Saturday, May 15, 2004

27 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

As I sit here in front of the computer, I feel like a frog with her finger up her nose. I can't think of a single thing to write.

My parents headed off to Wisconsin yesterday morning. I got a call from them last night. They'd made it as far as Gallup. I envy the fact that they will be at The Lake. I have posted a picture of my irises that was taken last spring by my father as the backdrop for my startup program on my computer. I have yet to actually witness the blossoming of these irises in person, I just get to weed and thin them. I keep saying, "Next year I'll get to see my irises and my azaleas and my rhododendron and next year I'll be able to get a head start on planting my garden." Not this year. Sigh. But I do get to stay in Wisconsin longer this year. One whole month longer. And next year I plan to witness the irises blossoming in my yard. But this year, I get to witness my son graduating from high school. The irises can wait another year.

Murphyism of the Day

Rudin's Law

In crises that force people to choose among alternative courses of action, most people will choose the worst one possible.

Murphy's Paradox

Doing it the hard way is always easier.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Why doesn't superglue stick to the bottle? Because it needs moisture to set and there is no moisture in teh bottle. (But just try to take that little cap off the second time you want to use the stuff in Wisconsin where moisture is a force to be wreckened with.)

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