Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A New Home for Some Bells
And Some More Bells
Word of the Day
Plotbunny - A tempting idea for a story that hares off into strange territory upon pursuit. Known for breeding rapidly and dividing a writer's attention to the point of achieving nothing at all.
'Twas another day spent working on my coin inventory. I was able to track the prices of most of the coins that I've purchases, as well as their present worth...which...of course, can change from day to day. Hah! Change. Get it? OK. 'Nuf with the puns... I've done everything that I can at this point with inventory. I probably should inventory my frogs sometime...but...that's for another day.
I finished unpacking the things that I brought home from my folks' place. Then...braving life and limbs, I crawled up on a rather wobbly ladder and screwed cup hooks into the edge of my patio so I could hang the five Indian bells that my Mom gave me. Pretty scary. I only fell once...well...you can't really call it falling when you rescue yourself. It was more of a huge step down and a stumble. Scared the heck out of me but...I got the job done. I still need to hang up the thermometer/clock but I think I'll have HTP help me with that since the job looks like it'll take two...and we need to use anchor bolts which means punching a couple holes into the stucco pillars. You don't just want to start bunching holes without consulting your spouse. It's a rule.
The last load of Laundry Day laundry has been folded and put away. Only the sweater that I washed is sitting out, waiting to dry. It has some wool in it and you have to be careful how you wash and dry it. Even in the dry climate of Arizona, these things take time.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein on Math and Science - Number Three
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Even on the most exalted throne in the world we are only sitting on our own bottom.
- Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sis is Front and Center - Easter picture taken by T-Square....a long time ago, another place, another time...same planet.
Word of the Day
Plaquack - The one mysterious dentist out of five who doesn't provide advice such as recommending sugarless gum for his patients who chew gum.
It's my favorite sister's birthday today! Happy Birthday Sis! Hope you have a wonderful day!
We're home! I got most of everything unpacked last night...the suitcases and the cooler. I still need to unpack the boxes. I'll start nibbling on those later today. I have to figure out where to put everything.
Blogus interuptis. (I made that up. I don't think there is a Latin word for Blog, blogging, or related activities.) I started blogging this morning but got interrupted.
HTP decided that today was a good day to inventory my coin collection. Inventory. Since this entailed creating a spread sheet, digging the coin collection out of the various closets where it has been stored, and taking pictures of everything, and HTP was willing to help with it all, the time seemed ripe for action...even though I had to endure being lectured about the fact that I didn't keep sales receipts for everything with purchase dates, etc. We're pretty much done. I've got some purchase information for the annual coins that I purchased online which we can plug in to fill in some of the gaps. Unfortunately, some of the coins were purchased from various coin shops over the years and at the time I had no idea about capital gains taxes, etc.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein on Math and Science - Number Two
Technological progress is like an ax in the hands of a pathological criminal.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Is life worth living?
Aye, with the best of us,
Heights of us, depths of us -
Life is the test of us!
- Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ice Fishing at The Lake - Picture taken by Sis
Word of the Day
Pity Pile - An unhappy 2-year-old child who falls into a sobbing heap on the ground in an attempt to play on one's sympathies.
I'm making sugarless chocolate cookies today. Actually, since HTP and I are going to be going to see my folks tomorrow, I made a batch of regular chocolate cookies for them. I'm going to give half the batch of sugarless cookies to the neighbor. Her husband LOVES chocolate but can't have sugar. He's had to deal with a lot, health wise, lately. I hope my humble cookies will cheer him up a bit. I hear that the brownies I sent over the other day were a big hit.
DD Daughter called to tell me that the piano, table, and music, arrived safely at her home in Nebraska. She was told that she could have the piano tuned in a couple of weeks, after it had a chance to sit a while. Since the poor thing hasn't been tuned for over five years, I'm sure it NEEDS tuning.
I'm playing my clarinet tonight with a duet partner at the church. I don't know why I always get so panicky when I have to stand up and play in front of one of the most forgiving audiences in the world. I think I'd be better off if I could sit down and hide behind the music stand but....Bob wants us to stand. Argh! I'm trying not to work myself into a vibrato creating nervous fit. Baking helps.
HTP and I are heading to Vegas tomorrow....as I mentioned previously. I plan to bring my laptop but I won't promise to blog while we're in Vegas. I might. Unfortunately, we'll be subject to dial-up speed (sloth) and more often than not, this inhibits blogging capabilities.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein on Math and Science - Number One
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book. I'll waste no time reading it.
- Moses Hadas (1900 - 1966)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Can you find MC Daughter in this group?
Word of the Day
Pilforkate - To steal food from another person's plate while they are not watching.
Yesterday, MC Daughter graduated from Correctional Officers Training. Go MC Daughter! She'll be heading off for more advanced training at the end of the month...after which we'll have to start calling her Sgt. MC Daughter...or...for brevity's sake, Sarge.
The winds of the other day blew away the hot temperatures, ushering in the some cooler, sweater weather. I no longer have to rush to close the windows. Actually, I ended up having to hunt up one of my sweaters.
The Gator is still puddling on our driveway. Even though HTP took it back in yesterday and they supposedly fixed the problem...it's not fixed. HTP took some pictures and is bringing The Gator back to the shop as I write this.
Added to the list of things that need doing...again...the water softener that sprung a leak which had to be fixed and was fixed, sprung another leak in the same spot. Unfortunately, it's been longer than 30 days since our last repair. 35 days.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Ten
Don't expect that by having named a demon you have destroyed him.
Catchphrase - "Rumpelstiltskin."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Without the aid of prejudice and custom I should not be able to find my way across the room.
