Sunday, May 23, 2004

19 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

It's still cool enough at night to be able to open up the windows at night. I really love doing this but my allergies are starting to rage against it. I spent a miserable day yesterday and my nose is starting to get red and raw. I don't have a cold. Despite the Alavert I take on a daily basis, the allergens got through to me. I had to take DayQuil. One little Dayquil and it made me feel yucky. As a result, last night I didn't open up the windows despite the fact that it was a lot cooler outside at 64° vs 76° inside. I feel a whole heck of a lot better today so I suppose I'll just have to live with conditioned air if I don't want to live with non-stop sneezing.

I don't know what is causing my allergy problems because I refuse to go through an endless battery of tests. My allergies always seem to affect me most at this time of year here in Arizona. I always feel a lot better when I get to Wisconsin so whatever is causing the problem mustn't grow or blow in Wisconsin. I actually start feeling relief as soon as I get up toward Colorado and beyond so I suspect that whatever is causing the problem is a uniquely desert related allergen. To think people with allergies and asthma used to come to Arizona to recuperate. Unfortunately, they brought all kinds of allergens with them to make their stays more pleasant. Grass, olive trees, mulberry trees. The list is boundless. These things grow in abundance here now. They aren't native. It's a human failing that we always feel we must screw with nature and then we end up paying for it.

I'm going to have to start packing soon for Wisconsin. Next week. There are a lot of boxes of stuff that I need to bring to my daughter in Nebraska. All those boxes need to be repacked so that the things in them won't break. What was packed well enough for a move from our old home in Arizona to our new home in Arizona which I personally hand-carried, is not packed well enough for a cross-country move. Good thing I saved boxes and bubblewrap.

Murphyism of the Day

Richard's Complementary Rules of Ownership

1. If you keep anything long enough you can throw it away.
2. If you throw anything away, you will need it as soon as it is no longer accessible.

Gillette's Law of Household Moving

What you lost during your first move you will find during your second move.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The winner of the "How Krazy Glue Saved the Day Contest" was a woman who fell asleep while fishing in a small rowboat on a small Minnesota lake. More than a mile from shore, she was awakened when her feet started getting wet. Frantically, she mopped up the water with an old shirt, but it was still coming in through a small leak in the bottom of the boat. So she took a tube of Krazy Glue out of her tackle box (she used it to make fishing lures), cut a piece of leather from her boot, and glued the leather to the leak. "The leak stopped and I kept fishing," she said. "By the way," she added, "I can't swim--Krazy Glue saved my life!"

* Now that's what I call a real fish tale!

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