Snow at The Lake (I keep posting these pictures to remind me why HTP and I are not there right now)
Word of the Day
Eufirstics - Two people waiting on the phone for the other to hang up first.
I'm not fond of weekends. For one, the radio programs I like aren't on. I'm not really interested in The Gardening Guy or The Real Estate Guy or The Computer Geek. And then if you flip on the TV to catch the news, it's all about sports, or a panel of people screaming at each other about investments. I do not like waking up in the morning to people arguing with each other.
Forget about going shopping at the grocery stores or the mall. Everyone seems to want to go shopping on the weekends. Screaming, running, giggling herds of unsupervised children, like bumper cars at a fair. And the adults on their cell phones act like human cholesterol clogging up the aisles.
Traffic? More humans with cell phone growths attached to one or other of their ears, wandering from lane to lane on the freeways and byways without a thought in their heads about the other poor drivers on the road. What?! Do they think I'm psychic or something and just know that they're going to switch lanes? Why do they even put that little signal do-hickey in the cars anymore? The majority of drivers these days don't even bother to use it and if they do, they turn it on as they're turning. Well, duh! I can SEE that you're turning or changing lanes now because you're halfway there already. And the parking lots? They boast about how any parking spots they have in their lots but when did parking spaces get so small that you have to use two of them to park your car?
Actually, my favorite time for driving is early on Sunday morning when I'm heading to church. Quiet. Peaceful. Very little traffic. People heading out to get a bit of religion? Could be. Only the grocery stores are open that early.
Unless I'm desperate, you will not find me out and about on a weekend. I'd love to go see a movie or two right now but I think I'll wait until everyone is at work or in school or until most of them come out on DVD in the store. DVD movies were a wonderful invention. You can sit in your own comfortable living room and watch a movie. HTP makes wonderful popcorn. And...if you have to get up to go to the bathroom or answer the phone? You can hit the pause button and continue watching at a later, more convenient time. Actually, I think the movie Transformers will be playing in our living room tonight. Surround sound. Munchies. Maybe a glass of wine. I don't really look forward to sitting in uncomfortable movie theatre seating, battling over the arm rest with some stranger sitting next to me while carefully guarding my purse on my lap because the floors are all sticky with some one's spilled pop, candy and popcorn. However, sometimes you just have to bite that particular bullet if you want to see a movie on the big screen. Oh well...not today. Maybe next week.
Murphyism of the Day
Trahey's Law
Never dump a good idea on a conference table. It will belong to the conference.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The most important thing is to be whatever you are without shame.
- Rod Steiger
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