Monday, May 31, 2004

11 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Today is Memorial Day. To most it is has been reduced in significance to a three-day weekend where we picnic or race off to some lake somewhere to vacation. I watched President Bush speak this morning on TV. He was speaking at Arlington National Cemetary. After he spoke, I remembered an email that my father sent me last year in commemoration of Veteran's Day. I thought I'd share because although today is not Veteran's Day it is Memorial Day. And so, my father wrote:

Hi Everyone--

Today is "Veteran's Day" according to the calendar. Some of us remember a time when it was called "Armistice Day." When I was in elementary school, we all stood beside our desks in the classroom and faced the east for a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. on November 11th. Church bells tolled and the steam whistle sounded at the local chair factory. We were remembering the "Armistice" that marked the end of World War I at the 11th hour of the 11th day in November 1918, in a railroad car in the Ardennes Forest of France. It was there that the Imperial German Army surrendered to the Allied forces led by General John "Black Jack" Pershing and an Armistice was declared. After four long years of bloody conflict, World War I had come to an end. World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam have all occurred since that time, making the word "Armistice" meaningless, and so today we remember all of our fallen service men and women on this Veteran's Day.

Jimmy Blong, who played center on our high school football team, and was shot down over Germany. Mike Kratzer, who went through basic training with me at Fort Benning, Georgia, and was killed in action in France. Dick Altendorf, who graduated in my high school class of 1942, and survived the war, only to fall victim to severe depression and mental illness, an aftermath of fierce fighting and heavy casualties in the infantry.

I thought today of these men and others at the Memorial Service held at our clubhouse here in MacDonald Ranch. The Las Vegas Brass Band played for the occasion, a wonderful program of Sousa marches, vintage music from the 1940s and topped off with the theme music of each branch of the service. As they played "over hill, over dale, we will hit the dusty trail..." those of us who had served in the U.S. Army were asked to stand and be recognized. It was then that I thought of those friends and comrades that did not return and of my experiences in World War II.


Dad / Grandpa

For the first time my father sent to each of his children and grandchildren an account of his war years that he wrote in 1997. I have tried to edit the original document to remove any mention of my father's name or that of family members. This is a blog and some information shouldn't be shared. Double click on the highlighted War Years for a memorable read on this Memorial Day. It is a Word Document that you will have to prompt to open. Thank you Dad for sharing and for you service to our country.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

12 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

There are so many things that I should be doing in the coming days. I don't really feel like doing most of them. It's called procrastination. I'm pretty good at procrastination. HTP is a lot better at it then I am. I imagine that he'll start packing the morning that we're supposed to be leaving. I'll pack up my personal bag the night before but I'll start packing seriously when the countdown hits 7 days.

It won't be easy to live with me on those last seven days, especially if I don't see others working toward the desired goal. Nothing makes me madder then to see people sitting around doing nothing...or sitting in front of computers, surfing or chatting, when they should be doing something else like pack. The best policy to adopt in the days preceeding such an event is to make sure that I don't see you or hear you doing anything that is counterproductive. In otherwords, STAY OUT OF SIGHT! But if I find that things aren't done that others are supposed to be doing, WATCH OUT!

I'm in charge of making sure that my stuff is packed and all the stuff that the family will be needing this summer is packed(in general, not including technical computer type stuff), and all the stuff that I need to bring to various people is packed. I am not responsible for making sure that HTP's stuff is packed or #1 son's stuff is packed (repacked) or anything remotely connected to computers aside from my own passwords and blog materials. So I have only three rules that should probably be followed in order to maintain peace and harmony once the countdown to Wisconsin reaches seven days.

1. Stay out of sight and hearing especially if you aren't doing something to accomplish THE GOAL.
2. Make sure that you are doing something to accomplish THE GOAL, especially if you are within sight and hearing.
3. Don't place any obstructions in my way while I'm trying to accomplish THE GOAL.

Murphyism of the Day

Gillette's Law of Telephone Dynamics

The phone call you've been waiting for comes the minute you're out the door.

Frank's Phone Phenomena

If you have a pen, there's no paper.
If you have paper, there's no pen.
If you have both, there's no message.

Old Grey Frog's Corollary on Frank's Phone Phenomena

If you have a pen and paper, there is no ink in the pen.
If you have a pencil and paper, the lead in the pencil will break as soon as someone tries to use it.
The eraser on the end of the pencil you were able to find never works.
Any paper that you find to use was very important and should never have been used...but you won't find this out until you have used it.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

As a gimmick for an upcoming TV special, producers asked scientists at Carnegie Mellon University for a way to measure a snake's squeezing power. Connected to a laptop computer, a quarter-sized device (contrict-o-meter) was put between a Burmese python and its prey--a frozen 10-pound rabbit. The results: About 12 pounds per square inch.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

13 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I actually went out to the garage to look at all the stuff that we need to pack into a 12-foot trailer. I took one look and abandoned the field...or garage. Like Scarlet...I'll think about that tomorrow. My new vitamins and supplements must be working though...because yesterday I couldn't even bring myself to the point of entering the garage for more then accessing the car and using the garbage can that we have stored there.

#1 son finished his finals yesterday. Today he has his last music lessons. After that I'm sure he has plans with his friends. I think he has plans with his friends from now until the very day that we have to *shudder* pack up the 12-foot trailer. I don't even go into his back bedroom anymore. All that stuff in his back bedroom (my future guest/project room) has to magically compress itself and go into a 12-foot trailer too. But I won't think about that...maybe next week.

Murphyism of the Day

Rule of Feline Frustration

When your cat has fallen asleep on your lap and looks utterly content and adorable, you will suddenly have to go to the bathroom.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia


Remember the commercial that asked, "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?" This device from answers the all-important question. Insert a lollipop into the counter and start licking--an LCD readout tells you how many licks you've licked. Bonus: It's also a key chain.

Friday, May 28, 2004

14 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Only two weeks now and we'll be on the road to Wisconsin. My thermometer tells me that the temperature outside is 100°F. Since I was just outside, I know that that temperature reading can't be accurate. The sensor must be in the sun. The temperature today will probably reach 100°F today but not yet. I yearn for the cooler temperatures of Wisconsin but know that it won't be long before you hear the familiar complaints of rain, mosquitoes, woodticks, and humidity.

Today is #1 son's last day of high school...and the first day of the rest of his life. So many changes in store for him. He'll be a Wisconsin resident, he's an official adult...but he can't drink, he'll be registering for the first of the classes that he'll be taking at the University of Minnesota, and he'll be saying goodbye to all the friends that he's made while here in Arizona. Good thing there's internet. I'm sure that he'll be "chatting" with his friends as soon as he gets his system set up in the wild forest of The Lake.

Murphyism of the Day

Laws of Gardening

1. Other people's tools work only in other people's gardens.
2. Fancy gizmos don't work.
3. If nobody uses it, there's a reason.
4. You get the most of what you need the least.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

"The World's Largest Wind Chime" has been removed from Lakeside, California,because locals said it was too loud.

I'm surprised that I haven't heard complaints about my windchime collection at The Lake. This reminds me that I need to add windchime to my list of items to bring to The Lake. Every year I add a windchime to my collection up there. I have a surplus of windchimes here in Arizona but I plan to buy a brand new windchime to add to my collection in Wisconsin. A proper commemoration of our official new residency status.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

15 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

My son has his final exams today and tomorrow. Last night we ate sushi until we could eat no more. There is an all-you-can-eat sushi bar here in Arizona that has been a real favorite. It's called Todai. Everytime that we've gone, I've noticed these really bizarre bright yellow water bottles that they sell there. They actually remind me of those bright yellow smiley faces but with legs. Anyway, I couldn't resist. I bought #1 son a Todai water bottle for his birthday. This morning he filled it and took it to school with him. It should make a definite statement if he brings it to college with him in the fall. It'll make a definite statement today at finals.

