The Lake
Word of the Day
Fork - An interjection expressing extreme displeasure. A polite version of the f-word.
I spent the other day filtering my Arancello and Tangelocello. The fumes from the filtered alcohol can really go to your head. After standing in the kitchen for an hour during the process, I remembered my experience from last winter when I made Limoncello and Arancello. I ended up with a hangover when I'd never had even a sip of the stuff. Fumes. This time, I learned and decided to leave the room and open the windows. After taking out the larger peels and filtering the alcohol twice, I added the sugar syrup and set everything aside. In another forty days, I get to filter the Arancello and Tangelocello again. I'll do the final bottling at that time. I'll have to see if HTP can design some Tangelocello labels for me. I'm afraid that they'll end up looking the same as the Arancello labels. Actually, the two may end up tasting the same too but I won't know until I get to sample things. Forty days.
Gypsy got her bath yesterday. I decided that Gypsy was just too big to sit in the kitchen sink where I had been giving her baths so I used the bathtub in the guest bathroom. This worked a bit better than the kitchen sink but things were a bit crowded and awkward, plus, that tub isn't the easiest tub to clean. It has glass doors. Cleaning that tub after Gypsy's bath reminded me of the difficulties encountered when I was young and my sister and I had to make the beds, lower and upper bunkbeds. Awkward. I think I'll use my own tub next time. I wish I had a laundry room sink. One of those single deep ones. Come to think of it, I think I may have one at The Lake. Lot of good it does me there.
Dogs don't get baths in a sink at The Lake. Dogs get baths in the lake at The Lake. This may change some now that we've got Gypsy. Especially in the early Spring because there is no way that I'm getting into the lake to give Gypsy a bath until the temperatures warm up to the 80's. Actually, I don't ever remember bathing my dogs more than a couple times a year unless they tangled with a skunk. Of course, most of the dogs we had when I was growing up were short-haired dogs (except Patsy and Chico) and we never let our dogs sit on the furniture. Ever! I let Gypsy sit on the furniture and on my bed. So....Gypsy gets a lot of baths so I don't end up with a stinky bed or stinky furniture. It's a good thing Gypsy doesn't seem to mind bathing all that much. I'm just happy that it's starting to warm up outside. Long-haired dogs take a lot longer to get dried off. I've even resorted to using a blow-dryer a couple of times when it's been too cold outside. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to mind that either. Yesterday was warm enough outside that she could sit outside a bit to finish drying off.
Murphyism of the Day
Horowitz's Rule
A computer makes as many mistakes in two seconds as twenty men working twenty years.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership.
- Ann Landers (1918 - 2002)
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