In the Box! Stay!
Word of the Day
Frienemy - A person who acts as though they are one's friend so as to gain information for use against one.
The weather (temperatures) these days here in Arizona is such that I'm finding myself bundling up in the mornings and changing into shorts and sleeveless shirt and sandals in the afternoon. Windows are open. No furnace, no air-conditioner needed. I love this time of year but I'll really love it when I can pick out one outfit to wear for the entire day. Shorts, sleeveless shirt and sandals. My legs are scary white right now. I don't plan on sitting for hours in the sun but "they" say that I can spend a bit of time in the sun to soak up a bit of Vitamin D.
I started on the next stage with Gypsy's basic training this morning. As HTP and I sat down to breakfast, my training goal for Gypsy this morning was for her to stay in her box while I'm in the kitchen or while HTP and I are eating. She's learning. I only had to make her return to her box three or four times before she got the idea that she was supposed to "stay" in her box. She already knows that she's supposed to stay in the box under my computer while I'm sitting at the desk. I'm going to work on making sure she understands that she needs to "stay" in that box until I tell her different....even if I get up to answer the door or get a drink. I think she's starting to get the "stay" command but she's a bit confused when it comes to the "OK, Come" command. After all the learning to "stay" in her box this morning, she was a bit reluctant when I told her that it was OK and that she could leave her box in the kitchen and follow me to go into her box under my computer. We'll work on it. Me? I'm having to learn consistency in commands and enforcement. I've got to resist the inclination to just pick Gypsy up all the time and put her where I want her.
It's been a long time since I've trained a dog without the aid of an older dog to help me with training. Poqui helped train my Betsy. Betsy helped train my Chica. Chica helped train my Mitzi. Mitzi helped train Mancha. And Mancha helped train Muggsy. Actually, I'm not sure if I've ever trained a new puppy (housebreaking excluded) without the help of an older dog. This is the first time I've brought a new puppy into a dogless house. I've been spoiled. I have no older dog right now to set a good example. I know I can train my Gypsy but I sure to miss to extra help.
Murphyism of the Day
The Third Law of Printing
Immediately after you walk away from the printer, the paper will jam.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes.
- Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964)
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