- William Hazlitt (1778 - 1830)
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Gator Puddled on the Driveway - Bad Gator!
Word of the Day
Pickilily - Relish. Chopped up pickles.
I'm trying a new allergy medicine this morning. Zyrtec. Knock on wood, it'll work better than the Alavert. My eyes are still twitching but...
HTP noticed a small pool of "whatever" under The Gator. Of course, he didn't notice it until Friday afternoon after the repair shop was closed. So...he called them this morning. They told him to bring The Gator back in so they could check it out. Maybe they didn't tighten down everything well enough when they worked on it.
So, time to call animal control. I wish I'd just filled out the address change information on the back of the card and that would be that, but HTP had visions of collection agencies and cops coming to the door. And so....this is another instance where a whole day can be ruined because you just want to dot all the 'I's and cross all the 'T's because as you get older you don't trust that doing something, anything, the simple way will actually work out.
I just got off the phone with the animal control people. One hour on hold?!!! At the end of about twenty additional minutes of arguing, it turns out that since HTP and I don't actually remain at this house for a full 30 days at a one time, Gypsy doesn't need an Arizona license. Animal control agreed, reluctantly. There will be no licensing requirement or fine. Having said that, when I received the notification of license violation in the mail, there was no mention of a "Hey! If you're here for more than 30 consecutive days, you have to buy a license for your dog...even if you don't live here!" Good Grief!!! Oh well...HTP and I do a lot of traveling and Gypsy goes with us. As a matter of fact, we're going to be going to Vegas later this week. And, at the end of April, we're heading back to The Lake. You know, I don't mind buying an Arizona dog license. I didn't mind buying the Wisconsin license. Heck! I'll even buy both licenses next year if I don't have to sit on hold forever and a day and then have to spend an additional twenty minutes arguing about a law that I didn't know existed, even if we're never here for 30 consecutive days at a time and the law doesn't pertain to us.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Nine
Don't apply the terminology of Subject A to the problems of Subject B if it is to the enrichment of neither.
Catchphrase - "New names for old."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Charge less, but charge. Otherwise, you will not be taken seriously, and you do your fellow artists no favours if you undercut the market.
- Elizabeth Aston
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Warm Day at Our Arizona Home
Word of the Day
Photographiends - Troublesome children who clearly take digital photos of someone, then edge away to the corner of the room and start ridiculing the victim.
I stayed up too late last night and got up too early this morning. The combination of these two, along with allergy medicine, has left me feeling worn out and dragging several beats behind. I stayed up too late last night because there was a movie that I wanted to watch. However, even with the best of intentions, I dozed off before the movie started so I missed part of it. What I did watch, didn't remotely satisfy an nth of my expectations. It would have been better if I'd skipped the whole thing entirely. The book was LOTS better than the movie. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure how they could even claim that this movie was even loosely based on the book.
I got up early this morning because I had an orchestra practice at the church. I also got together with my duet partner to go over the duet music and the rest of the music that we'll be playing on Wednesday. I hope I do a better job when we actually play together on Wednesday night.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Eight
Don't fall in love with your model.
Catchphrase - "Pygmalion."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
- Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Gypsy - Legal Snowbird from The Lake
Word of the Day
Phosflink - To flick a bulb on and off when it burns out (as if, somehow, that will bring it back to life).
It's hot outside and I'm cranky because I didn't close the windows soon enough and now it's hot inside too. Then...why do things come in the mail on Saturdays about stuff (crap, I've got to take care of this stuff) that you can't take care of until Monday! I got a letter in the mail...a fine notification ($104?)...because I didn't buy an Arizona license for my dog. My dog isn't a resident of Arizona. I'm not a resident of Arizona. I don't have to buy an Arizona license for my dog! We're only winter visitors. My dog has a license for Wisconsin where we live most of the year. But, of course this fine from Arizona came in the mail on a Saturday and now I can only stew about it until Monday. Grrrrr!!!!! And all this is because I take Gypsy to a vet here in Arizona and they were legally mandated to send a copy of Gypsy's rabies vaccination to the county. Unfortunately, they didn't send the correct address information. That...I could take care of today. I called the vet and they've changed our information on their computer. However, I'm still stewing. Maybe it's the heat...one more thing that I can't do anything about. Well...I could turn on the air-conditioner but...I won't.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Seven
Don't retain a discredited model.
Catchphrase - "Don't beat a dead horse."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things.
- Woody Allen (1935 - )
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Picture Postcard of Spring at The Lake - Taken by Sis on March 20, 2009
Word of the Day
Phoscirine - The period of time that it takes for one's eyes to adjust to a difference in brightness - either light to dark, or dark to light.
Has Sprung!
First Day of
Evidence of Spring? DD Daughter took Ms. En to see the Easter Bunny. I re-decorated my dining room table, from St. Patrick's Day green to a pastel-colored Easter theme with my Easter snowglobes. And then....my sister e-mailed me on this first day of Spring. It's snowing at The Lake. She attached a photograph that she took today. It looked like a picture postcard of Winter....or a "snowglobe". I caught myself humming Christmas carols.
It's 81 degrees outside here in Arizona and it's only 10:30 AM. Although it got up to 90 degrees yesterday, I didn't have to use the air-conditioner...yet. It'll be warmer today. My windows are closed and the shades have been pulled down on the sunny side of the house.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Six
Don't limit yourself to a single model. More than one may be useful for understanding different aspects of the same phenomenon.
Catchphrase - " Legalize polygamy."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.
- Kurt Vonnegut (1922 - 2007)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Even the Pomegranate Tree is Going to Bloom.
