Summer of 1990 - Visiting With Friends in Colorado
Where are they now? Left to right. The little boy sitting on his Colorado Mom's lap went on to become a Marine. He got married last spring. The little girl got married in 2006 around Thanksgiving and made her Colorado Mom and her Colorado Dad Grandparents in last year...around Thanksgiving. That's "Grandpa" sitting there next to her. They all still live in Colorado...same house. Next? DD Daughter. She went on to become a Marine. She got married to GI Joe and together they made me and HTP Grandparents in 2007...early birthday gift for HTP. Next comes MC Daughter who became a chef (Cordon Bleu). She got married and is living with her husband (D Buddy) in Minnesota. Sitting on my lap, wearing a Batman t-shirt, is #1 Son. He's living in Minnesota while he finishes up his last year of college. *sigh* Yes, that's me with the fuzzy hair in that really awful purple outfit. You all know where I am. I'm right here. A lot older, a lot more grey hair, and a bit more chubby.

MC Daughter Braving the Migrating Centipedes - Summer 1990
Word of the Day
Fictate - To inform a television or screen character of impending danger under the assumption they can hear you.
HTP has been attempting to convert our digital videos that we took when our children were little to DVDs. We noted that there was a period of time when the kids were young that we shot a lot of digital videos but very few photos. I'm sure the thinking was that someday we'd be able to isolate some of the video shots and print them out as photographs but needless to say, that didn't happen. HTP did get a first DVD burned but with some glitches. (Lots of effort and only one DVD from one video of many). Regardless of the glitches, it was really nice to see my children as children again. The events recorded on this particular video were from our 1990 summer vacation. One video worth of events. #1 Son was such a little pistol back then. A total bundle of energy. MC Daughter was still of an age when she found herself playing tag with the Pacific ocean waves. Daring it to get her. Sticking her tongue out at it. Getting her tennis shoes wet. DD Daughter was at that borderline age, almost a teenager, when she really wanted to play tag with the waves with her sister but she thought she was too old, too grown up, for that sort of kid thing. I'm betting DD Daughter and MC Daughter will remember this vacation if I just mention the centipede migration.
It sure was shocking to see how young I looked back then...not a single grey hair on my head. And, although I think I still may own those Guess jeans (I seldom throw anything away), I know for a fact that they wouldn't fit today. But, maybe, if I'm really good and stick to our diet, I might be able to wear them this summer. No Way! Even if I did lose all that much weight, the only reason I'd put those jeans back on is if I'm out painting or mucking around in the woods. I had to laugh at the fashions back then. And my hairdo. I wonder what I'll think of the fashions of today in another eighteen years? Back in 1990, my daughters favored a lot of neon colors. Neon pink, neon yellow, neon green. Even their sunglasses were neon.
Murphyism of the Day
Laws of Annoyance
When working on a project, if you put away a tool that you're certain you're finished with, you will need it instantly.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat.
- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
1 comment:
Eeaaguh!! Centipedes! *scarred for life*
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