I had to run out and move my car this morning. The builder has scheduled someone to come out to stain my driveway. This procedure is supposed to make the areas that they patched match the rest of our driveway. As a person who has dyed her hair for years, I have my doubts as to whether this procedure will work.

I hearty hug to HTP. He found a way that I can access my favorite radio station on my computer. For some bizarre reason, I haven't been able to get reliable reception of this AM station inside our house. Some of the interference actually comes from the optical mice that we use on our various computers. I know. I checked reception with the mice plugged in and sans mice. My reception was a whole lot better without the mice. My reception is perfect from the weblink...and it's free...and I can still use my computer. Since I tend to listen while I'm playing Pogo or writing this blog or emails, this has solved the problem. Another hearty hug to HTP who solved my problem. Oh...and I can listen at The Lake now too.

Murphyism of the Day

Perlsweig's First Law

People who can least afford to pay rent, pay rent.
People who can most afford to pay rent, build up equity.

Murphy's Monetary Maxim

Inflation is never having it so good and parting with it so fast.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The owner of a Magnolia, Arkansas, grill store constructed a working 70-foot "World's Largest Charcoal Grill."

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

16 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Happy Birthday #1 Son! Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday Dear #1 Son. Happy Birthday to You. Today is my son's birthday. Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music! My son was born on Memorial Day. The day he was born is also my parent's wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

I'm thankful that #1 son doesn't have his finals today. Bummer to have finals on your birthday. He has his finals tomorrow and the next day. So technically, today is his last day of school. We're going to take him out for a special supper tonight to celebrate. I have to go out and pick up his special cake this morning...after they come and fix my doorbell which doesn't work.

I suppose we'll have to take him out again to celebrate graduation. At this rate, I might as well toss the diet because all this outside eating is playing havoc on it anyway. We'll get back on track when we get to Wisconsin...really.

Murphyism of the Day

Glatum's Law of Materialistic Acquisitiveness

The perceived usefulness of an article is inversely proportional to its actual usefulness once bought and paid for.

Lewis' Law

No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Both Menton, Indiana, and Winlock, Washington, claim their 11-foot egg sculptures are the world's largest.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

17 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin


I was thinking yesterday that I was really having a hard time finding something to write about. And then...

There are some really awful people in this world. I'm not naive. I know that there are bad people out there in the world. I try not to dwell on it but sometimes it just hits you in the face. Last night as my husband was sitting down to write checks to pay our bills, he noticed something strange when he was looking at our account online. There were all kinds of checks drawn on our account that we didn't write. We could access the copies of the actual checks that this person wrote but although he was using our account number, our name wasn't on the checks They were various checks with various addresses for various people all cashed from various locales here in Arizona. It was our account but our names weren't on the checks. We're talking about fraud! Someone was and is systematically draining our checking account! I know I shouldn't get so upset. We won't be responsible for the loss...eventually. But it makes me mad! Now there is just one more thing on my list of things to take care of before we head out to Wisconsin. At least I think it's only one thing. We have to close our checking account, report all the checks that we actually wrote that haven't been cashed as yet, and open up a whole new account! I hope our savings account hasn't been affected! It's not like this is the first time something has happened to us like this. Some people are lucky enough that this may never happen to them. The last time something like this happened to us I was mad too but I felt somewhat responsible. The last time, someone stole our outgoing mail which we'd put in our mailbox with red flag, washed our checks and cashed them. Note to self after that...never put outgoing mail into a personal mailbox. The red flag is just a sign for theives to come steal your mail. But this time, I have no idea why they picked our account or how they even got a hold of our account number. HTP says it's kind of like the lottery...we got "lucky" and our number was picked. I hate this. I don't know if I'm going to have to deal with bounced checks or what. Thank goodness for the internet! I wish we'd checked the account sooner. Who knows how many checks are going to be coming in tonight yet that are frauds? Why didn't the bank catch these bad checks? Don't they check to make sure that the account numbers on the checks match the account holders? Times they are a changing...for the worse.

Murphyism of the Day

Oien's Observation

The quickest way to find something is to start looking for something else.

Boob's Law

You always find something in the last place you look.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Artichoke-growing region Castroville, California, proudly claims to have the "World's Largest Artichoke."

Monday, May 24, 2004

18 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I was able to find my packing list from last year and edit it. I need to add salsa to the list of things to bring my daughter. I make a really great salsa but it has to be refrigerated. I'll make it just before we leave and keep it in the cooler. Good thing it isn't illegal to smuggle salsa cross state lines.

I can bring her some vanilla too if she needs it,though I brought her some last year and how much vanilla does one person need? Someone brought me three bottles of the stuff from Mexico in March. I do use lots of vanilla but three liters? One of the bottles looks like it may be the white stuff. I'll have to check. It's kind of hard to tell because the glass bottle it comes in is green glass. I'll have to open it up and check. If it is the white stuff, I'll have to bring half of it to The Lake to use there. If it isn't the white stuff, I'll have to see if I can make a trip south of the border next fall to search some out. It's perfect for meringues. I don't usually share the white vanilla because it isn't all that easy to find.

Murphyism of the Day

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

The location of all objects cannot be known simultaneously.


If a lost thing is found, something else will disappear.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Roanoke, Virginia, has the "World's Largest Man-Made Illuminated Star," an 88-foot electric wonder set atop a mountain.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

19 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

It's still cool enough at night to be able to open up the windows at night. I really love doing this but my allergies are starting to rage against it. I spent a miserable day yesterday and my nose is starting to get red and raw. I don't have a cold. Despite the Alavert I take on a daily basis, the allergens got through to me. I had to take DayQuil. One little Dayquil and it made me feel yucky. As a result, last night I didn't open up the windows despite the fact that it was a lot cooler outside at 64° vs 76° inside. I feel a whole heck of a lot better today so I suppose I'll just have to live with conditioned air if I don't want to live with non-stop sneezing.

I don't know what is causing my allergy problems because I refuse to go through an endless battery of tests. My allergies always seem to affect me most at this time of year here in Arizona. I always feel a lot better when I get to Wisconsin so whatever is causing the problem mustn't grow or blow in Wisconsin. I actually start feeling relief as soon as I get up toward Colorado and beyond so I suspect that whatever is causing the problem is a uniquely desert related allergen. To think people with allergies and asthma used to come to Arizona to recuperate. Unfortunately, they brought all kinds of allergens with them to make their stays more pleasant. Grass, olive trees, mulberry trees. The list is boundless. These things grow in abundance here now. They aren't native. It's a human failing that we always feel we must screw with nature and then we end up paying for it.

I'm going to have to start packing soon for Wisconsin. Next week. There are a lot of boxes of stuff that I need to bring to my daughter in Nebraska. All those boxes need to be repacked so that the things in them won't break. What was packed well enough for a move from our old home in Arizona to our new home in Arizona which I personally hand-carried, is not packed well enough for a cross-country move. Good thing I saved boxes and bubblewrap.

Murphyism of the Day

Richard's Complementary Rules of Ownership

1. If you keep anything long enough you can throw it away.
2. If you throw anything away, you will need it as soon as it is no longer accessible.