Word of the Day
Phonesia - 1.The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer. 2. Getting to the end of a list of options on a recorded helpline number, only to forget which option one wanted; forcing them to listen to them again, and in some cases having to redial the number.
It's supposed to get up into the 90's here in Arizona today. I closed my windows. The indoor temperature is 71 degrees right now. I'm hoping that closing the windows will make it possible not to use our air-conditioner. I will use it if it gets to warm indoors but our house is well insulated so I don't think it'll become necessary until the temperatures reach into triple digits.
With the warmer temperatures, like the swallows returning to Capistrano, my allergies also have returned. I've had to resort to using allergy medications. I either have to use them or live with constant sneezing and a fountain where my nose used to be located...not a pretty sight. However, the medicines tend to leave me in a constant state of exhaustion. I know that I could take the non-drowsy allergy medicines but...they don't seem to work all that well. Long before I can take the next dose, my nose starts racing and HTP starts complaining that the noise I make while sneezing is scaring the neighbors.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Five
Don't distort reality to fit the model.
Catchphrase - "The 'Procrustes Method.'"
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Action is at bottom a swinging and flailing of the arms to regain one's balance and keep afloat.
- Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hummingbird on Guard Duty
Word of the Day
Philantropic - Describing anyone who dispenses aid from funds set aside for humanitarian purposes only to those in countries located on or near the equator.
My folks arrived safe and sound at their Nevada home yesterday. My Mom no sooner than hit town, went shopping and bought three corned beef briskets. She told me that she and Dad were going to have PB&J sandwiches for lunch and then they were going to go out again to buy some cabbage, carrots, and potatoes.
My Ethiopian Cabbage dish was wonderful. I'm putting it in the keeper file. It tasted wonderful with the corned beef last night. I had more of it this morning with breakfast. It was kind of like fancied up hash browns or one of those skillet breakfasts that they serve at Village Inn....only better. Yummm!!!! And all for me...because HTP has never been a fan of this sort of thing.
I'm a bit sore today due to all of my re-decorating activities. On top of that, I was doing a lot of bending and stooping, working on getting rid of the furnidents that were left in the carpet. Ice cubes. I couldn't totally remove the furnidents but I...ummm...put a dent in them.
I'm sure they'll eventually disappear.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Four
Don't believe that the model is the reality.
Catchphrase - "Don't eat the menu."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Nothing in life is promised except death.
- Kanye West
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Where the drop leaf table and the liquor cabinet are no longer located.
Where the piano used to be and where the liquor cabinet is now located.
Word of the Day
Petrophobia - The fear that one will have to pay for the single cent over-pumped at the self-service station.
St. Patrick's Day
To honor the day, I'm wearing green. Tonight we'll have corned beef and cabbage. Yumm!
I'm amazed that so much has been accomplished since 8 AM when the piano mover came. I was a bit fearful when I saw that he planned to move the piano all by himself. He looked like a big strong guy but... Wow! He did it all by himself. Slick! This guy knows what he's doing. He muscled the piano out the door and into his specially built trailer in hardly any time at all. He also took the drop leaf table and a box of piano music. No extra charge. Wow! DD Daughter will have her piano early next week.
After the piano mover left, I started in on re-decorating. Vacuuming came first...and after. I decided to move my liquor cabinet over to where the piano used to be. In order to that, I had to empty the liquor cabinet. No, I didn't drink any. Actually, it was a good way to see and organize what liquors we've been keeping in that cabinet. We still have an unopened bottle of Johnny Walker Black. Who knew? It was tucked so far back in the cabinet that it was well camouflaged against the dark interior....and how many bottles of creme de menthe does one need? The liquor cabinet wasn't all that difficult to move once all the liquor had been removed. The hardest part was removing all that stuff and then putting it all back in.
All my redecorating was completed by 10 AM and HTP isn't even home from his eye doctor appointment yet. It took a while to re-distribute my bric-a-brac. After all, I lost two bric-a-brac holders. However, on the plus side, I acquired more floor space...more room.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Three
Don't apply any model until you understand the simplifying assumptions on which it is based, and can test their applicability.
Catchphrase - "Use only as directed."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Don't break your shin on a stool that is not in your way.
- Irish Proverb
Monday, March 16, 2009
There's Nothing Like a Glass of Shiraz After a Long Day. Do you like my haircut?
Word of the Day
Petrool - The slow, seemingly endless strand of motor oil at the end of the can.
Have you ever had one of those days when everything unexpectedly crowds its way into your life, demanding to be taken care of right now? Never mind that there were perfectly empty days in which some of these things could have decided to show up and demand attention. Although we haven't solidified our plans to return to The Lake this summer, HTP and I have been thinking about it. The Gator is getting older but with a little attention, we feel that it should last a while longer. It's a truck and with care, it'll keep on trucking. One of the things that we've been discussing was whether or not our poor old truck would be able to survive another long trip. Could it take the added weight and stress of a trailer. We decided that it was capable but...I get ahead of myself.
Regardless, The Gator needed to be serviced. HTP called the guys that service our Gator and it turned out that we could fit the Gator in for a service on its transmission and whatever else they thought needed doing and service people always find something that needs doing, costly doing, but at least we trust these guys. So, we drove over to the service place (about 45 minutes from where we live...hey...you find someone honest and capable of fixing your car, you stick with them). HTP drove the Gator and I followed in the Chevy. We both drove home in the Chevy. Then...
I haven't had my hair cut since before Christmas. I've been whacking at my bangs on my own. So, I called over to the beauty parlor to see if the gal who normally cuts my hair was available anytime this week. She happened to have an opening at 1 PM...today. I scheduled it. Meanwhile...
