Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gypsy Doesn't Seem Interested in Real Chipmunks...yet

Word of the Day

Housewifier - 1. To become more of a housewife than previously; to act more on one's housewife instincts than others. 2. Having a strong impulse to clean, wash, or fold laundry, more so now than before.

Woodtick Count - 14

My lettuce seeds have sprouted! The green onion sets have sprouted! Two of my zucchini seeds have sprouted! Only two. In one of my Earthboxes. They should have ALL sprouted by now! I stuck in a few more seeds. All my other plants are doing just fine but it's too soon to expect to see the other sprouts breaking the surface of the planting beds. It's been too cool. However, if I don't start seeing some action by the middle of next week? Oh...I just took another look in my dog kennel garden and I'm starting to see the first green sprouts of the sugar snap peas. Just two tiny green specks's a start.

It's really quiet this morning. I'm a bit surprised. The sun is shining. It's a weekend. HTP has been warning that the poor economy and high gas prices may keep the weekenders away this least off the lake. We had weekenders last weekend but last weekend was a holiday weekend. It's early. Not even 8 AM as I write this. My first pot of coffee is still brewing. Even HTP and #1 Son are still asleep. We'll just have to see what happens this afternoon when the world wakes up a bit.

I gave Gypsy a bath yesterday and treated her with the Frontline. She's good to go for another month. I think today might be spent doing laundry. #1 Son is home for the weekend.

Murphyism of the Day

First Law of Politics

Stay in with the outs.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

A self that is only differentiated - not integrated - may attain great individual accomplishments, but risks being mired in self-centered egotism. By the same token, a person whose self is based exclusively on integration will be well connected and secure, but lack autonomous individuality. Only when a person invests equal amounts of psychic energy in these two processes and avoids both selfishness and conformity is the self likely to reflect complexity.

- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Friday, May 30, 2008

Corking the Vintage 2007 Wines

Word of the Day

Houndwound - Canine act of circling a spot three or four times before settling on it.

Woodtick Count - 14

Despite hiking with Sis yesterday. Gypsy, on the other hand, managed to find an enterprising woodtick that attached itself to her eyelid. Have you ever tried to take a woodtick off a dog's eyelid? Sis helped by lending me a couple additional hands. Despite the calendar, it becomes apparent that it's time for another dose of Frontline. I'll give Gypsy a bath today and then Frontline her after she's all dried off.

No watercress. was there but along with the rest of the's slow. About a month behind when it comes to growing. Sis and I will hike back in a couple of weeks to see if it's ready for harvest. We didn't feel like robbing the cradle. Robbing the cradle, when it comes to watercress, is tantamount to killing the golden goose in order to get hasten the harvest of golden eggs. Over-harvesting or rushing the harvest of the watercress would jeopardize future harvests.

Sis and I have the beginnings of Dandelion Wine. We boiled up our 2-pounds of dandelion blossoms (just the yellow) into a strong tea before adding lemon and orange zest and sugar. More boiling before we added the juice and pulp from the lemons and oranges and our white grape juice concentrate. More waiting until things cooled down enough for me to add the rest of the ingredients. The sweetened dandelion "tea" didn't cool down until darkness had covered the earth. I had to wait until after supper and even longer...until HTP and I had our strawberry sundaes for dessert...before adding the yeast. Our sweetened dandelion "tea" has started its journey toward Vintage 2008 Dandelion Wine. I hope this vintage turns out as well as our 2007 vintage which Sis and I sampled yesterday afternoon. Yummy! A fine dessert wine with a faint nutty flavor. You never know what you'll end up with when you when you start each new batch of wine. Weather has so much to do with it. Heat, cold, rain or not. This year there are LOTS of dandelions. Everywhere! Huge blossoms. A sea of yellow.

Our rhubarb is getting a slow start this year. The gal at the wine shop tells me that this means that the rhubarb that we use in our wine will be really juicy and sweet. Sis put out a call to her friends and family. We need rhubarb. Please donate. It looks like a couple of more weeks before I can even think about pulling some of my rhubarb. Sis had to move her rhubarb plants so she was only able to "steal" 3-pounds of the 16-pounds that we'll need to make our rhubarb wine this summer. I divided my plants when I got here this spring so I could start three more hills of rhubarb. It'll be a couple more weeks, from the looks of things, before I can start pulling rhubarb for baking, jam making, and our 2008 Vintage Rhubarb Wine.

Sis and I sampled our Prickly Gooseberry Wine - 2007 and discovered that it's a sparkling wine. Wonderful! It has a slight citrus flavor that reminds me of mimosas but without the sugar of the orange juice. I'll have to dig out the recipe for what we did last summer to come up with this wonderful sparkling wine. It wasn't intentional. As I stated previously, you never really know what you'll end up with when you start this process of wine-making. You may even end up with vinegar....which...of well in cooking and salad dressings. Call me Pollyanna.

Speaking of rain... It rained last night. We got a nice thunder-boomer. Only 3/4" of rain but we needed the rain. My garden needed the rain. The lawn needed the rain. The woods needed the rain. I was hoping that we'd get more rain today but it looks like the majority of the stuff decided to track south of us. They're predicting clear and sunny skies for the weekend....which means...the lake will be rife with weekenders tearing up the water with their speed boats and jet-skis. Oh well...I guess I'll do laundry and read a good book. Sis and I can get the dandelion wine strained and air-locked. The lake will be nice and quiet again by Sunday night.

#1 Son will be coming home tonight. He has to go back to The Big City on Monday but will be returning to stay with us next week.

Murphyism of the Day

Wilkie's Law

A good slogan can stop analysis for fifty years.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

He may be mad, but there's method in his madness. There nearly always is method in madness. It's what drives men mad, being methodical.

- G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Squirrels are Back and Gypsy Hasn't Seen Them Yet

Word of the Day

Horracious - Describing something so incredibly bad that one cannot even think of a word to describe it.

Woodtick Count - 14

The woodtick count may go up today. Sis and I are going to hike to where the fresh water spring (swampy area) to see if we can pick any watercress. Things are coming up slow this year so I'm not sure if the watercress will have had a chance to get big enough for picking...or recognizing. I'm not even sure how far we'll be able to hike in today. The swampy areas seem to be more liquidy than usual this year. There was a lot of snow last winter and we're seeing a lot of standing water. Lots of mosquitoes hatching out too. Time to dig out the mosquito spray.

I overslept this morning. HTP woke me up talking about the Jay Leno show last night. Something about Hannah Montana and Dick Cheney and how seven year old children seem to be getting smarter. Anyway, I overslept until 7 AM when he woke me with that observation. Gypsy must have overslept too because she's usually quite reliable when it comes to telling me that she wants to go outside at 6 AM.

We're having the windshield replaced on one of our cars. (Right now. There's a guy working on it as I write this.) Actually, though the paperwork states that the car is still ours and we're paying for the insurance and we plan to change the paperwork and insurance sometime this summer, the car "belongs" to #1 Son. He's been driving it around with this long crack bisecting the entire windshield. Since he's using our Gator this week, we decided to take the time to get the windshield fixed as well as take care of some normal car maintenance. However, having to replace the space-saver spare tire came as a bit of a surprise. Sometime...who knows when...the space-saver spare tire (Firestone) in the trunk..."exploded". Weird! I guess we're not the only ones to encounter such a problem but finding the spare looking like that was a bit of a surprise. Total tread separation. It's a good thing that #1 Son didn't find himself at the side of the road with a flat tire. HTP was able to find a spare...spare...and this time we went with a Goodyear. No point in chancing things with another Firestone.

I've got all the supplies I need to start making the Dandelion Wine. Sis and I get things brewing after our hike.

Murphyism of the Day

The Fifth Rule of Politics

When a politician gets an idea, he usually gets it wrong.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got.

- Sheryl Crow

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sis and Me With Our 2007 Vintage Wine

Word of the Day

Hobophobic - To be deathly afraid of hobos and/or homeless persons.

