Sunday, May 16, 2004

26 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Today was my last day playing for with the contemporary group at church before we head for Wisconsin. My lip must be getting better since it was still holding after playing for a full three hours. I hope to return to Arizona in the fall with a much improved lip. I'll be bringing my clarinet to Wisconsin with all kinds of music to play. Maybe my brother will dust off his clarinet and join me in some duets. We'll entertain the weekenders as they jet-ski by our docks. I wonder if I can find some particularly annoying music to help us in this pursuit?

I made sugarless strawberry jam yesterday. It turned out great! I was only able to find two pint jars and nine 1/2 pint jars in the garage. Actually, I found the box the other jars are packed in...but it was buried under a mountain of other heavy boxes. I decided to can the jam in the jars that I was able to retrieve from the garage and freeze the rest for more immediate use. We started on the first ziploc freezer container of the jam this morning. By the look of things, we should finish up all the "extra" jam before mid-June.

I sealed my granite countertops today after church. I was getting tired of all the stains that were being created. I only wish that I'd known that the builder had failed to seal the granite before my son had the oil incident. I fear that stain will remain in the granite forever and a day. I did what I could but only budged it a bit. Oh well...stone is supposed to have character, right?

Murphyism of the Day

Everitt's Law of Thermodynamics

Confusion is always increasing in society. Only if someone or something works extremely hard can this confusion be reduced to order in a limited region. Nevertheless, this effort will still result in an increase in the total confusion of society at large.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

What's the difference between superglue and Krazy Glue? Nothing. Krazy Glue is just one of many brands available. It first went on sale in 1973. Some other brands: SuperBonder, Permabond, Pronto, Black Max, Alpha Ace, and (in Mexico)Kola Loka. (That last sounds too much like a beverage for my peace of mind....might work as a diet aid though.)

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