The reason HTP and I were thinking about whether or not our Gator would be able to tow a trailer (given the age of the Gator and miles it has on it), was because DD Daughter wants a piano for Ms. En. Coincidentally, HTP and I have a piano, a nice upright grand piano, that is taking up lots of room in our living room, collecting dust, and no-one has played it for over five years...I'm not counting the tiny amount of playing that HTP did this morning when he was checking to make sure the thing still was fairly in tune. We'd decided that DD Daughter could have our piano if she would pay to move it. Originally, she planned to drive here from where they live in Nebraska with Ms. En, then rent a U-Haul and we'd have to hire someone to load the piano into the U-Haul and then she'd drive back to Nebraska, hire someone to unload the piano and then return the U-Haul. Well...HTP and I decided that maybe we could rent the U-Haul, hire someone to load the piano into the U-Haul and then we'd bring the piano to Nebraska on our way to The Lake. All DD Daughter and GI Joe would have to do would be pay for the U-Haul and the loading and unloading.
Then...HTP called a guy who specializes in piano moving, tuning, etc...to find out how much he'd charge to load our piano into a U-Haul. It wasn't all that much but it turned out that this guy is leaving tomorrow morning for...drum roll please...Kansas and then on to the same town (or nearly) where DD Daughter lives. He has three pianos that he'll be delivering to Kansas and then he's picking up another piano there and bringing it to Nebraska. He agreed to move the piano for almost half the going rate....and he agreed to move an antique gate leg table as well...not additional cost. Wow! We couldn't hire a U-Haul and pay for the muscle for the amount he quoted, not to mention wear and tear on The Gator or our nerves.
So, after my hair appointment, I had to unload the piano bench and clean and clear out an area so this guy won't bump into things when he comes tomorrow morning to pick up the piano and the gate leg table. Our house here in Arizona is rather crowded because we moved to this house from a larger house and we've got too much stuff. And now, I'm wondering if he'll also agree to bring a box of piano books for DD Daughter too. I'll know by tomorrow. We'll see. The piano guy is coming to pack up the piano REALLY early tomorrow morning. We'll be up because HTP has an eye appointment REALLY early tomorrow morning too. As a matter of fact, HTP won't be here when the piano guy gets here. I'll have to handle it on my own.
Then...HTP decides that we should have new tires for The Gator and he found a coupon online so, when the service people sent the shuttle to pick HTP up to collect The Gator (it's all done), he plans to take The Gator over to the tire place to get new tires before coming home.
Long story short? After a very long and full day...we're going to be driving to The Lake this summer (don't know exactly when) in The Gator but we won't be towing a U-Haul trailer. Whatever we bring to The Lake this summer will have to fit into The Gator. If you're all worn out just reading my blog today, imagine how I feel.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number Two
Don't extrapolate beyond the region of fit.
Catchphrase "Don't go off the deep end."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I believe love is primarily a choice and only sometimes a feeling. If you want to feel love, choose to love and be patient.
- Real Live Preacher
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My Dwarf Bottle Brush Bush - March 15, 2009
Word of the Day
Petrifood - Those rock-hard pieces of food you find behind the couch months after your kids threw them there.
My folks are on their way to their Nevada home. Sis e-mailed me that they left The Lake yesterday morning and arrived safe and sound where they planned to spend the night outside Kansas City. Four days on the road. If all goes well, they should arrive at their home in Nevada on Tuesday. HTP and I plan to visit them the following week after...giving them time to settle in a bit and catch their breath.
I've got bees! They aren't the killer variety...at least...I don't think so. They don't seem to be aggressive. They've been busy collecting pollen from my citrus trees and the dwarf bottle brush bushes in our front yard. Even when a particularly drunk bee that was stumbling around on my deck was nosed by a curious Gypsy, nothing drastic happened. I didn't see bees flying out of from anywhere on a seek and destroy mission.
The weather has been mild. I'll be curious to know if the weather this year (2009) will encourage my citrus to produce more fruit than last year's weather (2008). I seem to remember that we got some cold and breezy weather about the time the blossoms were opening last year...and I don't remember there being so many bees.
Murphyism of the Day
Golomb's Don'ts of Mathematical Modeling - Number One
Don't believe the thirty-third-order consequences of a first-order model.
Catchphrase - "Cum grano salis."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best.
- Margaret Thatcher (1925 - )
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Spring at The Lake - 2008 (This is my new desktop photo...I got tired of snow at the lake.)
Word of the Day
Petree - To water a tree with deadly liquids. Not to be mistaken with petre, used in a dish as fertilizer to grow things in a laboratory.
HTP has his new glasses. He thinks that the eye doctor made a mistake on the prescription. He's going to have to get it checked out. I think the problem may be that HTP isn't used to bifocals...much less no line bifocals. Heck, for that matter, he's not used to wearing ANY glasses unless he's driving or working on his computer. Since I've worn glasses for most of my life, transitioning into no-line bifocals wasn't all that difficult.
We picked up the propane for our gas grill yesterday...as planned. I finished making the BBQ pork chops that I'd starting making before we ran out of propane. It worked out just fine.
I bought my corned beef, cabbage, and red potatoes yesterday. I'm good to go for St. Patrick's Day. I didn't pick up any beer because we already are well stocked. I'm looking forward to my annual corned beef and cabbage dinner.
Murphyism of the Day
Von Neumann's Observation
In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Television has raised writing to a new low.
- Samuel Goldwyn (1882 - 1974)
Friday, March 13, 2009
More Snow at The Lake but Sis tells me that it's supposed to warm up to 60 degrees next week.