Gillette's Law of Household Moving

What you lost during your first move you will find during your second move.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The winner of the "How Krazy Glue Saved the Day Contest" was a woman who fell asleep while fishing in a small rowboat on a small Minnesota lake. More than a mile from shore, she was awakened when her feet started getting wet. Frantically, she mopped up the water with an old shirt, but it was still coming in through a small leak in the bottom of the boat. So she took a tube of Krazy Glue out of her tackle box (she used it to make fishing lures), cut a piece of leather from her boot, and glued the leather to the leak. "The leak stopped and I kept fishing," she said. "By the way," she added, "I can't swim--Krazy Glue saved my life!"

* Now that's what I call a real fish tale!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

20 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin


I hate having nightmares. Sometimes there is no sleeping after one of those things. No. I won't tell you what my particular nightmare was tonight. It's too fresh and I don't want to solidify it by putting it into words. Afterall, even though none of my nightmares have ever really come to pass, some of my dreams have...or close enough. Suffice it to say that I'm blogging instead of sleeping right now. I tend to dream in living color.

In my humble opinion, nightmares usually strike as a kind of pressure release valve for the mind . There isn't any true reality to them or I wouldn't be casually blogging right now. I remember one of my first nightmares when I was a kid was all about spiders and bugs crawling all over my body as I had to lie there and couldn't do anything to get rid of them. I don't get that one anymore. Long after I graduated from college I was still having the nightmare about coming back to school after winter vacation. I couldn't get into my locker because I couldn't remember my locker combination. Sometimes, I couldn't even find my locker! This nightmare usually morphed into the one where I'd skipped a particular class all semester and now I had to quickly find where the class was being held because I had to take a very important test. But I never could find that classroom no matter how hard I searched, racing through the school. Or I would find the classroom and sit down to the test and I couldn't even answer the first question on that test. Another nightmare that I thankfully haven't had for a while is the one where I'm driving a car but my feet can only just barely reach the peddles which doesn't really bother me until I try to stop the car and the car isn't stopping.

Nightmares and dreams are supposed to have meanings that if we examine them closely will tell you all about really important stuff that will help us improve our lives. I don't know about that. Could be. Sometimes I can take those nightmares and twist them around in my mind while I'm sleeping and those nightmares just go away. Sometimes, I just have to get up and read for a while or listen to the radio until a nightmare fades away. Tonight I thought I'd blog.

I think the cause for my nightmare tonight was all the stress of selling the house, packing, moving, my son's coming graduation from high school and his preparing to go to college in the fall. There's lots of stress involved with getting a child ready for college. Yesterday I had to get on the phone with the doctor to find out when my son's last immunizations were so I could fill out the "proper" forms. A letter came in the mail informing us all about his college orientation and registration scheduled in July. Last night we went to his last jazz performance at a local restaurant. Next week he has his high school finals. His graduation gown is hanging up in my closet so it won't get wrinkled. I'm going to become an "Empty-Nester".

I'm going to be an "Empty-Nester"! And it's all hitting me harder then I thought it would. He'll be living with us still during the summers when he isn't going to school, but I know it won't be the same. It wasn't the same when my daughters moved away from home. When each of my daughters left the nest, it hit me but I was so busy with the other kid(s) that I didn't have time to really think about it. I'm just going to have to find something to keep me busy when this last kid leaves the nest.

There's no real surprise that I had a nightmare tonight with all the turmoil that's been going on lately. It's more surprising that I didn't have a few nightmares before tonight. I suppose I should be grateful for small favors but I'm not quite ready to go back to bed right yet. I'm not prepared for another ambush like that. Maybe I'll grab that book that I've been reading...or maybe I'll just play Pogo for a while. The sun isn't up yet and it's too early for that first cup of coffee of the morning. I'll finish up on this blog later...after the sun comes up.


Well the sun's up but the house is still quiet. Long ago I formed the habit of getting up early. Part of that is because of my dogs who always seem to want to go out early and have their breakfast. They do like to eat. Another thing that gets me up so early is the fact that I like to have a few hours by myself before I have to interact with anyone else. Besides, it's cooler in the morning and I can sit outside with my first cup of coffee. I get to drink that first fresh cup of coffee. HTP gets the dregs by the time he gets up.

What are my plans for the day? I haven't a clue. I'll make it up as I go along. Should I feel guilty about that? Probably. Maybe I'll see if I can find my old packing list from last year's trip to Wisconsin. I can start my list for this year's trip.

Murphyism of the Day

Hansen's Library Axiom

The closest library doesn't have the material you need.

London's Law of Libraries

No matter which book you need, it's on the bottom shelf.

Atwood's Corollary

No books are lost by lending except those you particularly want to keep.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

A man protesting tax laws that left people penniless in Bristol, England, took matters into his own hands. After more then 200 attempts to contact the Inland Revenue helpline, he went down to the local tax office armed with a tube of superglue. When they wouldn't help him, he glued his hand to a desk, vowing to stay attached until he got some answers. After finally getting unstuck, he was allowed to voice his views on a local radio station.

Friday, May 21, 2004

21 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Only three more weeks before we're supposed to be on the road again. I've never driven a car towing a trailer before. I'm sure it will be an interesting experience. As will, packing a twelve foot trailer. I love driving. I'm not sure I'll like driving combined with towing, especially when we hit the high wind areas.

I spent the morning fixing my front landscape. It's easier for the growers/landscapers to stake the trees tightly to one sturdy stake. This isn't the best thing for the tree. I equate it to someone who broke their leg and had to wear a cast. When you take the cast off the leg isn't as strong as it need to become. You have to go into therapy to strengthen the leg. I removed the "casts" from my two trees in front, but they aren't strong enough to stand on their own as yet. They are now going through "therapy". I provided them each with two new stakes that will allow them to sway in the wind so their trunks can develop properly. I also trimmed off some of their lower foliage. The goal is to train them to grow tall. I've never been fond of "popsickle" trees.

Murphyism of the Day

The Unspeakable Law

As soon as you mention something,
-if it's good, it goes away.
-if it's bad, it happens.

Non-Reciprocal Laws of Expectations

Negative expectations yield negative results.
Postive expectations yield negative results.

Law of Regressive Achievement

Last year's was always better.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

A tortoise that cracked its shell falling from a second-floor window was successfully glued back together. Other superglued animals: racing pigeons have had their feathers glued together for better aerodynamics, fish have had their fins reattached, and horses have had their split hooves mended.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

22 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

There is so much construction going on here in our neighborhood. I'm surprised #1 son could even get out of the driveway to get to school this morning. There was a huge crane and a cement mixer too all working on the house directly across the street. By the looks of things, we'll have all kinds of new neighbors to meet when we get back here in the fall.
My folks sent pictures of my iris and my tulips up at The Lake. They won't be blooming by the time we get to Wisconsin so I've got them blooming as background for my computer. The weeds look like they're blooming too. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me when we get to Wisconsin. On the plus side, our driveway looks like it made it through the winter. We are thankful that it didn't wash out like it has in previous years.
Last night we attended #1 son's last high school band concert. We plan to watch his last jazz performance on Friday night. He's going to miss those years with the band. I know I did. Hopefully he can find something like it at the University next year.

I just spent the morning on the phone with an old friend. My kids called her, Aunt Nan. She doesn't do the computer. She's got dyslexia. I can't imagine not being able to use the computer. I suppose I'll have to write her snail mail letters this summer. I hate writing letters via snail mail.

Murphyism of the Day

Tylczak's Probability Postulate

Random events tend to occur in groups.

