Thursday, May 27, 2004

15 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

My son has his final exams today and tomorrow. Last night we ate sushi until we could eat no more. There is an all-you-can-eat sushi bar here in Arizona that has been a real favorite. It's called Todai. Everytime that we've gone, I've noticed these really bizarre bright yellow water bottles that they sell there. They actually remind me of those bright yellow smiley faces but with legs. Anyway, I couldn't resist. I bought #1 son a Todai water bottle for his birthday. This morning he filled it and took it to school with him. It should make a definite statement if he brings it to college with him in the fall. It'll make a definite statement today at finals.

I had to run out and move my car this morning. The builder has scheduled someone to come out to stain my driveway. This procedure is supposed to make the areas that they patched match the rest of our driveway. As a person who has dyed her hair for years, I have my doubts as to whether this procedure will work.

I hearty hug to HTP. He found a way that I can access my favorite radio station on my computer. For some bizarre reason, I haven't been able to get reliable reception of this AM station inside our house. Some of the interference actually comes from the optical mice that we use on our various computers. I know. I checked reception with the mice plugged in and sans mice. My reception was a whole lot better without the mice. My reception is perfect from the weblink...and it's free...and I can still use my computer. Since I tend to listen while I'm playing Pogo or writing this blog or emails, this has solved the problem. Another hearty hug to HTP who solved my problem. Oh...and I can listen at The Lake now too.

Murphyism of the Day

Perlsweig's First Law

People who can least afford to pay rent, pay rent.
People who can most afford to pay rent, build up equity.

Murphy's Monetary Maxim

Inflation is never having it so good and parting with it so fast.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The owner of a Magnolia, Arkansas, grill store constructed a working 70-foot "World's Largest Charcoal Grill."

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