Woodtick Count - 14

I actually thought I might have to add another woodtick to The Woodtick Count this morning was just a tiny scab. Sometimes, tiny scabs turn out to be woodticks but this one wasn't. I checked. No legs.

I'm not sure why I'm tired today. The most physical thing that I did yesterday was pick and clean 8-ounces of dandelion blossoms. 8-ounces AFTER cleaning. That's a huge bucket of the things. Actually, half of a pound sounds like more than 8-ounces. I cleaned half of a pound of dandelion blossoms. Added to the half of a pound of dandelion blossoms that I cleaned yesterday....I've cleaned a whole pound of dandelion blossoms.

Gypsy doesn't question my odd behaviors anymore but she does get rather curious. As I busily plucked blossoms yesterday, she kept sticking her nose in the way, trying to figure out what was so special about the yellow blossoms and why her human was collecting them. She hasn't figured out why I spent so much time spreading bark mulch on the flower beds. She even grabbed a piece for a taste. Ate it. Ewwwww!!!!! And then she dug out a couple of winter onions that I'd planted back as I thinned my winter onion batch. I had to grab them from her and re-set them in the ground. I already told you of the parsley incident. I think I prefer parsley breath to onion breath.

I need to finish up spreading bark mulch today....maybe tomorrow. I really should work on splitting and transplanting some of my hosta, my faux indigo, my dwarf iris, and my dwarf daylilies before top dressing everything with the last of the bark mulch. I foresee a day of digging through rocks as I find homes for all the transplants. Lots of rocks. Oh well...once it's done, it's done and I'll be able to enjoy my flower gardens for the rest of the summer without feeling guilty about over-crowding issues.

As for the dandelions....? My sister and I will start a batch of dandelion wine later this week. After she adds in her 8-ounces of dandelion blossoms, we'll have a full two pounds to make our Dandelion Wine. That's even more than last year. We'll have to make a run into the city to buy supplies. I cracked open a bottle of last year's Dandelion Wine. Wonderful! It still has a faint walnuty taste. Definitely a dessert wine.

Murphyism of the Day

Walton's Law of Politics

A fool and his money are soon elected.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Follow the grain in your own wood.

- Howard Thurman

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Dog Kennel Garden and One Brand New Raised Bed - Spring 2008

Word of the Day

Hoodie - A style of sweatshirt that has a hood and a pouch in the front.

Woodtick Count - 14

I woke up to read a temperature of 32.9°F on the base unit of my weather thermometer. The sensor is on my deck. I have no way of knowing if the temperatures dipped even lower than that reading. However, when I went outside to hang out the bird-feeders, I noted a fine layer of ice/frost on my deck railings. My plants (on the deck and in the garden) look OK so far but looks can be deceiving. I won't really know if I have to replace the seedlings until this afternoon when things warm up a bit. If they froze, they'll turn "melt" and it will become obvious that I'll have to return to the nursery for new plants. My Mom cautioned me yesterday afternoon that I probably should cover my plants last night but....I didn't. Ever the heart of a gambler...or maybe just plain laziness. I was tired.

I picked and cleaned 8 ounces of dandelion flowers. I currently have enough frozen dandelions in my freezer to start a double batch of dandelion wine. My Mom showed me a neat way of cleaning the flowers that's a lot easier green. She actually picked and cleaned enough dandelions for me to make up a one whole batch of wine. When cleaning dandelions for wine you try to just use the yellow stuff. You need a lot of yellow stuff (fluff) to get enough for one batch of wine. I noticed a lot of dandelions growing up near my mailbox on the county road. Since my thumb nails (which look a lot like my Mom's thumb nails) are pretty much irreversibly stained at this point, I may see if I can pick and clean enough for at least another batch of wine. We'll see. I can't start making wine immediately anyway. I'll need to buy the rest of the ingredients I'll need for the dandelion the next time I visit the city and that won't be for a while yet.

#1 Son will be leaving to return to The Big City soon. He's got a doctor appointment on Wednesday. Plus...he's got to get back to work. He's helping a friend of his move some stuff and talked briefly about borrowing our Gator for a few days to help move some stuff. We'll see.

Murphyism of the Day

Fibley's Extension to Miles's Law

Where you sit depends on who you know.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge.

- Enrico Fermi (1901 - 1954)

Monday, May 26, 2008

We Need to Rent a Log Splitter

Word of the Day

Honkin - Extremely large, very huge.

Woodtick Count - 12

When MC Daughter and D Buddy got here yesterday, we drove into the city to buy groceries. MC Daughter wanted baking supplies to make a birthday cake for #1 Son.



#1 Son!

We're going to celebrate his birthday this afternoon along with my folks' anniversary.



Mom and Dad!

#1 Son has baby back ribs all prepped to go into the oven this morning so that all we'll have to do is throw them on the grill to finish them up. Yummy! I bought potato salad to go with them and the cole slaw is ready, marinaded, and all I have to do is add the Miracle Whip dressing. MC Daughter has already started munching on the potato chips and taste-tested the chip dip that I made last night.

MC Daughter got up REALLY early this morning. She's a baker on her day off and she's not used to keeping regular hours anymore. Anyway, she got up at around 4 AM and baked the cake. The smell of chocolate woke me up at my normal wake up time of 6 AM.

I got up to make coffee and found that there was a pot already made. She'd taken care of Gypsy for me too. I could get used to this. The smell of oven-fried potatoes is wafting through the house (again...thanks to MC Daughter). I'll make eggs and Italian sausage to go with them.

MC Daughter and D Buddy have to return to The Big City today. They both work tomorrow. I'll have to make my own coffee tomorrow....unless I can talk #1 Son into getting up early. Oh well...ain't gonna happen but...

#1 Son did haul bark mulch for me yesterday. While in the city, I bought nine more bags of bark mulch. I'm going to wait and spread it on Tuesday...or Wednesday. We'll see. Today is a kick back and relax and celebrate day.

Murphyism of the Day

Mile's Law

Where you stand depends on where you sit.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

- Grace Murray Hopper (1906 - 1992)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Spring Blooms - 2008

Word of the Day

Hobophobic - To be deathly afraid of hobos and/or homeless persons.

Woodtick Count - 12

#1 Son got to The Lake at around 6 PM. He'd stopped to pick up Italian sausage at Louie's so I made spaghetti for supper. HTP and #1 Son used some of my homemade croutons on their salads. Me? I don't eat croutons on my salad. Mine are delicious but I prefer snacking on them as a mid-day treat.

I did go fishing....after I spread 12 bags of bark mulch on my garden and found out that I need to buy some more. I caught two bass off the dock but had to throw them back because they were too small. After that I decided to pack it in because nothing was biting on waxies and I didn't want to waste my leeches on under-sized bass. Besides, it was really windy on the dock and fishing isn't all that fun when it's that windy on the lake.

Plans for the day include helping #1 Son do his laundry. LOTS of laundry. I'm going to boil some ribs and then marinade them overnight in a special rub before baking and grilling them tomorrow night's special dinner. I'm also going to make some cole slaw...and maybe some potato salad. We'll see. Tomorrow is #1 Son's birthday. And it's my folk's anniversary. I will be baking cake today. I'll hold off decorating it until tomorrow.

We got a bit of rain last night. There was some lightening and thunder...nothing much to comment about but the rain was nice. My gardens needed it. I'm hoping for more rain tonight....or even sooner. It's overcast outside right now.

OOOHHH Coool!!!!! MC Daughter and D Buddy just called! They're coming up to The Lake too. Woohoo! Full House!!!!! This calls for a trip to the city to buy groceries.

Murphyism of the Day

The Rule of Law

If the facts are against you, argue the law.
If the law is against you, argue the facts.
If the facts and the law are against you, yell like hell.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.

- Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What's a Juneberry Tree ? - May 2008

Word of the Day

Hobnoblin - An obnoxious or mischievous, and overly familiar acquaintance.

Woodtick Count - 11

The above count reminds me that Gypsy really could use a bath and I should Frontline her after she's all dried off. So far the Frontline has kept her tick free. Although, considering the amount of woods walking and kicking around in the dead leaves and hauling and stacking logs that I've done this spring, I'm totally amazed that I haven't had even one woodtick that has done more than walk on me. No nibbles or bites....yet. Maybe Gypsy's Frontline is working on me too?

HTP and I finally got the boat launched yesterday! You need the boat to get the dock installed properly and you need a dock to tether the boat to when you're done using the boat. So, HTP and I got the dock installed. I need to charge up the battery for the drill. We've got a couple of loose dock boards. I have visions of someone stepping on the edge of one of those boards, having it swoop up and hit them in the noggin and then have that someone fall into the lake. Dangerous and at the least...rather embarrassing.

HTP assured me that he could haul away the remainder of the oak logs that That Tree Guy cut up for us. He assured me that he could do this by himself. I didn't argue. Instead, I found an indoor task that wouldn't require any of the same muscle groups that I'd been using for the last few day. I made croutons.

I sat on the dock after supper last night and enjoyed a nice glass of wine with Gypsy at my feet. Of course, I had to carry her out onto the dock. I don't think she likes the dock. All that water and THE BOAT. THE BOAT LIVES! IT KEEPS MOVING! I thought Gypsy was going to skitter off the dock backwards as she tried to avoid THE BOAT. I've finally decided that she thinks it's a huge living monster that I've got leashed to the dock. Three leashes. Must be some mean monster to require three thick rope leashes to keep it under control. I'm sure that she just needs to get used to it. Lots of things tend to freak her out here at The Lake. She's a desert dog. Dry leaves, twigs, blackberry bushes that reach out and grab you, all these things are new experiences for her. I'll have to keep an eye on her when the frogs and toads start emerging from hibernation. She was already overly curious about the newly hatched baby painted turtles that were crossing the concrete driveway by our house. I shudder to think about what kind of trouble Gypsy could find herself in with one of the big snapping turtles we see each spring?

I may or may not go into town and buy some bait so I can go fishing today off the dock. I may or may not start spreading the bark chips in my flower borders. I may or may not decide to hike up the road to pick more dandelions so I can start a batch of dandelion wine. #1 Son may or may not be coming up to The Lake today. So many variables. If I knew for sure that #1 Son was coming today, I'd thaw out some bratwurst for supper....or....maybe I will get that bait and see if I can catch some fish for supper.

Murphyism of the Day

Brown's Rules of Leadership

1. To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.

2. The best way to succeed in politics is to find a crowd that's going somewhere and get in front of them.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Money can't buy friends, but it can get you a better class of enemy.

- Spike Milligan

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Juneberry Bushes are Blooming - May 2008

Word of the Day

Hollymongering - Insisting forcibly that others participate in festivities and/or holiday activities.

Woodtick Count - 11

Woohoo! My teeth received a clean bill of health! I won't have to see the dentist again until next year! Knock on wood.

While in the city, HTP and I noted that almost all the gas stations were selling bark chips. We bought twelve huge bags of the stuff (it was on sale). I had planned to kick back and relax a bit today but....

I really need to spray the weeds that keep coming up. I can't spread bark chips on the flower beds until the weeds are sprayed. HTP mixed up a couple gallons of weedkiller for me so all I have to do is put Gypsy in the kennel and spray the weeds. Weedkiller is not good for puppies...snoopy puppies. It's supposed to rain on Sunday so my thoughts of kicking back and doing nothing more than working on a Sudoku puzzle are floating off into dream territory. Especially since....

That Tree Guy came last night and cut down up the rest of the logs that were too big and while he was at it cut back the stumps a bit more. I foresee at least one more bit of log hauling and stacking. Probably only one or more trips in the Sidekick. I gave him his check. HTP and I got our burn permit the other day so we can have as many bonfires as we like for an entire Wisconsin.

My garden is all planted and watered. I planted one Earthbox with eggplant, one Earthbox with zucchini (three yellow and three green), one Earthbox with bush cucumbers, one Earthbox with Italian peppers, one Earthbox with First Lady tomatoes, and one Earthbox with Brandywine tomatoes. Out in my raised bed "dog kennel" gardens, I planted sugar snap peas, bush cucumbers, Italian green beans, burgundy beans, wax beans, two more varieties of green beans (all bush varieties...we eat a lot of beans), two First Lady tomatoes, two Brandywine tomatoes, a Sweet Cherry tomato, two eggplant, six bush-style cucumbers, three hills of zucchini, a couple varieties of leaf lettuce, and some set onions. In my container garden pots, I have oregano, sweet basil, hot peppers, parsley and cilantro. I can sit back now (as far as the vegetable garden) and watch things long as things warm up a bit and as long as the squirrels and birds don't snack on the seeds. Temperature-wise, it looks more like May 1st than May 23rd outside.

Murphyism of the Day

Good's Rule of Dealing with Bureaucracies

When the government bureau's remedies do not match your problem, you modify the problem, not the remedy.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Of course the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you--if you don't play, you can't win.

- Robert Heinlein (1907 - 1988)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Five Oak Trees - Picture taken Summer 2007

After Pictures..After HTP and I Hauled Away the Logs

More After Pictures..After HTP and I Hauled Away the Logs

Our Very Neat New Log Piles

Our Very Neat New Log Piles

Gypsy Had to Inspect the Log Piles

Word of the Day

HMO-sapien - A person who understands HMOs.

Woodtick Count - 9

I've got a dental appointment today. I'm so tired right now that I might fall asleep in the dental chair. Physical exercise hang-over. Last night I went to bed at 8:30 PM and just got up at 10 PM to let Gypsy outside and kennel her for the night. Tired!

HTP and I...mainly HTP...constructed a brand new raised bed garden for me that fits perfectly in my "dog kennel" garden. It's a tad bigger than the six other raised beds. 12 sq. feet of surface area. The others only have 8 sq. feet of surface area. I'm a firm believer in the square foot gardening method (Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew)...when I'm not gardening in containers like Earthboxes. He built the garden using four 7' lengths of 5x6 lumber and four 2' lengths of 5x6" lumber that our local lumberyard cut for us. Sturdy! It looks wonderful. Not an easy task to construct. We had to remove all the dirt from the area and level it out. With no place to put the dirt and a limited area in which to work, woodticks crawling all over the place, mosquitoes showing up to add just one more touch of misery, HTP still managed to build my raised bed garden box. However, by the time we'd finished the construction, filling the garden with topsoil, and cleaned up the area, we were both extremely exhausted. And then, just as we were stumbling out of the garden area....

That Tree Guy showed up. I'm not sure what I looked like at the time but I talked to him and he seemed more than willing to come to cut the remaining logs into something a bit smaller. Since I'd forgotten that I had a dental appointment, I told him that we'd be here to hand him his check after he completed the work. Argh! I was just so tired from the garden work and all the work we'd done the day before.... And then....

The UPS guy came barreling down our driveway. I was sure that he was going to hit That Tree Guy's car....and maybe me and That Tree Guy who were standing right by That Tree Guy's car. GEEEEZZZZZ!!!!! UPS drivers drive like maniacs! Anyway, my Earthboxes have arrived!!!! Woohoo! Despite my already exhausted state, I sat down on the deck and put together my two new tricked out Earthboxes. Cool! They came with this really neat trellis/staking system...on rollers...which attaches to the bottom of the box. I prepped both of the new Earthboxes for planting. In the meantime...Gypsy decided that she loves the taste of parsley. Groan!