Word of the Day
Petonic - One who is embarrassed to undress in front of a household pet.
There was no getting away from the mess that has accumulated in my desk drawers. I've tried to hide but...facts are facts. It had gotten so bad that I couldn't find a scrap of paper to write on or even a pencil to use to write on the illusive scrap of paper should I have found it. Scissors? Stapler? The only reason I could find the hole punch and the tape is that I don't keep those in my desk drawers. After an hour of tossing and reorganizing, I found stuff that I didn't even know that I owned. I found the stapler, LOTS of pads of paper for taking quick notes, LOTS of pencils and pens and highlighters, a ruler, chalk?, a calculator, push pins, erasers, LOTS of post it tabs, stickers, and magnets for to stick on photos and business cards. I knew all this was in the drawers but it was hard to find under all the crap that I had to throw away or file away. Oh well...it's done. I can now find a pencil and piece of paper should I need to write a quick note to myself or copy down a phone number.
Since I was in a cleaning mood (despite my stubbed toe experience and logic from yesterday's blog), I decided to tackle the top of my stove. I do this periodically but...not often enough. It's not my favorite chore. Cleaning isn't my favorite thing to do. I try to avoid it whenever possible but, facts are facts, and cleaning is a fact. It's something that has to be done. I love to cook, therefore, cooking surfaces get messed up and greasy. I clean my work surfaces daily but sometimes you have to do more than surface cleaning. Detail work. Wouldn't it be nice if you could take your stove and oven over to one of those car wash places where they detail cars? It would almost be worth the cost to have someone come in on a monthly basis to detail my appliances. Oh well...
While the burner plates, etc. were soaking in the sink with a powerful degreaser, I spent some time looking for the cookbook that contains my favorite cebiche recipe. I don't plan to make cebiche right now but I wanted to make cebiche when I was at The Lake last summer and, of course, I didn't have that cookbook with me. Cookbooks are invariably not where you need them when you need them. I don't keep a complete duplicate set of cookbooks at The Lake. What I have done is copy my favorite recipes from my favorite cookbooks onto my computer. Unfortunately, recipes don't get typed into the computers unless I think of it at any given time. I don't know why I thought about cebiche this morning. Maybe it's because my sister sent me the recipe for Spanish Rice because I either asked for it last summer or...whatever. I didn't have it. Or? Maybe it's because HTP was talking about plans to return to The Lake for the summer. Fluid plans. I think it was the later. Regardless, I know that I can't take every cookbook I own back and forth between Arizona and The Lake. I either need duplicates or I need to get these recipes copied onto the laptop. Today it was the cebiche recipe. Then...
Sadly, my favorite recipe books take quite a beating. Like some child's well-loved and well-worn stuffed animal, my favorite cookbooks are showing the ravages of love and use. The cookbook that contained my cebiche recipe is a case in point...on point? Anyway, the spine is shot, the pages are hopelessly stained with goop, and pages are falling out. My librarian Mom would have a fit but my favorite cooking books get used...a lot. As I typed the recipe for cebiche out of that poor cookbook, I was wondering if I could find this particular cookbook online somewhere. Sis had been finding "antique" cookbooks online. So, I searched and found that my poor cookbook had been published in 1973. Does that qualify as "antique"? I bought it before I got married but...I found one online. Bought it. I'll take the worn and torn cookbook up to The Lake...or maybe I'll keep it here and take the new one up there. I've got enough of my Mom's genes in me that there's no way that I would throw out the old and worn cookbook. Then...I found some other cookbooks from the same series...and I couldn't resist. *sigh* I love cookbooks. I know I can find a replacement for my original Betty Crocker cookbook but...I don't really NEED it. I've copied most of the recipes that I love onto the computer and I found a Betty Crocker cookbook at an antique store for up at The Lake. Some cookbooks you just have to have. There's no amount of hunting online that will help find your favorite and "antique" recipes. New favorites? Certainly. Old ones? Not so much.
So far today? Aside from my daily rutted routine? My stove and oven have been detailed. My desk drawers..well...a couple of them...have been cleaned. I ordered four cookbooks and two sudoku puzzle books online. And, I'm trying not to think about the fact that my refrigerator needs to be cleaned and detailed. I'm going to pull a Scarlet O'Hara on that one...adding it to all the other items on that list which I'm keeping stubbornly shoved to the back of my mind. I've reached my cleaning quota for one day.
HTP and I will have to go out to get the propane tank for our grill filled because the propane ran dry before I could cook up the pork chops last night. And...we've got to go pick up HTP's new glasses. Maybe I'll get my corned beef, cabbage, and new potatoes at the grocery store while we're out.
Murphyism of the Day
Finman's Law of Mathematics
Nobody wants to read anyone else's formulas.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There will always be a part, and always a very large part of every community, that have no care but for themselves, and whose care for themselves reaches little further than impatience of immediate pain, and eagerness for the nearest good.
- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
All Ready for St. Patrick's Day...but I still need to buy the corned beef and the cabbage and the red potatoes.
Word of the Day
Pervend - To arrive (at); especially in reference to peddling.
