My Home at The Lake- I'm betting that there's more snow there right now. That's why HTP and I are here, rather than there.
Word of the Day
Fabtastic - Describing anything that is both fabulous and fantastic.
Well, it's back to "Ye Ole Contact Lenses" for me which meant that I needed to a new contact lens case and some new cleaning/wetting solution. #1 Son pointed out that they've come out with a Visine for contact lens wearers that you can drop into your eyes while you're wearing your lenses. I don't remember that they had that when I wore contact lenses before, a fact that may indicate the last time I wore contact lenses. Oh well...I wore my new contact lenses yesterday and I put them on this morning. Which...of course, meant that I had to put on eye makeup because I didn't have any glasses to hide the lack there of anymore. It's not that I don't like wearing eye make-up. It's just that it takes that much longer to get ready in the morning.
#1 Son and I both ordered new eye glasses from Eyemasters yesterday. There were a lot of frames to choose from but somehow, they all looked pretty much the same. The fashion these days is all about rectangular shaped lenses and frames. There were a LOT of rectangular frames and a very few otherly shaped frames for those of us that like to stick to the old tried and true. #1 Son headed right over to where he started to pick out frames that resembled what he had previously. The last time he bought new frames was when he was in middle school. As he was perusing the selection, I picked out four frames for myself to try on and asked for his impute. Then...after he helped me decide on which of the four frames I'd picked out that would look best on me and after ordering my new glasses and paying for them, I redirected #1 Son's attention to the frames that looked quite different than his old frames. In this effort, I dragooned the help of two woman salespersons. One of the women looked at the selections that #1 Son had picked out on his own and mentioned the killing critic, "Harry Potter. You don't want to look like Harry Potter". We redirected his attention to a few pairs of the many rectangular frames that were bountiful. He decided on a nice pair of Converse frames. Very GQ. My own glasses will take at least a week before they can be manufactured. They'll give me a call when they're done. Such is life when one needs bifocals. #1 Son's glasses were ready for pickup by the time we'd gone over to pick up my contact lenses at Costco and had time for a nice meal at an Oriental restaurant. As for #1 Son's contact lenses, he'll have to order them on the Internet and have them delivered out to his apartment in Minnesota. Costco would have sold them to him but he would have had to wait at least a week because it was a special order. He won't be here in a week. Oh least he has his prescription.
In the meantime, today is going to be spent getting the laundry done because I didn't do laundry yesterday. It will also be spent getting used to my new contact lenses. I've dealt with mono-vision contact lenses before so it isn't too difficult. One eye has been corrected for distance and the other has been corrected for reading. For the most part, this doesn't bother me too much but right now my distance eye is battling my reading eye for supremacy when it comes to viewing my computer monitor. Oh well...I'll get used to it. On other news, it's supposed to get cold again tonight. I'll have to do my sheet dance. Good thing I've got the sheets all prepped and ready out in the garage.
Murphyism of the Day
The Spare Parts Principle
The accessibility, during recovery of small parts that fall from the workbench, varies directly with the size of the part - and inversely with its importance to the completion of work under way.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it.
- Gordon R. Dickson
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