My Spoiled Dog
Word of the Day
Flippoyance - The annoyance of hair that constantly needs to be flipped or shaken out of one's eyes.
Super Bowl weekend. The Super Bowl is being held here in Arizona. Everyone is all excited. Not me. I live here. The news channels are all 24/7 Super Bowl coverage. I don't care! Maybe, just maybe, I might have shown an inkling of interest if the Vikings or the Packers or even the Cardinals were playing but...I'm not a real, die hard, football fan. Never have been. Don't have to be. So, what does a person who doesn't live and breath football do on Super Bowl weekend? She plans to stay at home as much as possible. Out of the tourist filled stores, off the traffic clogged streets.
I do have to leave the house for a while on Sunday. Church. I'm playing my clarinet at the church tomorrow. I'm thinking that there won't be all that many people there but still, they aren't going to call off church services for the Super Bowl. Should be interesting. Our Bishop, Steve Talmage, is going to be visiting. On Super Bowl Sunday?
On the home front, I cooked up another batch of Gypsy food for Gypsy last night. Turkey Stew. I used up a couple of frozen turkey legs, leftover from Thanksgiving, and some turkey broth, leftover from Thanksgiving. Gypsy loves her homemade stews. Spoiled little dog. I imagine if I had a bigger dog, I wouldn't be making homemade stews for my dog. Since Gypsy only eats about 1/2 cup of the stew a day, eight quarts of stew lasts quite a while. I may not have to make any more stew for Gypsy until I get to The Lake this Spring.
I'll be getting my books for the writers' contest this afternoon. I got a call this morning asking me for directions and letting me know that I should expect to receive my packet along with my books this afternoon. It's a good thing. I succumbed to temptation and read my new book, Sizzle and Burn, by Jayne Ann Krentz. I've never been disappointed by any of Jayne Ann Krentz's books and this one was no exception. But....now I'll have to concentrate on the contest books for a while. This afternoon.
Murphyism of the Day
The Principle Concerning Multifunctional Devices
The fewer functions any device is required to perform, the more perfectly it can perform those functions.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
My personal hobbies are reading, listening to music, and silence.
- Edith Sitwell (1887 - 1964)
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