Zymurgy's Law of Evolving Systems Dynamics

Once you open a can of worms, the only way to recan them is to use a larger can.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

An Atlantic City man sued a casino after he got stuck to a glue-smeared toilet seat and had to wadle through the casino for help.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

23 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Yesterday, as I walked to the mailbox to get our mail, it struck me that all the landscaping in our neighborhood looks pretty much the same. Everyone has three or four large boulders accenting mounds (more then one person has commented that the boulders look like headstones marking various gravesites), and every other person has a fake dry stream bed lined either with river rock or smaller boulders. Everyone has two trees placed in almost identical areas in the front yard. Everyone's landscaping looks pretty much the same. I miss the variety. Oh, there's the occasional weed but...

When we bought into this neighborhood, we knew what to expect. We knew that the landscaping in the front of the house came with the house. We could choose from five different plans and we didn't want the one with the grass. Not many who move here want grass...unless they don't know any better (these people usually just moved here for the first time from cooler climates...wait...they'll learn). We do live in a desert.

Most of the neighbors put the "variety" in their backyards. That's what we plan to do...when we get back here in the fall. But this doesn't make the walk to the mailbox any more interesting since you really can't view people's backyards without drawing suspicion. I do notice that the year-rounders have put out annual flowering plants in HOA approved pots. Most of the "snowbirds" have already flown back to cooler climates. I'll be joining them as soon as possible.

There aren't too many year-rounders here in this neighborhood. That's why we moved here. The HOA seems to understand the fact that most of the people here are not year-rounders. We still have to make sure that there aren't any weeds growing in our gravel and that all the plants look nice even while we're gone but the HOA is a bit more understanding. I'm told that they'll send the "warnings" to Wisconsin and I haven't seen any evidence of the fanaticism that I saw in my last neighborhood. I'm not expecting complaints if one weed shows up in my gravel...not that there will be any weeds in my gravel. Of course, I just moved here. I'll let you know if the HOA proves to be understanding or not after this first summer.

Our salesman stopped by yesterday to give us a beautiful coffee table book. HTP was thrilled to see another book in this house. I think that we're going to let #1 son take it to school with him. It might be nice to look at beautiful pictures of the desert southwest during the long cold months of winter in Minnesota. We really don't need another book here in Arizona. I can't even unpack the books that I do have until #1 son moves out of my guest room.

Murphyism of the Day

Commoner's Law of Ecology

Nothing ever goes away.

Pudder's Law

Anything that begins well, ends badly.
Anything that begins badly, ends worse.

Stockmayer's Theorem

If it looks easy, it's tough.
If it looks tough, it's damn well impossible.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

An ex-con who violated his parole glued himself to his girlfriend so the police couldn't arrest him. An Algerian woman tried the same trick with her husband to keep him from being deported. Neither attempt was successful.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

24 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

We forgot to go to the Solera Orientation meeting last night. I can't believe that I forgot! Now I don't think we can go to an orientation until we get back to Arizona in the fall. Argh!!!

I've been spending the day doing laundry. And while I'm doing that I decided to update my email files. I print up all my old emails so that they aren't lost forever if something should happen to my computer. I hate to think of losing stuff like that. It's history. I suppose it's rather arrogant to assume that someday one of my great-grandchildren will ever want to read my emails but you never know.

I print up all my blogs too. I have had people ask me for copies of those. I'll have to catch up on printing those up too. I tend to get busy and leave that chore until I'm just about ready to head out to Wisconsin.

Murphyism of the Day

Lunsford's Rule of Scientific Endeavor

The simple explanation always follows the complex solution.

Rudnicki's Nobel Principle

Only someone who understands something absolutely can explain it so no one else can understand it.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Superglue is now used in forensic detection. When investigators open a foil package of ethyl-gel cyanoacrylate, the fumes settle on skin oils left behind in human fingerprints, turning the invisible smears into visible marks.

Monday, May 17, 2004

25 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

We just had a meeting with our Pulte customer representative about things that need fixing in our new home. They're still trying to weasal out of fixing our driveway. The latest weasally idea was that they want to stain the driveway. Anyone who knows anything could tell you that the stain would take differently on the patched areas and wouldn't solve the basic problem. The patched areas are eventually going to lift. Also, the patched areas make it look like someone has been painting on the driveway.

Our next project is to install a temporary drip system for the backyard so my plants don't die over the summer. Time for a Home Depot trip to get drip system supplies...someone decided to throw all our larger drip system stuff away a year ago because it was taking up space in the garage. On the otherhand, he was able to get our second car into the garage for the first time in years.

I'm going to drag HTP to the neighborhood orientation session tonight. He doesn't want to go. He's been trying to make up excuses ever since I signed us up for this session. He's going.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics

Things get worse under pressure.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

During the Vietnam War, tubes of superglue were put in U.S. soldiers' first-aid kits to help seal wounds. Special kinds of superglue are now used in hospitals worldwide, reducing the need for sutures, stitches, and staples. (It doesn't work on deep wounds or on wounds where the skin does a lot of stretching, such as over joints.)

Sunday, May 16, 2004

26 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Today was my last day playing for with the contemporary group at church before we head for Wisconsin. My lip must be getting better since it was still holding after playing for a full three hours. I hope to return to Arizona in the fall with a much improved lip. I'll be bringing my clarinet to Wisconsin with all kinds of music to play. Maybe my brother will dust off his clarinet and join me in some duets. We'll entertain the weekenders as they jet-ski by our docks. I wonder if I can find some particularly annoying music to help us in this pursuit?

I made sugarless strawberry jam yesterday. It turned out great! I was only able to find two pint jars and nine 1/2 pint jars in the garage. Actually, I found the box the other jars are packed in...but it was buried under a mountain of other heavy boxes. I decided to can the jam in the jars that I was able to retrieve from the garage and freeze the rest for more immediate use. We started on the first ziploc freezer container of the jam this morning. By the look of things, we should finish up all the "extra" jam before mid-June.

I sealed my granite countertops today after church. I was getting tired of all the stains that were being created. I only wish that I'd known that the builder had failed to seal the granite before my son had the oil incident. I fear that stain will remain in the granite forever and a day. I did what I could but only budged it a bit. Oh well...stone is supposed to have character, right?

Murphyism of the Day

Everitt's Law of Thermodynamics

Confusion is always increasing in society. Only if someone or something works extremely hard can this confusion be reduced to order in a limited region. Nevertheless, this effort will still result in an increase in the total confusion of society at large.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

What's the difference between superglue and Krazy Glue? Nothing. Krazy Glue is just one of many brands available. It first went on sale in 1973. Some other brands: SuperBonder, Permabond, Pronto, Black Max, Alpha Ace, and (in Mexico)Kola Loka. (That last sounds too much like a beverage for my peace of mind....might work as a diet aid though.)

Saturday, May 15, 2004

27 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

As I sit here in front of the computer, I feel like a frog with her finger up her nose. I can't think of a single thing to write.

My parents headed off to Wisconsin yesterday morning. I got a call from them last night. They'd made it as far as Gallup. I envy the fact that they will be at The Lake. I have posted a picture of my irises that was taken last spring by my father as the backdrop for my startup program on my computer. I have yet to actually witness the blossoming of these irises in person, I just get to weed and thin them. I keep saying, "Next year I'll get to see my irises and my azaleas and my rhododendron and next year I'll be able to get a head start on planting my garden." Not this year. Sigh. But I do get to stay in Wisconsin longer this year. One whole month longer. And next year I plan to witness the irises blossoming in my yard. But this year, I get to witness my son graduating from high school. The irises can wait another year.

Murphyism of the Day

Rudin's Law

In crises that force people to choose among alternative courses of action, most people will choose the worst one possible.

