Poor Puppy Picture - Gypsy still looks just like this but now she only has one pretty pink cast...on her right leg.
Word of the Day
Frost butt - The condition that snowboarders with baggy pants, or any low riders, suffer from when the temperature drops below freezing.
I called the vet this morning and they told me that Gypsy is doing just fine. I can take her home with me at around 10 AM. I'll keep you posted. Poor Puppy! She's going to develop a real fear of going to the vet's office. So far, her experiences there haven't been rewarding...at least not in her mind. In my mind, if this latest operation is successful, Gypsy will eventually have the full use of her legs for the first time and for the rest of her life. However, I suppose that if someone hits you with a two-by-four every time you went someplace, you'd eventually figure out that you might now want to avoid that place and the person who keeps whacking you.
Poor Puppy II Update
She's Home! She's really quiet, of course, she's always been quiet but I think she's even more quiet. Probably all those good drugs that they've been giving her. Right now she's napping in her basket under my computer desk. I'll have to give her the next dose of her medicine at 12 Noon. They took the cast off her left leg. There's a brand new pretty pink cast on her right leg which I'm told will come off on March 11. Hopefully, her right leg will respond favorably to this new surgery and her left leg will remain stable gain strength. I'm keeping all my fingers, toes, and legs crossed. There's no way that I want to go through this all again.
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Second Computer Law
If a program actually fits in memory and has enough disk space, it is guaranteed to crash.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Nobody outside of a baby carriage or a judge's chamber believes in an unprejudiced point of view.
- Lillian Hellman
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