Poor Puppy Picture - February 21, 2008
Word of the Day
Frafe - Fairly safe from danger, harm, or evil; only slightly more safe than unsafe.
Gypsy Update
I've been on pins and needles all day waiting for a call from the veterinarian hospital. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and called them at around 2 PM. I was sure something horrible had happened. Nope. They'd just been busy. Afterall, it is a hospital with a real emergency room and real emergencies. When I called, I was told that I could come pick Gypsy up at any time. Whoo-hoo!
Gypsy is home! Poor little baby. They shaved her entire hind end and legs. Both of her hind legs are wrapped in diapers that are covering up more bandages which I can't see unless I take the diapers off. She can walk...kind of...if I hold her tail to stablize her. However, her tail is definitely working just fine. She's a real tail-wagger. They sent me home with pain meds and anti-inflamatory meds and after surgery care instructions. Gypsy was happy to see me heat up some of her beef and barley stew. Gobbled it right down with me holding her tail so she could stand upright. She's due for her first medication at around 6 PM tonight. The other stuff at 10 PM. No running, no jumping and no walking except to go outside to do her thing. Right now she can't even stand or walk without me holding her tail for stability. So far she doesn't seem too interested in chewing on any of her bandages so....no cone. She's content right now to be back in her basket under my computer desk and seems really happy to be home.
Murphyism of the Day
Junior's Law
Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Those whom we support hold us up in life.
- Marie Ebner von Eschenbach
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