Murphy's Paradox

Doing it the hard way is always easier.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Why doesn't superglue stick to the bottle? Because it needs moisture to set and there is no moisture in teh bottle. (But just try to take that little cap off the second time you want to use the stuff in Wisconsin where moisture is a force to be wreckened with.)

Friday, May 14, 2004

28 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go....home. As I suspected, I get tired of Vegas after about three days. It's a fun place to visit but I'm ready to go home now. I packed last night. I don't like packing in the morning when I haven't even had a cup of coffee. I'm not very efficient in the morning until I've had time to wake up. If I pack in the morning, I usually forget something or end up packing the very thing I need in the most unaccessable spot so I'll have to unpack everything in order to get it. Anyway, we're leaving right after HTP gets up, gets ready, gets packed, and after we have breakfast. HTP always makes fun of me because I have to get packed the night before. But I'm all packed and ready so I can go downstairs and play and get a cup of coffee while leaving him all by himself to get ready and get packed. There's this nice litte kiosk in the park that sells a really good cafe latte. I'll finish this blog when we get back home.


After a long drive home...there is no getting around the fact that the trip to Vegas and the trip from Vegas still takes six hours by car...each way, I can now sit down at the computer to finish this blog. There is no getting around the fact that it is faster to drive to Vegas from Phoenix then to fly to Vegas these days what with having to arrive at the airport two hours before your flight, checking your baggage, security checks (body cavity searches), the actual flight, finding your checked baggage, and getting a rental vehicle. That's OK. I like to drive. I'm not fond of being cooped up in a climate-controled vehicle with all kinds of sick people for any stretch of time. I don't even like elevators.

Murphyism of the Day

Simon's Law

Everything put together falls apart sooner or later.

George's Law

All pluses have their minuses.

Aristotle's Dictum

One should always prefer the probable impossible to the improbable impossible.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Superglue is so strong that a single square-inch bond can lift a ton of weight. (Yet I still can't fix my glasses with the stupid stuff)

Thursday, May 13, 2004

29 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I have found that as a general rule, every time I am having a lot of luck and thus having a lot of fun in Vegas my spouse is not having any luck and therefore is not having any fun in Vegas. On the day we arrived in Vegas, I was having a lot of fun in Vegas. The machines were kind to me. My husband was not having any luck at all and therefore was not having fun. Yesterday, I wasn't having any luck at all. HTP was winning. I still had fun. I spent the three hours up in the hotel spa being pampered. I love being pampered.

Yesterday I had what is called a detoxifying mineral wrap. I'd always been curious as to what that was. They slather this green colored goop all over your body and then wrap you up in copious amounts of plastic wrap. Then they wrap you up in a milar sheet. Because you have to lie there, trapped, for about an hour, they also include a wonderful aroma therapy facial during this time. With all my toxins removed I walked out of that room feeling lighter. It was weird. Really. I felt lighter. I may have to do that again sometime.

After my wrap, I had a paraffin manicure (I could have had a pedicure too but I hate having people mess with my feet) and I had my hair done. As I said, I love going to the spa. I love being pampered.

The hours I spent up in the spa saved me a lot of money. The machines were not kind to me yesterday. Let's all hope that they are kind to me today. However, if they are kind to HTP instead, we may end up staying here an additional night. I don't know. I've done what I came here to do. I'm ready to go home.

Murphyism of the Day

Sodd's First Law

When a person attempts a task, he or she will be thwarted in that task by the unconscious intervention of some other presence (animate or inanimate). Nevertheless, some tasks are completed, since the intervening presence is itself attempting a task and is, of course, subject to interference.

Sodd's Second Law

Sooner or later, the worse possible set of circumstances is bound to occur.


Any system must be designed to withstand the worst possible set of circumstances.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Helpful Tips For Using Superglue

1. Make sure the parts being glued don't move at all during the formation of the chains. If so, the chain will break and the glue won't hold.

2. A little dab'll do ya. Superglue bonds best when it's used at the rate of one drop per square inch. More than that requires a much longer bonding period, which may result in a weaker bond.

3. If you're gluing two flat surfaces together, rough them up with sandpaper first. That'll give the glue more surface area to bond to. But make sure you blow off any dusty residue first.

4. Glued your fingers together? Use nail polish remover. Don't have any? Try warm soapy water and a little patience. Your sweat and natural skin oils will soon loosen the bond.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

30 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Hello from Las Vegas! We arrived safe and sound after taking an adventurous alternate route. On the positive side, the alternate route avoided all police checkpoints and the ever fun crossing of the Hoover Dam. On the negative side, it was one of the most boring drives we've ever taken. There are no interesting restaurants in Parker or in Needless...oops...Needles. Positive side...the gas was a lot cheaper in Parker. $2.01/gal. Yes, sad to say, that is cheaper then what we had to pay in Phoenix. Negative side...we got stuck behind all the lots and lots and lots of slow-moving trucks that aren't permitted on the Hoover Dam.

Murphyism of the Day

Ginsberg's Theorem

1. You can't win.
2. You can't break even.
3. You can't even quit the game.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

In 1790 a "racy" book called The Life and Adventures of a Cat was published in England. The main character was a ram cat (as males were known back then), named Tom the Cat. The book was so popular that ever since then, males have been known as tomcats.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

31 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go but not to Wisconsin. Not yet. I still have 31 more days to get ready for that. I'm eager to get to Las Vegas. We plan to have dinner with my parents. And I've been practicing my video poker skills.

I haven't seen any more scorpions. Maybe it was a fluke. A fluke scorpion. If I see anymore I'll try to restrain my killer instinct long enough to take a picture.

Murphyism of the Day

Issawi's Laws of Progress

In the course of progress, most things get steadily worse.

In the path of progress, a shortcut is the longest distance between two points.

In the dialectics of progress, direct action produces direct reaction.

In the pace of progress, society is a mule, not a car. If pressed too hard, it will kick and throw off its rider.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Charles I ruled England from 1625 to 1649. According to legend, he had a lucky black cat. As civil war ripped the country, Charles became so convinced that his cat kept him safe, he assigned guards to watch it. Strangely enough, only one day after the black cat died, Charles was arrested and eventually sentenced to death by beheading.
31 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go but not to Wisconsin. Not yet. I still have 31 more days to get ready for that. I'm eager to get to Las Vegas. We plan to have dinner with my parents. And I've been practicing my video poker skills.

I haven't seen any more scorpions. Maybe it was a fluke. A fluke scorpion. If I see anymore I'll try to restrain my killer instinct long enough to take a picture.

Murphyism of the Day

Issawi's Laws of Progress

In the course of progress, most things get steadily worse.

In the path of progress, a shortcut is the longest distance between two points.

In the dialectics of progress, direct action produces direct reaction.

In the pace of progress, society is a mule, not a car. If pressed too hard, it will kick and throw off its rider.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Charles I ruled England from 1625 to 1649. According to legend, he had a lucky black cat. As civil war ripped the country, Charles became so convinced that his cat kept him safe, he assigned guards to watch it. Strangely enough, only one day after the black cat died, Charles was arrested and eventually sentenced to death by beheading.

Monday, May 10, 2004

32 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Darn it! They've changed the way I have to do my blog again! I hate it when they do that! It always takes me a while to figure out the new and easier versions. And it doesn't stop there. I have to teach my laptop and my other computer in Wisconsin how to use this new and easier blog setup too. Oh well, I suppose I'll get used to this version too. I just wish my site meter worked.