Have you ever noticed a huge bruise on your leg or elsewhere on your body and you can't remember how you injured yourself so badly and you can't recall the event? This tends to happen to me a lot. However, I do remember the injury that happened to my toe. I remember stubbing it a couple of days ago. Yes, it hurt, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I moved the vacuum cleaner, further back into the closet, so I wouldn't repeat the stubbing. Only, I was shocked to see the damage. My toe is all black and blue and red....still. It's better today than yesterday but yesterday when I glanced down and happened to see it, I figured that it was time to take a bath. My Mom used to complain that her children were members of the black foot tribe because we spent so much time running around outdoors without shoes during the summer. I figured that my foot had probably gotten over the top dirty since I've been spending a lot of time outdoors wearing sandals. Of course, it also looked like I might have spilled a bit of catsup or spaghetti sauce...or maybe a drop of wine on that one toe as well but...it happens. I cook quite a bit and sometimes things spill and you don't notice right off. Only...the dirt and catsup didn't wash off, and it hurt when I tried to scrub off what wasn't dirt and catsup. So...it doesn't hurt all that bad, as long as I don't mess with it, but I look like I'm running around with dirty feet and maybe I spilled a drop or two of wine on my toe. Kind of black, blue, purple and reddish right now. I suppose it would hurt a lot more if I had to wear socks and shove that foot into a shoe but, then again, if I'd been wearing shoes in the first place, my toe would look like this...oh...and if I'd stored the vacuum cleaner away a bit better after I vacuumed the other day. Actually, following that train of thought, if I'd avoided doing the vacuuming in the first place, the vacuum cleaner wouldn't have been in the perfect position to run into my toe while I was putting away the laundry on Tuesday. Cleaning is hazardous to your health...or maybe...if I'd skipped doing laundry on Tuesday....? Regardless, I just want to let everyone know that my feet are REALLY clean and I didn't spill anything on them.
Murphyism of the Day
Einstein's Observation
Inasmuch as the mathematical theorems are related to reality, they are not sure; inasmuch as they are sure, they are not related.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.
- Don Marquis (1878 - 1937)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Word of the Day
Perugolation - 1. The compulsion to create words where normal words fail the inventor. 2. The act of making up words. A perugolator is one who partakes in perugolation.
HTP and I threw our diet out the window again last night...but we enjoyed ourselves so maybe the calories don't count. We succumbed to the temptation of Senior Night at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Valle Luna. We got there during Happy Hour and enjoyed a couple of house margaritas (salted glass, on the rocks), munched on chips and salsa, and ordered enough delicious food (buy one entree get one free) that we ended up taking most of it home in a left-over box. There's enough food in that left-over box for supper tonight and lunch tomorrow. So...really, I only filled up on margaritas and free chips and salsa and a bite or two of the dinner that I ordered. Since I brought home a doggy bag (left-over box), we didn't REALLY toss the diet out the window because I'm told that the calories from chips and salsa don't count and calories from adult beverages consumed during Happy Hour don't count either. Then...if you subtract the unconsumed calories that ended up in the doggy bag...you end up with a negative number. AND? Best of all? Everyone knows that there are no calories in left-over food one puts in a doggy bag (left-over box). I think it must be a chemical thing that has to do with the Styrofoam of the left-over box. I think this may be the main reason my Mom saves all her Styrofoam containers. I've heard that aluminum foil containers display the same odd calorie-nullifying characteristic.
Murphyism of the Day
Skinner's Constant (Flannigan's Finagling Factor)
That quantity which, when multiplied by, divided by, added to , or subtracted from the answer you get, gives you the answer that you should have gotten.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I've done the calculation and your chances of winning the lottery are identical whether you play or not.
- Fran Lebowitz (1950 - )
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Word of the Day
Persnickety - Describing something that is peculiar and finicky at the same time.
My hands are drier than dry. It doesn't seem to matter how much lotion I slather on them, they're still remain stubbornly dry with a sandpaper-like texture. They were just fine before I decided to plant some petunias outside and plunge my pots of amaryllis. The soil here sucks the moisture out of hands with greedy abandon...even if you wear gardening gloves...and I did. Oh well...I not only got the petunias planted, I re-potted three of my amaryllis into clay pots and then dug holes in shady spots of my yards and plunged those three amaryllis and the three amaryllis that my Mom gave me (already potted in clay pots)into those holes. Those six houseplants are now temporary outdoor plants and will be watered by my drip irrigation system until I bring them back inside next fall. Six plants that I don't have to remember to water for a while. However, I added five more new houseplants to my inventory. I had some Zulu rubber tree cuttings as well as a prayer plant cutting that all have been busy growing roots. It was time to get them potted. I'm going to try and bring some of the rubber tree plants back to The Lake this summer for my Mom and for Sis and for Willie. I'd give one to DD Daughter but her cats would probably eat it....or severely maim it. Maybe I'll bring one to #1 Son.
I've got a batch of sugarless chocolate brownies baking in the oven right now. I just learned that my neighbor's husband is finally coming home tomorrow. He's been in the hospital and a transitional care facility since...a long time. I'm sure he's excited to finally come home. I was going to bake the brownies and send them over to the care facility for him but now I'll decorate them with "Welcome Home" picked out with sugarless chocolate chips. I can't find any sugarless M&M's. Anyone know if there actually is something out there like this? I've hunted on the Internet but came up empty. I wish someone would invent this sort of thing. Oh well...sugarless chocolate chips will have to do.
Murphyism of the Day
Hartz's Uncertainty Principle
Ambiguity is invariant.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.
- E. F. Schumacher
Monday, March 09, 2009
My Citrus Trees are Blooming
Word of the Day
Perpetraitor - One who chronically betrays the cause, often feeling responsible for the cause and/or the betrayal.
I'm beginning to notice the smell (perfume) of citrus blossoms in the air. My trees are just starting to bloom. It looks like we're going to get a good crop of blossoms this year. This doesn't necessarily translate into a good crop of citrus. I did get more tangelos this year than ever before...as well as grapefruit, lemons, and limes...but I've learned that you should never count your chickens before they're hatched. Murphy's Law prevails 90% of the time. Eggs don't always hatch, the sun won't always burn off those grey clouds, and citrus blossoms don't always become fruit....oh...and if wishes were horses, poor men would ride.
