Poor Puppy Picture - February 21, 2008
Word of the Day
Frankquilized - When, by some fluke or alignment of planets, one has the same amount of hot dogs and hot dog buns. Also, when one's hot dog is the same length as its bun. See also: excess bunnage, excess frankage.
All sound and no fury. Bark bigger than the bite. I'm trying to think of sayings to describe last night's meager rainfall from the rainstorm that finally hit around 10 PM last night. We got a smidge of rain but there was lots of thunder and lightning. Beautiful. I really do love storms. Unfortunately, I also really wanted to see the promised total lunar eclipse. I've been looking forward to it. Another won't happen until 2010. I'll have to wait because there was no seeing anything in the sky last night...except that helicopter. At least we got to see some of Nature's fireworks. I didn't get to see them shoot down that spy satellite either...not that I suppose I'd have seen it anyway but at least I would have liked to try and see if there was anything to see. Cloud cover obscured any view of the night sky. Oh...except for that helicopter. We seem to get a lot of planes and helicopters over our house. Night and day.
I did get to take Gypsy outside before the rain storm. She really hates rain. I'm not too fond of it either when it comes to taking Gypsy outside to do her thing. And that was before her two bright pink casts. Two bright pink excuses not to go out in the rain. Now that Gypsy and I are dealing with two bright pink casts that have to stay clean and dry, I'd just as soon that the rain held off for at least another couple of weeks. Gypsy and I are going back to see the veterinarian on the 28th to have her sutures removed. I expect...maybe...that we'll be free from pretty pink casts after that day. Most of the repair work, pins, etc. are on the inside where Gypsy won't need visual bandages. I'll still have to make sure that she doesn't forget herself and try to run or jump. I'm already finding it difficult to keep her still. Little stinker.
I took a few pictures this morning. I'll try and post them...eventually. Often when it comes to posting pictures there is a human tendancy to leave said pictures inside the camera. Human frailty.
Murphyism of the Day
Breznikar's Law of Computer Technology
Applying computer technology is simply finding the right wrench to pound in the correct screw.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Death is a friend of ours; and he that is not ready to entertain him is not at home.
- Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)
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