Play With Me!
Word of the Day
Flustrate - To fluster and frustrate simultaneously.
I couldn't legally vote in the Arizona primary on Tuesday. I don't live here. If I could have voted, I wouldn't have voted for John McCain. Oh well....doesn't look like I'll have much choice when it comes to making a choice when the primary election finally reaches Wisconsin. I'm not sure if I like this primary election business. It leaves out more than half the nation when it comes down to making a decision as to who should run. I've been disenfranchised.
I've finished two books for the contest and have started on a third. I've set the third down for a bit because I can't spend the entire day reading, as much as I'd like to. Spending a whole day reading may be my idea of a little bit of heaven but I've got other responsibilities. Gypsy doesn't mind sitting at my side while I read but meals don't magically appear on the dinner table no matter what the books I've been reading say. They just don't. The house won't clean itself and I don't have an army of imps weeding my yard. Darn it.
Murphyism of the Day
Morris's Assembly Paradox
If you put it together correctly the first time, there was something you should have done before you put it together.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I will follow the right side even to the fire, but excluding the fire if I can.
- Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592)
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