While I was struggling with the assembly of the Earthboxes out on my deck, Gypsy got herself into mischief. She sniffled among my container gardens and discovered parsley. By the time I looked up and caught the little stinker, she'd managed uproot and eat one of my new parsley plants. All that remained on my deck as evidence was one parsley leaf and a bit of the roots. BAD DOG! Thankfully I grabbed her before she could get the other plants in the pot. Pitiful whimpers and cries came from her kennel...but I ignored them. I'll have to keep a closer watch on Gypsy when we're out on the deck. Parsley won't hurt her but I didn't plant the parsley as a dog munchies. She could have waited until it had grown up a bit before deciding to graze.

So...after prepping the two new Earthboxes and using the left-over potting mix (one and a half huge bags) to top off my brand new raised bed garden, and marking off the planting squares in the garden, I was just too tired to continue. Planting the garden and the two new Earthboxes would have to wait. HTP and I decided that we weren't hungry for supper (having eaten at Grocke's in town while we were waiting for the lumberyard to fill our order). In a sort of stupor, HTP and me (cuddling a repentant, parsley-breathed Gypsy), sat and watched Alton Brown on TV and then abandoning the TV field, Gypsy and I decided to listen to Rusty Humphries on the XM radio while we took a nap and HTP watched a re-run episode of the Sopranos.

I've got a dental appointment this morning...after breakfast. I'm eager to plant my raised bed gardens and my new Earthboxes but it'll have to wait until after the dental appointment. We'll have to see how much energy I have left after we're done.

Murphyism of the Day

Wiker's Law

Government expands to absorb revenue and then some.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.

- Corita Kent

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Swingset

Word of the Day

Hipular - Popular with the "hip" crowd.

Woodtick Count - 6

Poor Gypsy spent most of the day in her kennel yesterday. She's just too curious when it comes to what her humans are doing. It was just safer for her to be in her kennel while HTP and I were loading up the Sidekick with heavy logs and then driving said Sidekick to the logging road to stack them. I lost track of how many round trips we made. Actually, looking at the stacks of logs that we made, it doesn't really look like five oak trees worth of logs. Somehow, when someone cuts them up into neat little logs and stacks them in a neat little woodpile, it doesn't look like all that much. Since HTP and I weren't here while the cutting was being done (That Tree Guy came while HTP and I were in The Big City), we have no idea how long it took to get the trees downed and sawed up...or how long it took for him to pile up those two huge piles of branches and twigs that can't be classified as logs. I do know that HTP and I started hauling logs in the Sidekick at right after breakfast and we didn't get done until close to 3 PM. That's a five hour workout. Thankfully, during our entire workout, not a single deerfly or mosquito or wasp or bee or horsefly showed up to zing around our heads. Woodticks? I didn't see any but HTP had a couple (not included in my woodtick count).

After that workout, I dismissed the thought of even sitting down at the kitchen table to plan out my garden. Physically planting my garden is going to have to wait for another day or so. I'm giving my knees a rest. As it was, I discovered that walking backwards down the stairs to the basement to switch out the laundry loads, was a neat trick because for some reason putting my body in reverse while going down didn't bring about the stabbing pain in my right knee that was starting to occur every time I'd want to go down the steps or the hill in a forward gear. My knee had no problems going up the stairs and up the hill. I have a feeling we're talking about one tiny little tendon amongst many in my knee which could use a bit more exercise. I bet if I looked it up on the Internet that I could find some neat exercises that would strengthen that little bugger. However, I did give it quite the workout yesterday and a couple of stabbing pains to remind me that I'm getting older weren't all that unreasonable...come to think of it.

Murphyism of the Day

The Guppy Law

When outrageous expenditures are divided finely enough, the public will not have enough stake in any one expenditure to squelch it.


Enough guppies can eat a treasury.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

- Henry J. Kaiser (1882 - 1967)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sidekick Memories

Word of the Day

Hippocritamus - 1. One who performs great acts of hypocrisy. 2. A big, fat hypocrite.

My garden is tilled. My spots of color for the deck planters are all planted and flowering away. My four Earthboxes are planted. I'm still waiting for two more Earthboxes that should be arriving sometime this week. Actually, I did too much yesterday. Sis and I went to the nursery to pick out plants and the best that I can say is that I bought half as much as Sis. I was kind of proud of myself at how much self-control I was exhibiting. Really, Sis didn't buy all that much either. It took me all day to plant as much as I did buy. Oh, my aching back and knees! I ended up planting eight container garden pots with hot pepper plants, parsley, cilantro, oregano, and the left-over bits of my geraniums that Sis wintered-over in her basement for me. I still need to plant my raised bed gardens but that will have to wait for another day.

Today is not only laundry day but today is the day that HTP and I are going to attempt hauling and stacking all the oak logs that That Tree Guy made for us out of our five oak trees. We discussed renting a trailer but we're going to try using the Sidekick first. We can always rent a trailer later if the Sidekick doesn't work for hauling logs. We think it will, we think it will. The Little Engine that Could. We'll see. As for the debris field...I'm thinking that this weekend might be a great weekend for a fire in the firepit. I may even see if we have any hot dogs and marshmallows.


Update! The Sidekick worked like a trojan. HTP and I worked like Mr. and Mrs. Hercules. Exhaustion! However, all the logs have been moved and stacked up by the logging road where they can dry out and where there is a nice flat area where we can use a log year. Actually, there are still five logs down by the shore that That Tree Guy is going to have to cut up into smaller pieces. There is no way that those logs would EVER fit into our fireplace or pit, much less could Mr. and Mrs. Hercules fit them into the Sidekick. We haven't paid That Tree Guy. If he wants his check he'll have to bring his chainsaw and cut up a couple more logs.

Murphyism of the Day

Oak's Principles of Lawmaking

1. Law expands in proportion to the resources available for its enforcement.
2. Bad law is more likely to be supplemented than repealed.
3. Social legislation cannot repeal physical laws.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If the people who make the decisions are the people who will also bear the consequences of those decisions, perhaps better decisions will result.

- John Abrams

Monday, May 19, 2008

HTP and I Can Put Our Dock in Now - The Trees are Gone!

Word of the Day

Hipatitis - A terminal coolness contracted by a person that is described as being so cool, he/she would die if left untreated.

A long day in The Big City. Everything went well. We had a nice lunch and chat with HTP's folks, sister and brother and our nieces. We also got to chat for a while with #1 Son and MC Daughter who we hadn't seen since #1 Son's graduation. Last week. #1 Son gave me a huge box of Godiva chocolates which I haven't opened...yet. (200 calories for three pieces! Maybe I can just eat one. I can burn of the calories for just one...right?)

Since we were in The Big City, we took advantage of the added shopping opportunity and made a Costco run. #1 Son and MC Daughter joined us. Lots of food sampling. Yummy. Samples don't have calories. Right?

HTP and I stopped in the city to do a bit more shopping before returning to The Lake to pick Gypsy up at my folks' place. While we were there, my Dad told me that Sis' hubby had heard chainsaw noises (music to my ears?) coming from the north side of the lake. North end? Our place? Huh?! When we got home (north side of the lake), we could see that That Tree Guy had come and gone while we were in The Big City. Five oak trees (yes, the right ones) were felled and chopped into fireplace length logs. Unfortunately, the debris WAS NOT removed. None of the logs were stacked. I foresee a few days of heavy exercise ahead of me. I wish I owned a wood-chipper. It's either that or start a nice fire in my firepit. Maybe when #1 Son comes to visit this Saturday. Thinkin' about it.

Oh well...I'm not going to think about it yet. I'm not touching any of the debris or logs until my garden and Earthboxes are planted....well...all except the two Earthboxes that haven't arrived as yet that I ordered last week. I'll start working on the debris field as soon as the garden and existing Earthboxes are planted.'s off to the nursery to pick up plants and seeds,...after breakfast.

Murphyism of the Day

Andra's Political Postulate

Foundation of a party signals the dissolution of the movement.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!