I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day yesterday. I did. Mink called and I got to talk to her for a little while which was really nice. I wish she could have been here but driving cross country for about 1400 miles to see your Mom for the day is a bit too much to expect. I didn't go see my Mom (Sorry Mom...I'll be up to see you tomorrow if you and Dad haven't already left for Wisconsin) and I'm a lot closer (about 5 hours) geographically speaking to her then Mink is to me. I'm looking forward to seeing Mink in a little over a month.

My other daughter came over and with #1 son's help made us dinner. Chicken Marsala, parsley buttered new potatoes, fresh green beans and bread dipped in oil and balsamic vinegar. We all sat down and watched Lilo and Stitch. I had the DVD but hadn't had a chance to watch it. (I've got Cat in the Hat too. Maybe next Mother's Day, they'll let me see that one.) After the movie, we all enjoyed Tiramiso for dessert. I'm looking forward to the leftovers of the dessert and I'm sure I gained at least ten pounds.

Tomorrow, HTP and I are going to run away from home for a few days. Most of the unpacking is done. #1 son's black eyes that he got while moshing are starting to get better. With any luck, we'll be out of here tomorrow right after breakfast. I'm looking forward to getting out of here for a while. No more boxes, no more bubblewrap, no more decisions to make. The only worry I want is which food to pick from the menu, what type of beer I want to drink, and whether I should save a low pair or dump it in favor of 3 to the royal. If you don't see a blog from me in the next few days, it's either because my laptop refuses to learn this new blog format, I've won the big jackpot, or I'm too busy trying to win the big jackpot. If you do see a blog from me, it's because I've been driven up to my room by a cigar smoker or I've gotten tired of failing to win the big jackpot.

Invasion of the Scorpions

I'm talking on the phone with my parents when I happen to glance down at the floor. Ahhhh!!!!! A scorpion!!!!! A real live scorpion with pincers pincing and tail coiling and uncoiling. Not one of those tourist things encased in a fun acrylic cube. OK. It wasn't enormous and it was only one scorpion, but it was inside my house! My house! No scorpions allowed! It's not posted but it's an unwritten law and besides, I don't think that scorpions know how to read or I'd post it. Why else would I hire a full-time pest control expert? HTP and I managed to "dispatch" the creature with the skillful deployment of two pancake flippers which are now being sanitized in my dishwasher. HTP flushed the severed remains of the scorpion down the toilet. *Shudder* I don't do well with bugs. I do worse with bugs that sting. I do even worse then that with bugs that can kill you. Actually I'm told that scorpions aren't bugs. I don't care! Close enough. HTP and son had better start checking their shoes before they put them on. I don't wear shoes but I plan to check my sandals and keep a closer eye on the floor. Good thing I have green carpet. Bad thing that my tile floor is the same color as a scorpion. *Shudder*

Murphyism of the Day

Finagle's First Law

If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.

Finagle's Second Law

No matter what the anticipated result, there will always be someone eager to (a) misinterpret it, (b) fake it, or (c) believe it happened to his or her pet theory.

Finagle's Third Law

In any collection of data, the figure most obviously correct, beyond all need of checking, is a mistake.


1. No one whom you ask for help will see it.
2. Everyone who stops by with unsought advice will see it immediately.

Finagle's Fourth Law

Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse.

Finagle's Rules

1. To study a subject best, understand it thoroughly before you start.
2. Always keep a record of data--it indicates you've been working.
3. Always draw your curves, then plot your reading.
4. In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
5. Experiments should be reproducible--they should all fail in the same way.
6. Do not believe in miracles--rely on them.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Some famous Italian paintings of the Last Supper show a cat at the feet of Jesus. The fickle cat symbolizes Judas' role as traitor.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

33 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

It's Mothers' Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy, Happy, Happy Mother's Day.

Last night HTP and I (mother of #1 son) and my friend (mother #2 ) and her husband took #1 son and his date (daughter of mother #2 and her husband), to a pre-prom dinner. The Chaparral Supper Club remains as a good pick for special occasions even if they don't have Escargot on the menu anymore or fix Hot Spinach Salad. There was still plenty to choose from and The Italian Tenor was still crooning, live in the background. #1 son and his date for the prom left for the prom and the parents returned to the date's house to view a movie before HTP and I ran home to quickly clean up the guest bathroom which had been trashed while #1 son was rushing to get ready for prom. #1 son and his date and another couple came over to our house sometime after midnight and watched a video, thus breaking in HTP's surround sound system for its maiden run. Since the walls were vibrating, I assume it was working. I don't know when everyone left to return to their respective houses. I fell asleep. I hope they all had fun. I did. I only discovered that "the coast was clear" at around 4:45 AM, when I had an argument with my little black and tan chihuahua. She thought it was morning and she wanted to go outside and she wanted to be fed.

She always wants to be fed. Both of my chihuahuas could star in dog food commercials. They don't merely eat their food. They inhale their food. Choking and gasping the entire time. My parents' dog doesn't do this (unless she's visiting with my dogs and is in fear of losing her own meager portion to the voracious duo). None of my previous dogs have ever done this. At one point I actually was using something called a "food cube" (a doggy puzzle which the dogs have to bat around the house in order to receive one or two pieces of food as a reward). This doggy puzzle was supposed to slow my voracious duo of chihuahuas down somewhat. The food cube a point...but it was just too much work filling the dang thing and then the two of them would quarrel and guard the stupid thing constantly...even when it was empty. It was kind of funny watching them chase it all over the house though except when they batted it under the couch and expected me to retrieve it. Sigh.

Murphyism of the Day

Scott's First Law

No matter what goes wrong, it will probably look right.

Scott's Second Law

When an error has been detected and corrected, it will be found to have been correct in the first place.


After the correction has been found in error, it will be impossible to fit the original quantity back into the equation.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Li Shou was a cat goddess worshiped by the ancient Chinese, who believed that at one time cats had the ability to speak, but gave the gift to humans so that they could lay around all day. Li Shou was a fertility goddess who brought rain and protected crops. At harvest time, peasants would hold an orgiastic festival in her honor, offering sacrifices to the cats that had protected the grain from rats and mice.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

34 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I walked to the clubhouse today with my little black and tan chihuahua. It's about a mile from our house to the clubhouse. I knew that my other little chihuahua would have dragged her feet the entire way and wouldn't have talked to me for a week if I took her along on our trek. She doesn't like to walk and I refuse to carry, though I did carry the other chihuahua when I went inside the clubhouse. The walk to the clubhouse wasn't too bad. I was a bit concerned because I didn't think to bring water for my dog but she was fine and even refused water when I offered it to her at the clubhouse.

I signed HTP and me up for the "orientation" session that is being held in two weeks. I wonder what one wears to one of these sessions. We get our pictures taken for our ID cards so I suppose I'd better not drag in with my gardening clothes. I also found out that #1 son and I can drop by anytime to use the exercise machines. No classes necessary. Everyone had to comment on how cute my little black and tan monster was. I was holding her so of course she was behaving herself. She pretended that she wasn't there. How rude!

Tonight is #1 son's school prom. It's going to be held at the zoo. That should be an interesting experience. I plan to take lots of preprom pictures of #1 son in his tuxedo along with his date for the evening.

Murphyism of the Day

Kranske's Law

Beware of a day in which you don't have something to bitch about.


1. If you explain so clearly that nobody can misunderstand, somebody will.
2. If you do something which you are sure will meet with everyone's approval, somebody won't like it.
3. Procedures devised to implement the purpose won't quite work.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The ancient Egyptians began worshiping a cat-headed goddess called Bast more than 5,000 years ago. Her name means "devouring lady" and she was worshiped in the temples throughout Egypt--especially on October 31st, Bast's Feast Day. Bast was said to be the daughter of the sun god Ra, and was associated with the moon, music, dancing, motherhood--and violent vegeance. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead she was said to have destroyed the bodies of the the deceased with her "royal flame" if they failed entry tests for the underworld. OUr of respect for Bast, it became an honor to stage expensive funerals for cats, during which gold and gem-studded cat figurines were buried along with the mummified body of the deceased kitty.

