I've come to realize that HTP and I are not too successful in dieting when we've got company or when we've got Christmas goodies or other illegal forms of sustenance in our home.
Today is day three wearing my new contact lenses. Acuvue2 lenses are disposable lenses. So far, the only problems I seem to have are when I want to read or work my Sudoku puzzles. I CAN read and work my Sudoku puzzles but it takes a bit more effort that I'd like. HTP mentioned that maybe I should buy a pair of reading glasses but I'd have to create a pair out of two set of the drugstore variety. Because one of my eyes is corrected for distance and one of my eyes is supposed to be corrected for near, I'd have to find a pair of glasses that would correct the distance eye and another pair to correct the near eye. Then I'd have to create one pair of reading glasses from the two. I'm not sure it's really worth all that bother. I can read. I can work my Sudoku. It's doubtful that I'll be able to thread a needle or do much mending or needlework. Of course, I haven't tried....yet. #1 Son wants me to mend some seams on his winter jacket so I'll soon find out.
Murphyism of the Day
Four Workshop Principles
1. The one wrench or drill bit you need will be the one missing from the tool chest. 2. Most projects require three hands.
3. Leftover nuts never match leftover bolts.
4. The more carefully you plan a project, the more confusion there is when something goes wrong.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You always pass failure on the way to success. - Mickey Rooney
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