- Tom Lehrer

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Dwarf Iris are Blooming

Word of the Day

Hingent - Determined or depending on another. Subject to another's jurisdiction.

Still no That Tree Guy. I doubt he'll show up today. At least, I hope he doesn't show up today. This may end up as a Murphyism. He stood us up twice yesterday. He never showed up "early" as promised. Then he called and told me that he was going to see if it was windy here (at the time it wasn't) and he didn't show up for that either. He'd already promised to do the job the other day and didn't show. If I was going by the three strikes rule, HTP and I might be looking for someone else to remove the oak trees...this coming winter. Believe me, the matter is under consideration.

I raked leaves yesterday and hauled them into the woods. After that, I did the first pre-dig of my raised bed gardens to get the weeds out of them before HTP can rototill. Tomorrow? Maybe on Tuesday. We'll see. Tomorrow I'm planning a trip to the nursery. Definitely, no rototilling today.

Back to yesterday, still working off my mad, I picked, cleaned and froze 1 quart of dandelions for wine. Actually, I hadn't planned on making dandelion wine this year but the dandelions were blooming, Gypsy wanted to spend some time outside and I was still angry about That Tree Guy. By this time, it began to rain a bit. Just enough rain to drive Gypsy and me inside. However, after an hour or so...and still no That Tree Guy...Gypsy and I decided to take a walk up the road but it began to rain again so we headed on home.

I had planned to make hamburgers on the grill last night for HTP and me but with the rain the temperatures outside dropped ten degrees. I woke up to 36°F this morning. Last night at dinner time it was 56°F...and it was still raining. Grilling outside with rain isn't fun. So, I made homemade meatballs instead and cooked up a pot of spaghetti.

Today? We're heading to The Big City this morning(A good excuse why we can't rototill the garden today). We'll grab a bite to eat for breakfast on our way. Since we couldn't celebrate Mother's Day with HTP's Mom last Sunday, we decided to celebrate a belated Mother's Day with her this afternoon. Lunch. #1 Son and MC Daughter are going to meet us there.

Gypsy gets to go visit my folks for the day. I think we'll be back here before dark...unlike our last trip to The Big City...but I've got all Gypsy's things packed up for that "just in case" scenario. I noted that my folks found a nice dog bed for Gypsy's visits.

Murphyism of the Day

Evan's Law

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then you just don't understand the problem.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Don't laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find his own.

- Logan Pearsall Smith (1865 - 1946)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Some of My Windows Are Hard to Reach

Word of the Day

Hicurp - The unintended act of burping immediately following a hiccup.

That Tree Guy stopped by last night to let HTP and me know that he'd be here REALLY early in the morning to take out those five oak trees. Actually, upon consideration, there's a partial tree that needs to be removed as well so....make that six trees. I'll tell him if and when he arrives. I always get up early so when That Tree Guy told me he was going to start REALLY early I wasn't too concerned. Gypsy and I have done all our outdoor things for right now. I won't be too happy if That Tree Guy doesn't show up this morning. He promised that he'd be here this morning, barring a tornado, or hail storm. Though we got a bit of rain last night, there was no hail. The sky is blue this morning and I don't think there's any rain in the forecast. May That Tree Guy has a different definition for REALLY early than me.

I had to redo my Earthboxes yesterday. Sis did some research and it turns out that I can't use topsoil in my Earthboxes. *sigh* I have to use really expensive potting mix...not to be confused with potting soil, which I can't use either. There isn't supposed to be any fertilizer in the potting mix which, according the forums that Sis read, is almost an impossible thing to find these days. So...they reluctantly tell you that if you must, you can use potting mix with a 3 month fertilizer in it. Anyway, I had to remove all the topsoil that I'd put in the Earthboxes. Thankfully, I'd filled all the Earthboxes (all but the two that haven't arrived as yet) with the used potting mix that I'd had in the two Earthboxes I used on the deck last summer. All I had to do was scoop off the layer of topsoil in each box. This task doesn't sound all that hard. The scooping part of the job wasn't hard at all. I scooped the topsoil into an old plastic bucket which I'd planned to throw away because it has a crack in the bottom so it leaks. However, it worked great for carrying topsoil that couldn't be used in the Earthboxes. The hard part was carrying that heavy bucket (six tripping) off the deck, into the house, out the front door, down the steps, across the driveway, down the side of the garage, across the yard in back of the garage, and into the garden where I dumped the topsoil onto a small lasagna garden that I started last year. I'm sure that the topsoil will work well there. I ended up carrying 160 pounds of topsoil out to the garden. The return trip with the empty bucket was no big deal. I did have one big bag (2 cu. feet) of the potting mix with 3 month fertilizer which I hauled in from the garden. I had intended to use that for my flower containers but since I don't have any flowers for containers as yet, I used it for the Earthboxes. I'll need more. I figure that I'll need at least three more bags of potting mix for the Earthboxes when you include the two that haven't arrived as yet. Plus, I'll have to buy another bag of the stuff for my potted flowers, herb containers. I wonder how many calories I burned up re-doing everything yesterday? Gypsy has been watching all my crazy activities since we've arrived here at The Lake. She hasn't actually said anything as yet but I've noticed some wide-eyed and puzzled looks.

It's almost 7 AM. That Tree Guy hasn't arrived as yet. On the plus side...I have really clean windows. So far no birds have been sacrificed to my clean windows. I'm going to call the window cleaners and schedule a repeat trip for next spring. Eleven years is a bit long between window cleanings. The crew was too polite to mention how dirty my windows were (to my face) but when they moved on to my sister's place to clean her windows they asked her how long it had been since I'd had my windows cleaned. They had to use steel wool on some of my windows to get the water spots off. She reassured them that cleaning my windows would be a lot easier the next time but didn't tell them that it had been eleven years and I'd NEVER had anyone clean my windows since the house was built. Eleven years of grime and sun-baked water spots....not to mention the bug and wasp spray that never actually hits the exact spot where you're spraying. I'm going to call the window cleaners on Monday to schedule another cleaning for the spring....if only to prove to them that my windows don't get so incredibly dirty from just one season's use. I am not a slob. I just don't do least not the ones that require the use of a 40-foot ladder.

Murphyism of the Day

Lee's Law

In any dealings with a collective body of people, the people will always be more tacky than originally expected.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.

- Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Five Oak Trees Given a Stay of Execution

Word of the Day

Hicci - A hiccup; the genitive singular form of hiccup; expressing a possessive relationship to a hiccup.

I'm feeling a bit cranky. Gypsy woke me up at 5 AM because....actually, I think she was hungry but I only threw on a coat and took her outside. She did her think...number one...and I put her back in her kennel, much to her indignation. I refuse to get up and get dressed and make coffee at 5 AM. I did get up at 6:30 AM...and did all that stuff. I also, before even making coffee, took Gypsy for a long walk. I heard geese honking in the bay and I thought Gypsy may take notice and get excited. *sigh* She didn't notice. She doesn't notice the chipmunks and the squirrels yet either. Instead, she spends a great deal of time with her nose to the ground or racing circles around the yard. Gypsy sure can move when she wants but the wildlife has no worries as yet.

My crankiness isn't just because my puppy dog woke me up so early. I'm also cranky because That Tree Guy didn't show up yesterday. The picture that I posted yesterday looks pretty much the same as it did yesterday. Of course, I took that picture last summer. The leaves aren't on the trees. Although the dock has been rolled out into the lake, there are no dock boards and we can't put the boat in until That Tree Guy comes and removes the trees. I want to go sit on my dock! Grrrrr!!!!