Friday, May 07, 2004

35 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Company's coming. My husband used to work with this guy at a place called Sperry-Univac a long, long, long time ago in Minnesota. We actually haven't seen them since 1982 but we've always exchanged Christmas cards and letters. Last night we dug out old photo's that we took of our kids playing with their kids. At that 1982 visit, this guy's wife showed me how to make an "octopus" out of a hot dog. They've become a family tradition ever since. My kids still make them for themselves. #1 son wasn't born at that time but Mink and our other daughter showed him the way to make them. It always amazes me when I think of the things we do that may seem insignificant and unimportant but which make an huge impact on others lives. I'm not sure how huge an impact the octopus made but my family will always remember.

Murphyism of the Day

Chrisholm's First Law

When things are going well, something will go wrong.


1. When things just can't get any worse, they will.
2. Anytime things appear to be going better, you have overlooked something.

Law of the Great Idea

The one time you come up with a great solution, somebody else has just solved the problem.

Law of the Lie

No matter how often a lie is shown to be false, there will remain a percentage of people who believe it true.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The ancient myths of the Sephardic Jews (ancient Hebrews who left Israel and went to what is now Spain and Portugal) tell of Lilith, Adam's first wife, created before Eve. According to the legend, when Lilith refused to submit to Adam, she was banished from paradise. Lilith still haunts Earth as a demon in the shape of a huge black vampire-cat named El Broosha (or sometimes El Brooja--bruja means "witch" in Spanish), who sucks the blood of newborn babies.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

36 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Sometime between 8 AM and 4 PM, we're supposed to expect someone to come and miraculously patch our driveway so no-one will ever know that someone used it as a work surface for building the rest of the houses on the block. All the other driveways in the neighborhood look just fine. Our driveway was the one they chose to use. And then they came back and tried to patch it up using who knows what. I don't expect any miracles this time around either. My bet is that they are going to go through hellfire and back before they finally admit that they have to remove the entire driveway and repour it. In the meantime, we wait until they come and patch the driveway...again. I moved our car out of the garage at 8 AM and parked it on the street so we wouldn't be trapped. The patch work is supposed to take three full hours and then we're not supposed to drive on it. Patchwork is the key word here even though that's what we do not want.

Murphyism of the Day

Chris' Comment

You always have to give up something you want for something you want more.

Ile's Law

There is always an easier way to do it.


1. When looking directly at the easier way, especially for long periods, you will not see it.
2. Neither will Iles.

Heymann's Law

Mediocrity imitates.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

According to Europeon folklore, matagots are magical cats. The French say that a matagot can be lured home with a plump chicken. Once in the house, treat it well and it will bring good luck. For example, give it the first bite of every meal, and it will reward you with a gold coin each morning. In England, people whispered that Dick Wittington, a humble boy who grew up to be mayor of London in the 15th century, owed his good luck to his matagot.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

37 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

As we gradually settle into our new home, it becomes a challenge to find places for all the things that we unpack each day. Some of this is going to have to Wisconsin, some it is just going to have to go. Since my goal is to unpack at least two boxes a day, decisions must be made.

I still haven't found the time to take advantage of the amenities provided by our new community. It's becoming more and more apparent that I may have to wait until I get back here in October before I can "have fun" at the activity center. I plan to have plenty of fun here and in Wisconsin between now and October.

Oh...I almost forgot. Today is Cinco de Mayo. This is a Mexican holiday that for some odd reason people here in the United States celebrate. Actually, I think it's just because Americans like to have any excuse to drink and have a party. Anyway, Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! This holiday celebrates a decisive battle where the French lost. Margaritas all round! I think we should all go down to Mexico this year to celebrate Independence Day. That's July 4th.

Murphyism of the Day

Lofta's Lament

Nobody can leave well enough alone.

O'Tooles Commentary on Murphy's Law

Murphy was an optimist.

Zymurgy's Seventh Exception to Murphy's Law

When it rains, it pours.

Boling's Postulate

If you're feeling good, don't worry. You'll get over it.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The Mayans of Central America worshiped the Jaguar Sun that rose each day in the east and journeyed west. After the sun set, the cat god would have to fight the lords of the underworld all night. But he would win the battle and rise again in the morning. Warriors wore jaguar skins to help them in battle; shamans were said to be able to shape-shift into big cats.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

38 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

HTP spent the entire day yesterday installing the electronic entertainment equipment into our entertainment center. I figured, "How hard can it be?". Hah! I've never seen so many wires, cords, inputs, outputs, connectors, and I have no idea what all, in my entire life. I've always known that we have five remote controls. I wouldn't be able to figure out how to play a DVD in this house if my life depended on it. This system is entirely too confusing. Heaven help me if I was expected to put it all back together with all those cords. If it takes HTP an entire day, what does the common technophob do? I understand perfectly why 12:00 flashes on the video player of the common man.

HTP and son don't need to read the instruction manual but I do and it's not even written in English anymore. French, Spanish, and something that passes for English but isn't. Who writes these things? Has this too been outsourced? If I were French or Spanish would I have similar complaints about the "translation" of the instruction manual?

None of the instruction manuals are written by the common man, for the common man anymore. Have you noticed this too? I shudder in dread when I have to read the instruction manual for a new appliance. Thankfully, the washer and dryer were pretty self-explanatory so I just left their instruction booklets in their individual wrappers and filed them in the office under "appliance information."

I have appliance information in that file for appliances that I got rid of decades ago. I really should sort that file. Instead I pack it up and move it from house to house. Have you ever noticed that once you file something in a file, you rarely touch it again? I have warranty information for my daughter's first trike! Believe me when I tell you that said trike is no longer in the garage. I looked. I don't have that old clock radio, wrist watch or banana seat bike either.

Anyway, on with my instruction manual tirade. I did have to attempt to read my new microwave and oven manuals. I tried. I'm still a bit confused but at least I can heat something up now. I finally tossed aside the manual for the dishwasher and experimented by pushing various buttons. I had to read the manual on how to work the oven so I'd know how to use the "warming drawer". It works but I have no idea what possible use that stupid rack they have in there is to anyone. Supposedly, you're supposed to be able to stack two layers of stuff to keep warm but if you do stack something on that rack, you'll get food all over the top of the compartment where you'd never be able to clean it and you'll get food on the floor where it'll be scraped off by the drawer-closing process. Interesting but messy. Thankfully, I only experimented with a baked potato. I think the rack may work for something flat. Something very flat. Tortillas maybe?

Manuals! I was talking about manuals! Last summer my father and I read the instruction manual for my new garage cabinets in Wisconsin. We finally gave up and tossed the manual when we had to undo the cabinet for the third time. Between my father, the architect, and me we finally got the thing together without the manual...which wasn't written in English. I don't think I've read any well-written manuals lately.

I understand why my mother refuses to use the cell phone. The manual on how to work the Nokia cell phone is not written in English. It's written in Translated English. I think we'd all benefit from a class on Translated English as a Second Language. My father and I (between the two of us) managed to translate the Translated English Nokia Instruction Manual but I still have to refer to my translation to remember certain functions that I don't use too often. Please don't leave me a message on the voicemail of my cell phone! The last time someone did that it took me two weeks to figure out how to listen to it. By the time I figured it out, I'd already talked to the person who left that message six times. If I don't answer the cell phone, just try to call me back later. After two years, I'm sure my cell phone is outdated. I don't intend to buy a new one anytime soon. I'm just starting to figure out how this one works. I don't want to have to read another manual.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Contant

Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value.

