Thursday, October 02, 2014

The Gate

One Last Bouquet Before Leaving

Word of the Day

Yaaow - Yo; hey; used to call attention to a subject or situation.

Kylee and I have taken two hikes to the main road and back...despite the damp. Our first hike was done in a rather magical fog. Our second, wasn't mizzling but...almost. It's wet out and the driveway is muddy but we'll be leaving The Lake tomorrow morning and our next chance to hike here won't be until next spring.

I've checked off everything on my To Do List and my Packing List that I can for today. The rest of the items on both lists will have to wait until tomorrow morning. I've printed out my lists and the list I made for #1 Son and #1 DIL. I called the credit card company to let them know that I'll be traveling. Hopefully, there will NOT be a problem with my credit card this time.

I still need to pack a box of perishables to bring to BW Babe's place tonight and load up the last bag of garbage to discard in her barrel. I won't be eating here tomorrow morning. Instead, I plan to stop for gas in the city....and I'll pick up coffee and a roll while I'm there.

My plans are to feed Kylee and load her and her kennel into the car. Then, I'll pack up the coolers and load them into the car along with my suitcase and laptop. Oh...and then, if it fits, the wine corker. #1 Son called late last night to check up on me...and yes, he's going to pack up some of his home-brew for me and his sisters.

I built a nice fire in the fireplace but it's faded and I won't be adding another log to the fire since I'll be heading off to BW Babe's for dinner. Even though I had the fireplace's time to shut it down for the season. I'll have to remember to close the damper tomorrow morning when the embers have cooled.

I may or may not have an opportunity to write in my blog in the coming days but, we'll see.

Random Quote of the Day

Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Little Jon's 2nd Birthday

Word of the Day

Walkative - Inclined toward or willing to walk.

Kylee and I had to forego our daily walk today because it's been raining and wet....however, I still made over 10,000 steps. I checked off most of the remaining items on my To Do List and loaded most of the things on my Packing List into the car. Of course, I couldn't do that until I put Kylee and her kennel into the car. I needed to have the kennel in the car to make sure that it had enough space, but, Kylee gets all weirded out when I pack her kennel and she won't settle down until I pack her too. She settled right in and calmed right down after that. The car is now all loaded with space left for the two coolers, Kylee and her kennel, my suitcase, one small cooler for the front seat and my laptop. If...a BIG if, there is enough room remaining on Friday morning, I may put in the wine corker that #1 Son wants to use this winter. I'll be stopping at his place before continuing on to my hotel near DD Daughter's place. I WILL have a lot of room and will HAVE to adjust my packing once I drop off a load of things for #1 Son...maybe...because he mentioned that he's planning on sending some beer back with me, gifts for DD Daughter and Sarge...and me.

I actually managed to make myself a bit ill today with all the things I accomplished. I do still have tomorrow to finish up with everything else on the lists but the closer I get to hitting the road, the more anxious I am about getting things done.

Before loading the car, I put in a 45 minute aerobic exercise. My workout clothes went into the laundry with my sheets and were then packed along with my workout DVD.

I did an additional load of laundry, as I mentioned. The sheets on my bed are CLEAN and...should #1 Son and #1 DIL come up here with friends, my room should be usable. Almost clean sheets....clean enough since I plan to take a bath tonight. I washed my hair earlier. I don't plan to get sweaty tomorrow.

I canned the last of the tomatoes. Two and a half quarts...or two quarts and one pint. My pressure canners are clean and stowed away in the basement.

I brought the last of the geraniums which I prepped for storage last night down to the service room. I've left the parsley upstairs in the kitchen and will water the plants before I leave.

As I said, I packed the car which means a lot of aerobic exercise as well as weight-lifting.

I cleaned the refrigerator...kind of. I'll tackle it a bit better tomorrow.

I vacuumed, but just upstairs....the kids are on their own for the downstairs. It's clean enough.

I entertained Stan the Man when he stopped by to pick up some frozen food items...but that wasn't exactly planned. But, on the plus side, I talked him into slicing some stump rounds for me to use as small tabletops (art project for next summer). After gifting him said items, I was able to clean and turn off the chest freezer in the basement. Yes! And, I've got my coolers plugged in so they'll be pre-cooled for Friday morning when I load them with frozen things.

Meanwhile, I've been enjoying a fire in the fireplace...but...this requires frequent trips to the woodpile to keep said fire going.

So...I've managed to exhaust myself to the point of having to take pain meds. I'm making one last dinner here at The Lake while sipping on a glass of wine. Tomorrow, I've been invited to have dinner over at BW Babe's place. That dinner had been scheduled for tonight but BW and JC had so much going on today was postponed until tomorrow. Actually, that worked out best for me. I got more done and, quite frankly, I'm not feeling like eating all that much tonight. Besides, I REALLY need a bath tonight.

Tomorrow is another day and I'm hoping to keep things light and easy.

Random Quote of the Day

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882), (attributed)