I lifted and carried four #40 pound sacks of topsoil to my back deck yesterday. I've got four of my Earthboxes all set up and ready to plant....almost. I need to buy some vermiculite and perlite to mix into the topsoil. I noted that the directions for setting up the Earthboxes call for potting mix, not topsoil. I haven't been able to find any potting mix without fertilizer. If I can't find it, I'll have to make my own. I ordered two more Earthboxes yesterday morning...after I blogged. Tricked out Earthboxes with trellises and wheels. Actually, two of the Earthboxes I set up yesterday...which I'd ordered last fall...have wheels. I love the wheels (coasters). I wish my two original Earthboxes had wheels but HTP told me that he would figure out how to at least provide feet for the old Earthboxes so tey wouldn't sit directly on the wood deck. Anyway, I'll have six Earthboxes in my deck garden this summer. Last summer I only had two.

I've been considering what to plant in my Earthboxes. I'm thinking zucchini, Italian peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes in the two Earthboxes that haven't arrived yet. I'll plant green beans, cucumbers, lettuce, set onions, and more tomatoes in my fenced garden. I'm also thinking of planting some pots of herbs to have on the deck. Parsley, basil, oregano, and cilantro. We'll see. Sis and I are going to the nursery to pick up plants on Monday. Nursery run. I need to pick up seeds, seedlings, and one never knows what will tweak the interest when one walks through the doors of a nursery.

The window cleaners will be coming in an hour or so. Woohoo! Clean windows! At least, I hope they're more reliable than That Tree Guy.

Murphyism of the Day

Rule of Political Promises

Truth varies.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Experience suggests it doesn't matter so much how you got here, as what you do after you arrive.

- Lois McMaster Bujold

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Five of the Oak Trees in This Picture Won't Be in the Picture Tomorrow. *at least that's the plan*

Word of the Day

Hiccaburp - To uncontrollably and simultaneously hiccup and burp.

I'm going to think up a myriad of tasks for myself...outdoor tasks...which will prevent me from cleaning my windows. I've got a crew of window washers coming tomorrow and I'm one of those weird people who feels she has to clean the windows before the cleaners get here. The windows need cleaning. They not only need cleaning, they've moved right on past small letters and have gone onto bold, upper case letters. My windows NEED cleaning. Since 1997, I've only been able to clean the windows that I can reach with the same "ladder" that I use for hanging my hummingbird feeders. This house has windows that require the use of a 40-foot least I hope a 40-foot ladder will do the trick. It's nice to have lots of windows here at The Lake but when we picked out our design before building, we didn't take into account the fact that the windows would need to be washed. I have windows here at The Lake that have never been washed. They're getting a bit grimey. On the plus side, birds don't fly into my windows quite so often. Only the really stupid birds still attempt fly throughs. That may change after tomorrow. However, having one's windows cleaned once every ten...eleven...years isn't going to kill off all the birds in the area. Actually, now that I've found someone with the proper equipment who is willing to drive all the way out here to clean my windows....I may decide to have the windows cleaned every year. A lot depends upon what kind of job they do.

Today, I'm thinking of getting my Earthboxes prepped for planting. It's still too cold to go out and buy plants. 36°F when I woke up this morning. I'm even considering buying a couple of more Earthboxes. This is instead of expanding my vegetable garden. The quote for leveling off more land for a larger garden...just leveling with a bobcat, no raised beds, no black garden soil, no fencing (a must here at The Lake)...., was $70/hour. The guy thought that it would take at least four to five hours. I can buy some pretty tricked out Earthboxes for that amount of money and HTP and I won't have to worry about weeds. Yup...I'm definitely thinking that getting a couple of tricked out Earthboxes (tricked out meaning with wheels and a trellis system)at half the cost of leveling off more garden area in the back.

In the meantime, HTP and I rolled the dock into the lake to get it out of the way of That Tree Guy who is coming later this afternoon to cut down five of the oak trees in our buffer zone/viewing area. He's going to cut the wood into fire logs for us and stack it. He's also going to haul away all the little bits. I wonder if he has a chipper? That would be way cool if he brought a wood chipper for all the smaller branches. HTP and I will figure out how to split the bigger logs and haul them up to the garage. Isn't log hauling and splitting the sort of job for which one has sons and son-in-laws?

Murphyism of the Day

Parker's Law of Political Statements

The truth of any proposition has nothing to do with its credibility and vice versa.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Hope is tomorrow's veneer over today's disappointment.

- Evan Esar (1899 - 1995)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

HTP and I are thinking about putting in the dock today...maybe...partially.

Word of the Day

Heroicism - Conduct or behavior relating to heroism; a lesser form of heroism.

Chocolate-dipped Strawberries. Cheesecake. FedEx brought me a box containing both these tempting caloric treats last night. DD Daughter sent them to me for Mother's Day. Yummy! I sampled four of them last night before I headed to bed. I already gave into temptation this morning and ate two of the strawberries with my morning coffee. I'll have to hike twice as far today and I still won't have burnt up the calories. I fooled myself into using the "waste not, want not" rule this morning. I told myself that if I don't eat the strawberries this morning, they may go bad. Can't have that. Too bad fooling oneself doesn't burn calories. I doubt that the two strawberries that I ate this morning will be the last I eat today. They are SOOOOOOOO good.

I had to refill the birdseed feeders this morning before taking them back outside. The birds have been hitting them hard. I bring the feeders in each night so the raccoons won't get into them. Raccoons can really tear apart a birdseed feeder. They leave the hummingbird and oriole feeders alone but raccoons REALLY love gorging themselves with do the birds. Last night when I went outside to retrieve the feeders, I practically had to shoo away one chickadee who was gorging himself on seeds. The birds were waiting impatiently this morning for me to bring the feeders back outside again. I suspect that I'll need to buy more than the one 25# sack of birdseed that I've got out in the garage.

HTP and I are having someone come out to take out some dead and dying oak trees that could fall on our dock or boat. Normally I don't like to remove trees at The Lake but I don't want to even think about the kind of damage these trees could do to my dock or boat. My insurance rates would go through the roof. Heck! My insurance rates are already through the roof (they went up 50% this year) and I've never even put in a claim.

Murphyism of the Day

Katz's Law

Men and nations will act rationally when all other possibilities have been exhausted.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others.

- Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Gypsy - May 2008

Word of the Day

Hereticat - A cat that chases dogs; or, a cat that likes to swim.

Dental appointments have been made. My folks told HTP and me that they'd made their dental appointments last summer for this spring but HTP and I tend to procrastinate about things like this. Anyway, my folks had their appointment yesterday and it tweaked HTP and me to call the dentist to make our appointments. HTP has his dental appointment today. They fit him in. There's no way that the dentist in Arizona could have "fit us in" for at least three months. The dentist here at The Lake was able to fit HTP in today! An incredibly perky receptionist told me that they could have fit me in later this afternoon but my knee jerk primal fear of dentists (I could hear my inner child screaming in terror), forced me to delay my dental appointment until May 22nd. I can still hear the faint screams of terror but at least the delay puts ME in control. I prefer to be in control of this sort of thing AND I can shove the terror back into the recesses of my mind for a little while longer. In the meantime, I can get busy and floss and brush like crazy so I don't get yelled at for not brushing and flossing as well as they seem to expect these days.

Murphyism of the Day

The Watergate Principle

Government corruption is always reported in the past tense.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.

- Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Enjoying Mother's Day at The Lake - 2008

Word of the Day

Helloha - An endearing greeting.

I've got birds! I saw my first goldfinch yesterday. I saw an oriole at my oriole feeder this morning. And I saw my first hummingbird on Saturday. These are my milestone birds but I've seen quite a variety of birds other than my "milestones". I've seen blue jays, cowbirds, grosbeak, woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees. I saw my first robin yesterday...not at my feeder. Robins don't visit my feeders. They're a ground feeder. Spring is starting to think about arriving. I know. Spring, according to the calendar, is already here. I woke up to a temperature of 36°F. I'll acknowledge Spring as soon as I see leaves budding out on the trees and trilliums blooming in the woods. However, the return of my milestone birds is a promising beginning.