Quantization Revision of Murphy's Law

1. If we lose much by having things go wrong, take all possible care.
2. If we have nothing to lose by change, relax.
3. If we have everything to gain by change, relax.
4. If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

What is a Grimalkin? Its name comes from its color, gray, plus malkin, an archaic word for cat. Scottish legend tells of this wraith, a human by day, a fierce wild panther roaming the Highlands by night. The huge gray cat has magical powers: it can also appear in the form of a hare and can disappear at will. During the Middle Ages, the name grimalkin--and cats in general--became associated with the devil and witchcraft. Women tried as witches during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries were often accused of having a "familiar," a devilish companion animal. What kind of animal? Usually a grimalkin.

Monday, May 03, 2004

39 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I can no longer least about HTP not installing that chandelier and those wall hangings. HTP stepped up to the plate and installed the dining room chandelier, the oil painting, the hall mirror, the lithograph, AND the Two Grey Hills Indian rug. It took five hours of hard cooperative work (I helped because there is no way that one person could do any of the above...otherwise I might have been able to do it myself), but we got it all done and all before Sopranos came on.

This morning I looked around the living room and dining room and decided that there comes a time when it's time to stop. My mother-in-law once told me about a painting class that she took. She was painting a picture that I now have hung on my wall. The class teacher came up to her and grabbed the paint brush from her hand saying, "Stop! It's done! It's perfect!" The thing about decorating and painting is that you have to know when to stop. I still have a couple more paintings to install and a shadow box but I'm going to wait until I get back from Wisconsin before I do anything with them...well...maybe I'll just hang that one painting in my bathroom...but the rest will have to wait.

I need something still for over my bed. I don't have any works of art that my father has done yet. I wonder if I can get him to donate to the cause. I have artwork from almost everyone in the family (past and present). Come to think of it...I don't have anything that my mother has done or that my one daughter (not Mink) has done either. Pout! Come on guys! Get busy! Find something for me. I'll find a spot...really. Which reminds me...I need to go out and get that photograph that #1 son took for his photography class framed. I know just where I'll hang it.

I've started a new bathroom book. It's called The Complete Murphy's Law, A Definitive Collection by Arthur Bloch. I don't remember buying this book. I wonder if someone gave it to me as a gift. I'm actually a fairly optimistic person so this book is a bit pessimistic for me but as a native Minnesotan it tweeks my sense of humor. I'm going to start a Murphyism segment to this blog for all you latent pessimists. I'm never going to give credit again to the above book so all you readers, please take note to the above. Let us now thank Arthur Bloch for writing such a fine book.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Law, for all those of you who've never heard of it, clearly and simply states that: If anything can go wrong, it will. Let's expand on this simple statement.

1. Nothing is as easy as it looks.
2. Everything takes longer than you think it will.
3. If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.
4. If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way will promptly develop.
5. Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
6. Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
7. Every solution breeds new problems.
8. It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
9. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
10. Mother nature is a bitch.

Smile. Tomorrow will be worse.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

To attract patrons to his circus, P.T. Barnum would often hitch a plow to an elephant and have it work fields next to the big top. One farmer got so angry about his field being torn up that he pushed a bill through the state legislature. To this day it's illegal to plow a field with an elephant in North Carolina.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

40 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

We (#1 son and I) spent the morning at church. We played for two services and I had an hour long practice for the contemporary group before that. Three hours of clarinet playing and my lip is still going strong. Poor clarinet needed a bit of work. A spring had sprung before the first of the two services so I had to operate in order to unsprung it. My only tool was a pocket knife. Yes...I did cut myself but I fixed my clarinet in time for the first song. What's a little sacrifice and bloodletting for a good cause?

I'm still waiting for someone to help hang one large oil painting, one large lithograph, and one large mirror. All this must be done before someone can hang one large Italian chandelier so cupboard space is freed up for some of the stuff that #1 son wants to bring to Birchwood. Right now all that stuff if stuffed into the guest room with very little room left over for sleeping and computering.

I did get my milk cactus planted yesterday. It's hiding behind my golf cart garage. I didn't apply to the landscape committee for permission to plant it there but I'm hoping that since you can't see that area from the street, no-one will notice or mind. It's not like I've planted a flock of flamingo's in my front yard with hand-carved whirligigs, or garden gnomes or other tumbleweed catchers. I checked on the milk cactus this morning and it seems happy in its new location. I set a couple of guardian frogs on either side of it to keep it company. Very tasteful! And hidden behind the golf cart garage.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

"Bagels are believed to have been invented in the 17th century, but there is some debate about their exact origin. They might be Polish--text from Krakow, Poland, written in 1610 refers to beygls being good gifts for new mothers--possibly because they make good teething rings, which many people still use them for today.
Another theory says that an Austrian baker wanted to make a gift for King John III Sobieski of Poland after he saved the city of Vienna from Turkish invaders in 1683. King John was famous for his horsemanship, so the baker made a roll in the shape of a stirrup. (Bagels used to be much thinner, with bigger holes.) The Austrian-German word for stirrup: beugel, or bugel." (From Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader)

Saturday, May 01, 2004

41 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I need to wish my brother and his wife a Happy Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! I remember their wedding well and not only because HTP's brother decided to get married on that very same day. We flew in from Arizona so we could attend both celebrations. My brother and his wife got married on a cliff by a river. I had two young daughters at the time. Mink was three and the other daughter was in a baby carrier still. I had to take off my shoes, shredding my nylons (that's ok because I packed several pairs) to make it safely down a steep hill to get to the wedding site without risking either my life or my daughters' lives. HTP carried Mink down the hill and kept her from jumping off the cliff and I carried #2 daughter who slept through the whole wedding. There is a God. Happy Anniversary!

I've been going through a decorating frenzy. All of a sudden almost all my wall art spoke to me simultaneously demanding to be installed on this wall or that. Thankfully, none of them bickered over the same bit of wall. I still have a few paintings and such that are waiting patiently for installation because I'll need HTP and son to help with the installation process. And some of the wall art has remained mute but that may be because they will eventually find a home on one of the walls of my guest room which is currently occupied by #1 son.

In the meantime, I continue to continue unpacking. Everyday more boxes are being emptied. The pile of collapsed boxes in the garage is growing. The huge black garbage bags of bubblewrap are mounting. I'm reluctant to part with any of it because I may need some of it when we pack up stuff for Wisconsin.

Life goes on for #1 son too. He's going to the prom with the daughter of one of my friends next weekend. His tuxedo will be ready for pickup on Thursday. The prom is on Saturday. Dinner reservations have been made. We just need to go order a wrist corsage. Red roses. I'll take pictures.

I caught HTP doing something other then helping unpack yesterday. He may have to die. NO GENEALOGY UNTIL AFTER THE UNPACKING IS DONE!!!!

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

"There are lots of kinds of bagels made today, but to the purist, real bagels contain only flour, water, yeast, malt, and salt. No sugar, no eggs, no raisins, no onions, no sesame seeds, no cinnamon, no garlic, no jalapeno peppers, no cheddar cheese, and no sun-dried tomatoes." (From Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader by The Bathroom Reader Institute)

My favorite bagels are the Everything Bagels. HTP and son love the yucky blue Blueberry bagels. The smell of those things is enough to drive me from the room. I bet they glow in the dark too.