Murphyism of the Day
Snafu Equation Number Four
Badness comes in waves.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
- Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004)
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Yes, I know she's on my bed. She's spoiled rotten but she's clean.
Word of the Day
Permafix - To permanently fix computer issues of an incompetent user by ripping the power cord from the outlet and taking it, thus preventing future use of the computer.
Gypsy got to go to the beauty parlor (the groomer at PetSmart) today. She's back home and has a pretty white bow with green bones on it. Cute. I stopped them, just in time, from putting those weird little bows in her ears. I could see that Gypsy was thrilled that I interceded on her behalf. I'll have to see if the collar bow survives long enough for me to take a picture of her...maybe tomorrow.
I hear that today was the great switch to Daylight Savings Time....elsewhere. We don't fool around with our clocks and time here in Arizona.
Murphyism of the Day
Snafu Equation Number Three
Once you have exhausted all possibilities and fail, there will be one solution, simple and obvious, highly visible to everyone else.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Newspapermen learn to call a murderer 'an alleged murderer' and the King of England 'the alleged King of England' to avoid libel suits.
- Stephen Leacock (1869 - 1944)
Saturday, March 07, 2009
The Scorpion Still Lives!
Word of the Day
Percoburp - 1. The gurgling sound a coffee percolator makes. 2. The final gasp a coffee percolator makes to alert one that it is ready.
I've got LOTS of eggs! I bought three dozen eggs at the store yesterday since I was down to my last dozen in the fridge. Then, this morning after breakfast, my neighbor called to ask me if I wanted some eggs. They were getting old and if I didn't want them she'd end up throwing them out. So...waste not want not...I took them. HTP and I go through a lot of eggs. I'll have to use these first. Their "sell by" date was February 10th. I'll have to check each egg before using it but they should be fine. I plan to bake some more sugarless brownies next week for my neighbor's husband...and maybe I'll make some cookies. Heck! I can even make some hard-boiled eggs for egg salad sandwiches. Regardless, those eggs will be gone before the end of the week.
I've been missing the speaker sound that I had with my desktop computer now that I've switched over to the laptop. I noted that the quality of sound coming from my laptop was not the best when it came to playing CD's. Since the desktop speakers were still taking up space on the top of my desk (and under), and after discovering that it wasn't all that difficult to use these same speakers (with woofer)that I had been using on my desktop computer (all it took was fishing one of the many spaghetti wires out from under my desk and plugging it into the same audio that I use when I want to use my headphones), I currently have quality sound while my laptop is tethered to my desk. Now...all I've got to do is remember to unplug it when I want to take my laptop to the kitchen...or outside...or into the living room. The other day I forgot to untether from the headphones before moving my laptop...not a total disaster but I don't think these speakers will be so forgiving.
Murphyism of the Day
Snafu Equation Number Two
An object or bit of information most needed will be the least available.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Never give a child a sword.
- Latin Proverb
Friday, March 06, 2009
Word of the Day
Perbe - Possibly; perchance; perhaps; maybe.
My duet partner and I didn't sound too bad yesterday but I decided that I'd better get off the stick and practice more. I went through the duet music a few times today and then dragged out my music books that have CD accompaniment. I don't think I sounded too bad but HTP made me close the windows so my playing wouldn't bother anyone. That's the problem with living in the big city where your neighbors are within spitting distance. They're also within listening distance. However, I think HTP could have been a bit more tactful about the window closing thing. I don't sound THAT bad.
Murphyism of the Day
Snafu Equation Number One
Given any problem containing "n" equations, there will always be "n + 1" unknowns.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To do just the opposite is also a form of imitation.
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Where are you planning on sticking that needle?!
Word of the Day
Pepsocrust - The hardened and flaky material that encrusts the cap of a tube of toothpaste. This material, although unpleasant, can be used as a last resort when the toothpaste finally runs out.
Yesterday was another long day spent at the eye doctor. Poor HTP has been diagnosed and has started treatment for a partially blocked ocular vein. Once again, it really doesn't matter what time you make your appointment, you might as well figure that you'll be camping out for a while. I ended up finishing the last Sudoku in my 200 puzzle harder than hard Sudoku puzzle book. I've got another book (started) here at home but I'd better start looking for another couple more puzzle books. HTP and I weren't the only ones who were camping out at the doctor's office yesterday...or on Monday. There was a LOT of grumbling going on. We didn't get home until 6 PM. HTP's appointment was supposed to be at 2 PM. Actually, I was sitting in shock and awe as I watched the one single doctor race from room to room...shocked at the juggling. I have no idea how he kept track of everyone and what had to be done to who.
Today? My duet partner is coming over for a practice today after lunch. We were supposed to practice yesterday but I was able to reschedule. I really should practice the music before he gets here. I'm sure he's been practicing on a daily basis. I went through the music on Sunday but haven't dusted off my clarinet since then.
Murphyism of the Day
Tylcsak's Probability Postulate
Random events tend to occur in groups.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That's the thing. You can't just visualize and go eat a sandwich.
- Jim Carrey
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Word of the Day
Peppupop - Contemporary music with a lively beat that is particularly energizing and uplifting to listen to; may also have overly happy or fluffy lyrics.
One nice thing about my laptop is that I can use head phones so whatever I'm listening to won't borrow everyone else in the room...read HTP. I often like to listen to talk radio (online streaming) but...HTP HATES talk radio. He finds Rush Limbaugh irritating and totally unamusing. I don't agree with everything that Rushbo has to say but I do find him entertaining. I choose to listen so, head phones are a perfect solution.