Spring is late this year. I had my garden planted by Mother's Day last year. This year? It's too cold. Maybe I'll have my garden planted by Memorial Day....that's my goal. I may get my Earthboxes planted. The temperature on my deck (south side of the house)tend to be a lot warmer than those out in my garden. They tell me that April was the coldest April on record. I've noted that the global warming fanatics have changed their tune. They've become global climate change fanatics now. Oh well... I have gotten out to prune the dead canes out of my tame raspberry beds. I've got blooming violas in my flower beds. Spring will eventually come and I'll start complaining about how hot it is outside.

Murphyism of the Day

Todd's Two Political Principles

1. No matter what they're telling you, they're not telling you the whole truth.

2. No matter what they're talking about, they're talking about money.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.

- Andy and Larry Wachowski

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The it'll look as soon as there are leaves on the trees which won't be for a while yet.

Word of the Day

Headness - To have an abnormally large head.


Mother's Day


Bummer! I woke up this morning to find that the sticky buns (aka Monkey Bread) hadn't risen. They sat in the pan in a flattened condition. Yes, they did thaw but the yeast must have died sometime over the winter months while the frozen bread rolls had been stored in my freezer. On to Plan B. If Plan B doesn't work, I'm going to "forgidaboudit". There is no Plan C. I've got some bread dough mixing in my bread-maker. I carefully separated the Rhodes bread doughs from my sticky mix and tossed threw them away. I scraped the sticky mix and pecans out of my bundt pan and set it aside. Waste not, want not. Besides, I don't have any more of the butterscotch pudding mix and even if I did I'd be worried that the hot buttery mix might kill the yeast of this new batch of rolls because we're not dealing with frozen dough anymore. I sprinkled some fresh nuts into the bottom of the pan and as soon as the dough is ready, I'll cut it into balls and toss it into the pan along with the sticky mix. It'll have three hours to rise while I bake the ham and then I'll toss the sticky buns (aka Monkey Bread)into the oven to bake for 35 minutes and it'll be time to head over to Sis' place.'s your Mother's Day going so far?

Recipe for Overnight Sticky Buns....I've made this recipe dozens of times over the years and it always works...except today.

18 frozen Bridgeford or Rhodes rolls
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 small package regular butterscotch pudding mix
1/2 cup margarine

Thoroughly grease bundt pan. Sprinkle pecans in bottom of pan. Melt margarine in microwave and mix with all the other ingredients. Pour heated mixture over rolls. Let sit overnight, unrefrigerated. Bake in morning at 350°F for 35 minutes.

Altered recipe: Recipe for Who Has an Overnight to Wait on Sticky Buns? I'm using my own bread dough from my bread machine. If I were to use this recipe for the "sauce"...I'd melt the margarine in the microwave and mix with all the other ingredients, letting the mixture cool while the bread dough is mixing and rising in the bread machine. It should cool off enough not to kill the yeast by the time the dough is ready to cut up into 18 rolls. Let rise until doubled. Bake at 350°F for 35 minutes. No need to wait. Who needs Rhodes frozen dough at this point? LOL.

Murphyism of the Day

Law of Legislative Action

The length of time it takes a bill to pass through the legislature is in inverse proportion to the number of lobbying groups favoring it.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.

- Mario Andretti

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Old Grey Frog, HTP, #1 Son, MC Daughter and D Buddy on Graduation Day - May 9, 2008

Word of the Day

Happifying - Capable of making one happy.

Exhaustion! HTP and I got back home at around 3 AM and went straight to bed. I got up at 9 AM, checked my e-mail, consulted with Sis over the phone about dessert for Mother's Day, started some bread dough for baguettes for tomorrow, made breakfast, and then hopped in the car to pick up the mail in town, pick up the local Free papers for my folks and Sis and me, and then went over to my folks to deliver the papers and pick up Gypsy. I filled them in on the events of yesterday. Our trip to The Big City. After getting back to the my house with Gypsy, I made hunted around until I found my Oriole and Hummingbird feeders. Eureka! They were in the same closet as my windchimes but were hidden in a white plastic bag. I made nectar for the hummingbirds and the orioles and hung out my feeders. No activity so far. After that, I formed two baguettes and one small loaf of bread and stuck them in the oven to rise. Lunch. After lunch, I noted that it looked a bit cloudy outside. Fearing that it might rain, I went outside to rake off the leaves from a couple more of my flower gardens. By the time I got back inside, the loaves of bread had risen and they're in the oven right now baking. I still need to make the dessert for tomorrow's Mother's Day. I'm making sticky buns too but I don't need to start those until later tonight. I'll bake them tomorrow morning and then put the ham in the oven. Sis has lots more on her menu that she's doing. I figure I'm getting off really light this year. Ham is easy. Dessert is easy. Bread is easy. Sticky buns are easy. This is a good thing because I'm tired today. I'll have to catch up on my sleep tonight.

Our trip to The Big City yesterday was successful! The Angel that watches over traffic was guiding us and benevolent. We arrived at HTP's folks' place at around 3 PM and had a brief but nice chat with them before continuing on to pick up MC Daughter and D Buddy at their apartment for the graduation ceremony. We continued on to pick up #1 Son at his apartment and met with one of his roommates and her Mom and Grandparents before heading off to Northrup Auditorium where the graduation ceremony was to be held. They seated us at around 6 PM. The candidates for graduation filed in to the music of Pomp and Circumstance. Speakers. Diplomas. We sneaked out before EVERYONE got their diplomas, got some nice pictures of our graduate, piled into our car and headed off for a late dinner at Ole Mexico. Pretty good but...salsa. I'm a salsa snob. Their salsa wasn't up to my standards. However, the margaritas were just fine. After supper/dinner, we drove everyone to their homes and then hit the road again for our own home. A long drive home. HTP did the driving. I snoozed, on and off. Insomniacs don't sleep well ANYWHERE...especially in planes, trains, and automobiles...but I did nod off.

My bread is done. I'm going to make the dessert next. It's starting to rain. I'm glad I got the leaves raked off that side garden. A tree guy came to look at the trees HTP and I want removed by our dock and when I found out that he had a bobcat, I asked him to add the expansion of my garden to his bid.

Murphyism of the Day

Jacquin's Postulate on Democratic Government

No person's life, liberty, or property is safe while legislature is in session.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Outings are so much more fun when we can savor them through the children's eyes.

- Lawana Blackwell

Friday, May 09, 2008

Gypsy at The Lake - May 2008

Word of the Day

Hannibull - Big, fat, mean, human-eating machine.





#1 Son!

#1 Son graduates from college today! Way to Go! HTP and I are driving to The Big City to see him in his cap and gown and take LOTS of pictures. We plan to come back home tonight...well...tomorrow morning. It's a long drive to and from The Big City. Graduation for the 2000 IT graduates concludes at 9 PM. We're going to grab a celebratory late night dinner before returning to The Lake which means that we'll be getting back here REALLY reality REALLY early tomorrow morning. Deer Alert! We'll have to watch for kamikaze deer, especially in the wee hours of the morning.

Woodtick Count - 4

Yesterday, Gypsy and I went over to my folks' place for a visit. Afterwards, we went to visit Abby. Sis' big old (really old) black lab. Abby is BIG compared to Gypsy. After the initial "checking this puppy out session", Abby went on to running the perimeter while Gypsy sat quietly between my feet. Safe! She always sits between my feet when she's feeling insecure about things. She even tried to hide between Sis' feet. I think the initial "checking this puppy out session", intimidated her a bit. I thought it was a wise idea to bring her by for a "meet and greet" because Gypsy will be staying at my folks' place for an overnight while HTP and I are in The Big City and Abby lives right next door within a no leash zone. I'm pretty sure that the "checking this puppy out session" will make it possible for Gypsy to move freely off leash while visiting at my folks' place.

Murphyism of the Day

The Sausage Principle

People who love sausage and respect the law should never watch either one being made.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage.

- Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Lake - Spring 2008

Word of the Day

Hangle - Any cluster of tangled coat hangers.

Woodtick Count - 2

I've added a woodtick count for the summer while we're at The Lake. I'm only counting the woodticks that appear on my person...not HTP or any others living or visiting. The woodticks count even if I catch them before they decide to dig in and start to consume liquid nourishment. Knock on wood....that count would be zero right now. I hope. Some of the woodticks up here are pretty tiny. My sister had to dig out a magnifying glass to see the legs on the one that she found on her neck. Scabs don't have legs.

I worked in the garden yesterday clearing out the old vegetation so the new spring shoots would have a clear path to the surface. I also fertilized the blueberries. The hardest task was digging three holes in the ground for the rhubarb. Dividing the plants wasn't any trouble at all. Digging holes is a major trouble. Rocks. We've got lots of rocks and boulders here...even in the flower beds. It's not easy digging through solid rock. Since plants can't grow through solid rock, the rocks need to be removed. I added lots of rocks to my garden borders yesterday. Three holes...lots of rocks. Very little actual soil. I must say that digging three holes doesn't sound daunting but digging out and removing the rocks in those three holes starts to border on a Herculean task. However, I can now check that Herculean task off my list of thing to do.

On my To Do list for today? HTP is going to mix up a batch of weedkiller and we're going to spray the weeds that have come up so far this spring. I also need to remove the leaves from some of the other flower beds and Blueberry Hill. That may be a bit much for one day. I may have to work on some of this next week.

Friday is already booked. HTP and I will be driving to The Big City on Friday. We're going to see his folks but then #1 Son is graduating from college on Friday. Kodak moment. We'll take lots of pictures. Not many people that care will be able to actually see #1 Son graduate so we'll have to take lots of pictures to show everyone. Poor #1 Son is practically pulling out his hair trying to get everything done in these last days of his Senior year. I remember those nightmare days. You survive on nerves and coffee.

Murphyism of the Day

Law of the Lie

No matter how often a lie is shown to be false, there will remain a percentage of people who believe it true.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Don't be sweet, lest you be eaten up; don't be bitter, lest you be spewed out.

-Jewish Proverb

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Hepaticas are Blooming - Spring 2008

Word of the Day*

Hamgaburs - Sandwiches made with a patty of ground meat usually on a roll or bun prepared for connoisseurs no greater than the age of 4.

While Sis and I were in the city for our marathon shopping trip, HTP cleared all the leaves out of my front flower gardens. I can see that he took a lot of my violas with him and decapitated my dwarf daffodil but the violas will recover and the leaves had to go. I may tackle the side flower gardens and the tame raspberry bed today. I also need to fertilize the blueberries on Blueberry Hill. Actually, Sis and I need to hike down and fertilize the wild blueberry bushes near the watercress bed but...not today. I also want to divide my rhubarb plants and start another couple of beds. I didn't get nearly enough rhubarb last summer for rhubarb pie, rhubarb cake, and rhubarb jam. There wasn't too much rhubarb left over after making our rhubarb wine...even when my sister added in the rhubarb from her beds. Besides, my rhubarb really does need to be divided. It's getting crowded in the bed where I've got it by the swing set. I'm pretty sure that I can create at least two more beds.

It sounds like my folks and Sis are both planning building projects for this summer. Sis is having a garage put in at her place since she and her hubby are moving up to The Lake on a permanent basis (except for a three month hiatus during the winter for travel). My folks plan on adding an additional bedroom and bathroom to their place. First step? Tree removal. Lots of trees here at The Lake. Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder kind of describes the location of our individual houses. I do have a lawn. The first real grass that Gypsy can claim as her own. Sis has a lawn "kinda". My folks have a lawn but their lawn is even more "kinda" than Sis'. Weeds need mowing too. I figure if you own a lawn mower which you use to mow down a perimeter of vegetation you "kinda" have a lawn. Sis' hubby spends every weekend during the summer mowing his "lawn". My Dad fires up his lawn mower on a semi-weekly basis. Me? HTP and I have someone come out to mow our lawn. We probably should buy a riding lawn mower and take care of this task ourselves but then we'd have to pay lots of money for a riding lawn mower, gas, maintenance during the summer and winter. Plus, we'd have to mow the lawn on a weekly basis during the summer. We've been thinking about it. So far, we've discarded the idea of buying our own riding mower. That may change. I think HTP is intrigued with the idea of owning his own riding mower. It's a guy thing. However, I must say, it isn't the guys that I'm seeing mowing the lawns here in our little community. I've noted it. More important? HTP has noted it. There's no way that I'm going to start mowing lawns at this point in my life. Ain't happening.

Murphyism of the Day *

Lieberman's Law

Everyone lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day*

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.

- Robert Heinlein

* My blog is a non-profit entity. However, on occasion I remember to remember to acknowledge the sources where I find my Words of the Day, Murphyisms, and Noteworthy Quotes. So, click on the highlights to access the websites. Here's my annual footnote.

Word of the Day

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Murphyisms - Murphy's Law 26th Anniversary Edition by Arthur Bloch (I love this author and from time to time add my own corollaries.)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Gypsy at The Lake - May 5, 2008

Word of the Day

Hallucidate - 1. To elucidate by means of a hallucination. 2. To have a hallucination that clears up something or illuminates the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

Oh, my aching feet! Sis and I went on a marathon shopping trip....only stopping for a light lunch at Adventures. I'm exhausted. Before lunch we bench pressed 40# sacks of top soil. Sis got six of the sacks and I got four. It didn't matter. We still ended up bench pressing 40# sacks several times...not just ten times. You have to lift the dang things into your shopping cart and then you have to lift them out of the cart and load them into your car and then you have to lift them again to take them out of the car. I swear those sacks of top soil weighed LOTS more than 40#. They were I think you need to add on the weight of the water they'd soaked up while sitting in the parking lot at Walmart. Anyway, after bench pressing the 40# sacks of top soil a couple times we decided that we really didn't need to buy a membership to some posh health spa. Lunch? We walked into Adventures looking like we'd just plowed the north 40. Mud splattered down the front of our once pristine shirts. Broken nails. We stopped to scrap off a layer of filth in the restroom before letting the hostess lead us to our seats.

After lunch, we continued our marathon. Aldi's for a list of things for my Mom, Farm and Fleet because I needed some bird seed and those sugarless Dove candies and bags of smoked almonds jumped into my cart and I had to buy them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Next...and last stop...The Marketplace. I had a long list of things that HTP and I needed that we didn't buy on Saturday because I couldn't know that we needed them until I'd done an inventory of our pantry and freezer. We also needed to get some things for a Mother's Day buffet. Sis and I decided that a Mother's Day buffet at her place would beat out any Mother's Day buffet at any of the local wouldn't have to get all dressed could provide a nice spread for half the cost. Call me cheap but I hate to spend loads of money for something Sis and I could have cooked up with better flavors. Sis is a great cook/chef. Me? I'm just a cook but I make a mean mimosa. Best ever.

So...we unloaded all my Mom's groceries at their place. Then we unloaded all Sis' groceries at her place and bench pressed six 40# sacks of top soil. Sis gave me some venison sausage, brats, and jimmies from the venison that they got last hunting season and then I drove on home to unload my groceries and bench press four 40# sacks of top soil, a 25# bag of bird seed, and a 40# sack of dog food.

Gypsy now had two brand new dog beds which will stay here at The Lake. She's sitting in one of them right now...under my computer desk as I blog.

I disposed of my first woodtick. It hadn't managed to dig in as yet. It was just crawling on my hand. I flushed it. It's been kind of cool outside so I haven't been all that careful. I'll have to check every night from now on for a while. Spring is prime woodtick time.

Murphyism of the Day

Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Enomology

There's always one more bug.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Howard Hughes was able to afford the luxury of madness, like a man who not only thinks he is Napoleon but hires an army to prove it.

- Ted Morgan