Word of the Day
Focustrate - To both focus and concentrate toward a common center, often achieving a higher level of focus and concentration as compared with simply focusing or concentrating.
I've read all of my contest books except one that is a re-read for me. Yes, I do read that fast and I haven't been spending all my time reading despite the fact that I haven't blogged until just now and it's already well after lunchtime. I've been busy doing other stuff.
HTP and I watched some more of the old videos that he's copied onto DVD. Synchronized swimming. I must say, my daughters were wonderful swimmers. Beautiful too. We also watched some video of one of our first Christmas' after we moved to Oregon. #1 Son was a real cutie. Good memories.
I've finished putting crocheted edging on five out of my nine wash cloths (not clothes). I'm working on the the sixth. My hands are getting into the swing of things again and aren't cramping as much. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm getting a blister from my crochet hook. Oh well...that's what band-aids are for.
Gypsy barked! She was outside and she barked. She hasn't done that before. She's got one odd voice. HTP and I looked at each other and...*blink, blink*, "Was that Gypsy? Gypsy?!". It was hard not to laugh.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Unreliability
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep.
- Woody Allen
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