Poor Puppy Gypsy is Doing Well
Word of the Day
Fremnant - Those little white stringy bits that you have to remove when you peel an orange.
I woke Gypsy up this morning. Hah! Sweet revenge. I had to get up early so I could get ready and take care of Gypsy before leaving for church. The church orchestra played for the first two services this morning and I needed to be there at 7 AM. It was still dark when I left the house. Of course, part of that might be because it's cloudy.
My house is pretty darn clean. Company coming. I stopped to pick up some French bread and some strawberries at the store on the way home from church. I took one look at the strawberries and decided to get a mixture of fresh berries instead. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. The strawberries didn't look too good. Probably why they had them on sale. Yuck! We'll have fresh berries on angel food cake with non-dairy frozen dessert...and maybe a dollop of non-dairy whipped topping. I may even splash a bit of Arancello into the sauce for the berries. Yummy.
I started prepping the food for tonight. I've got the dough for the knots started. I cut up the hard salami and proscuitto/provolone roll for the antipasti platter. I cut up some melon which I'll wrap in proscuitto. I blanched the asparagas for the antipasti platter. I can't make the knots or the pesto rolls until around 4PM. I think I'll hold off on prepping the salad until our friends get here. Everyone always seems to want to help in some way and making salads is something that keeps willing hands occupied. We'll all nibble on antipasti while we're settling in and while the pasta is cooking. Finishing touches.
Right now, I've done all that can be done for right now. Gypsy and I have had a chance to sit down and watch some TV. I've vacuumed. HTP cleaned the bathrooms. I suppose I could set the table. Maybe in another hour.
Murphyism of the Day
The Virus Factor
The one file you don't scan for viruses will be the one with the virus.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical.
- Yogi Berra
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