Gypsy and her Practice Chipmunk
Word of the Day
Flump - To fall out of your chair unexpectedly.
Let the reading begin. I started reading the first book for the contest last night. This one is one that I've read before. Unfortunately, it's also one that I remember wasn't worth keeping in my library. I just hadn't discarded it as yet. I did read it but I didn't feel that I'd ever re-read it. Hah! Shows you what I know. Now I'm having to re-read it for this contest. I've set it aside until later tonight in favor of another chore.
I bought a bunch of new wash clothes at Target. They looked so nice and the wash clothes that I've been using for years were getting a bit ratty looking. After washing these new wash clothes, one time, I noted that the edges were all fraying. Argh! I carefully trimmed off the bits of frayed edge, used the wash clothes and in time they ended up in yesterday's laundry. *sigh* Again with the fraying edges. Even worse this time. So, I hunted up a crochet hook and some crochet cotton and have edged two of the wash clothes with some fairly simple crocheted lace trim. I'd forgotten how hard my hands cramp up when I do this sort of work. Ouch! Oh well...two down. I'd rather crochet trim on them then throw them away. They do look nice with the new trim and I'm sure that this will save them from fraying anymore.
Murphyism of the Day
Kagel's Law
Anything adjustable will eventually need adjustment.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When you have a number of disagreeable duties to perform, always do the most disagreeable first.
- Josiah Quincy
What are wash clothes? Did you mean wash cloths? *confused*
Blogger's spell checquer is broken. LOL. Yup! I meant wash cloths. I washed the clothes on Tuesday.
I seriously googled "wash clothes" because I thought that maybe there was an aspect to household chores that I was not privy to. I thought that maybe they were a kind of coveralls that you wear to, uh, wash things with but I couldn't recall you ever wearing coveralls to clean.
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