Sunday, May 09, 2004

33 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

It's Mothers' Day! Happy Mother's Day! Happy, Happy, Happy Mother's Day.

Last night HTP and I (mother of #1 son) and my friend (mother #2 ) and her husband took #1 son and his date (daughter of mother #2 and her husband), to a pre-prom dinner. The Chaparral Supper Club remains as a good pick for special occasions even if they don't have Escargot on the menu anymore or fix Hot Spinach Salad. There was still plenty to choose from and The Italian Tenor was still crooning, live in the background. #1 son and his date for the prom left for the prom and the parents returned to the date's house to view a movie before HTP and I ran home to quickly clean up the guest bathroom which had been trashed while #1 son was rushing to get ready for prom. #1 son and his date and another couple came over to our house sometime after midnight and watched a video, thus breaking in HTP's surround sound system for its maiden run. Since the walls were vibrating, I assume it was working. I don't know when everyone left to return to their respective houses. I fell asleep. I hope they all had fun. I did. I only discovered that "the coast was clear" at around 4:45 AM, when I had an argument with my little black and tan chihuahua. She thought it was morning and she wanted to go outside and she wanted to be fed.

She always wants to be fed. Both of my chihuahuas could star in dog food commercials. They don't merely eat their food. They inhale their food. Choking and gasping the entire time. My parents' dog doesn't do this (unless she's visiting with my dogs and is in fear of losing her own meager portion to the voracious duo). None of my previous dogs have ever done this. At one point I actually was using something called a "food cube" (a doggy puzzle which the dogs have to bat around the house in order to receive one or two pieces of food as a reward). This doggy puzzle was supposed to slow my voracious duo of chihuahuas down somewhat. The food cube a point...but it was just too much work filling the dang thing and then the two of them would quarrel and guard the stupid thing constantly...even when it was empty. It was kind of funny watching them chase it all over the house though except when they batted it under the couch and expected me to retrieve it. Sigh.

Murphyism of the Day

Scott's First Law

No matter what goes wrong, it will probably look right.

Scott's Second Law

When an error has been detected and corrected, it will be found to have been correct in the first place.


After the correction has been found in error, it will be impossible to fit the original quantity back into the equation.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Li Shou was a cat goddess worshiped by the ancient Chinese, who believed that at one time cats had the ability to speak, but gave the gift to humans so that they could lay around all day. Li Shou was a fertility goddess who brought rain and protected crops. At harvest time, peasants would hold an orgiastic festival in her honor, offering sacrifices to the cats that had protected the grain from rats and mice.

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