I've been a bit disturbed that certain elected officials have started an organized attack/campaign against Rush Limbaugh and other talk show hosts....against certain people in the entertainment industry. Apparently, our government only wants to allow certain people to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I don't care if you agree or disagree with the opinions of certain talk show hosts. Our government shouldn't be using, abusing, their power like this. There is a knob on everyone's radio and TV. If you don't want to listen, use the knob to tune out. If you want to listen, use the knob to tune in. There's even a knob on that radio which allows you to dial into a huge variety of channels and stations. What a concept! It's all part of this Freedom thing. Freedom of Speech. Apparently, some people in power right now want to amend this particular Freedom to read Freedom of Speech As Long as the People in Power Agree With the What's Being Spoken.
Murphyism of the Day
Scott's Second Law
When an error has been detected an corrected, it will be found to have been correct in the first place.
After the correction has been found in error, it will be impossible to fit the original quantity back into the equation.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Sometimes it's hard to avoid the happiness of others.
- David Assael
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
It's Wash Day
Word of the Day
Peppier - The waiter at a fancy restaurant whose sole purpose seems to be walking around asking diners if they want ground pepper.
I wasn't planning on leaving the house yesterday but...HTP had an appointment to have his eyes checked. In keeping with my off day, the simple eye appointment took several hours, most of those hours were spent in the waiting room...waiting. Once HTP and I were called back to the examining room, the appointment took only another hour. As we were waiting, I noted that several people gave up on their appointments, re-scheduling for a future time. The doctor was running late. Two hours late. Oh well...HTP finally got his script for new glasses.
We finally got out of the doctor's office at 5 PM. So...we decided to pick up a pizza for supper on our way home. Pizza Hut has been advertising a Pizza Mia on topping large pizza for $5.99, so we thought we'd give it a try. HTP and I were shocked to discover how invisible Pizza Hut has become. Finding a Pizza Hut has become almost impossible. HTP finally remembered that there used to be a Pizza Hut next to a Cold Stone Creamery close to where we used to live, but even knowing this, it was hard to find. Such a small sign! However, we were able to order the pizza to be made at another Pizza Hut, closer to our current home. We KNEW there was a Pizza Hut near the Bashas grocery store, about a mile from our house. We KNEW it! The gal who took our order confirmed our belief. We must have driven by that Pizza Hut three times yesterday before we finally saw the sign. HTP and I asked them how long they'd been in that location and we were told that they'd been there for two years. Wow! I pointed out that it was REALLY hard to find them. I suppose most of their business is done over the internet. Very few people actually pick up pizzas these days. Most people have their pizzas delivered. Now I know why. No-one can find the actual store front Pizza Huts. As for the pizza? I think I prefer Little Caesar's pizzas. The crust of the Pizza Mia was kind of sweet and there was a good inch and a half of sauceless crust. Oh well...at least it was cheap, and hot, and closer to our home than Little Caesar. Now that we know where to find it, we may go back. A 17" pizza for $5.99 isn't too bad. And...best of all...I didn't have to cook.
Today, I plan to stay home...even though I didn't forget to set my coffee-maker. I'm doing laundry.
Murphyism of the Day
Addendum to Murphy's Law
In precise mathematical terms, 1 + 1 = 2, where "=" is a symbol meaning "seldom if ever."
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you're trying to take a roomful of people by surprise, it's a lot easier to hit your targets if you don't yell going through the door.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
Monday, March 02, 2009
Word of the Day
Peoplation - All the people inhabiting a certain area.
I'm sipping on a cup of nuked, leftover coffee this morning. I forgot to set up the coffee-maker yesterday. It's this sort of thing that can screw up an entire day. I've always felt that it's kind of like measuring when you're building a home or planting a garden. A fraction of an inch off on one measurement and by the end you're off a foot. It only took a couple of minutes to nuke that first cup of coffee this morning but then I had to take another few minutes to set up the coffee-maker for my next cup of coffee and now I'm off more than five minutes. It's not really about five minutes, it's about waiting for the next shoe to drop. From past experience, I know that whenever my morning starts off like this, something else to screw things up will be sure to follow and looking nervously over my shoulder, watching for that thing, doesn't seem to help. I'll probably burn the toast or over-cook the eggs this morning. *sigh* It's probably not a good idea to leave the house today.
Murphyism of the Day
Bogovich's Corollary to Mr. Cooper's Law
If the piece makes no sense without the word, it will make no sense with the word.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Rogues are preferable to imbeciles because they sometimes take a rest.
Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870)
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Gypsy - February 2009
Word of the Day
Pelp - The crumbs and food particles that accumulate in the cracks of dining tables.
I played my clarinet at church this morning. It's a good thing that I had played most of the music previously. I've never been too fond of sight-reading. I only had to sight-read three of the pieces this morning. One of the pieces had six sharps. *sigh* E# = F .
Gypsy greeted me at the door when I got home. I'd left her in her kennel but HTP must have felt sorry for her and let her out. Gypsy is a hard dog to resist. I spoil her rotten but HTP is made of sterner stuff...but sometimes, when no-one is looking...
After getting up so early this morning, I've decided to spend of the rest of the day napping...and reading...with Gypsy. Gypsy will be doing most of the napping while I do the reading.
Murphyism of the Day
Mr. Cooper's Law
If you do not understand a particular word in a piece of technical writing, ignore it. The piece will make perfect sense without it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The future is much like the present, only longer.
- Dan Quisenberry