Sailing at The Lake, Dad, DD Daughter and MC Daughter
Word of the Day
Flabbygast - 1.To be overcome with astonishment that despite excessive dieting you haven't lost a pound. 2. As if struck dumb with astonishment that you haven't lost a pound after a rigorous diet.
I made pancakes for breakfast this morning. Yummy blueberry pancakes. HTP didn't complain once that I'd only given him two small pancakes. Portion people, portion. I only made enough pancake mix for two servings and that's what we got. One serving each with just enough fresh blueberries to add color and flavor. I'm making a sandwich for lunch. HTP has been complaining about always getting soup. Liquid in a bowl. Today we'll each get 1/2 of a sandwich with veggies on the side. (Carrots, celery and snow peas). But tomorrow? Soup. Soup is really easy and very few carbs involved or calories. If I get hungry before lunch....maybe I'll share a banana with HTP. It's truly amazing how many calories are in a banana. Who knew?
I need to grind up some beef today. Hamburger. You can only get truly lean hamburger at reasonable prices if you grind your own. It's also the only really safe way to have hamburgers these days. I'm hearing too many e coli news stories these days to want to buy hamburger at the store. I'm going to grill up a couple of burgers for supper made fresh with my own ground beef. Ground fresh. Light buns. I'm going to make use of this neat hamburger press contraption that my Mom gave me so I can freeze some of the ground beef and with the rest I'm going to make my recipe for Stuffed Green Peppers but in casserole format. HTP doesn't like stuffed green peppers. He prefers his green peppers all chopped up and mixed in with the other stuff. I have a couple of green peppers that need using so.... Waste not, want not.
HTP has been continuing with his project of burning all our old digital video tapes to DVD. We've been watching them as he gets them done. The summer of 1990 was incredibly full of activities. A veritable storm of vacation frenzy. I'd forgotten all the things we did that summer. I'm surprised that we survived it all. Oregon caves, redwood forest, San Francisco, Disneyland, Mexico, Arizona, Wisconsin/Minnesota, Disney World, Wisconsin/Minnesota, Washington D.C., Williamsburg, Italy, Wisconsin/Minnesota, Black Hills, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands, Wyoming, Yellowstone, and that's not all. I'm pretty sure we needed a vacation from our vacation by the time we got home to Oregon. I'm worn out just from watching the DVD's and we've only just finished the Williamsburg stuff. I definitely was a lot younger in those days. All of us were.
Murphyism of the Day
Lowery's Law
If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm.
- John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)
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