Friday, April 30, 2010

More and More Wildflowers are Making an Appearance

Word of the Day

Subatomic toasticle - Any tiny fragment of toast left behind in the butter.

Here we go again. Once again, the days have flown by and I haven't taken the time or had the energy to blog.

Wednesday? I prepped my container gardens and Earthboxes for planting. Done. It took most of the day but I even cut and secured the plastic sheeting that each of the Earthboxes require. As soon as it's safe (no frost in sight), I'll plant my gardens. Next week?

Thursday? Well...I have to admit. I kind of took the day off and vegged out with a good book. HTP and I celebrated our anniversary. We went out to dinner at a restaurant in a neighboring town, enjoying our first night out for a long time. We went out to supper at a place called Hanson’s Hide-A-Way in Haugen. The owner was manning the bar when we got there and made us feel right at home. We sat in the bar to have a few pre-dinner drinks and chatted with her and another couple who had just returned from Texas and who stay at the camp ground on Bear Lake during the summer. They do the whole RV trailer thing and during the winter months, their mailing address is the same town where Sarge and D Buddy live. Small world.

After a few drinks, HTP and I headed off to the dining area. The prawns are fantastic. Too bad there were only four of them but HTP gave me some of his all-you-can-eat shrimp. Next time I’d order a baked potato instead of the sweet potato fries and maybe I’d pile my plate up a bit more at the salad bar. Even though the prawns weren’t cheap, they were delicious and well worth the price.

Today? I baked a couple loaves of bread and made some croutons out of the last few slices of the bread I baked previously. After lunch, I went out and dug three pounds of wild leeks. It took me another two and a half hours to clean, chop, and freeze them in one cup portions. I kept some fresh leeks out to use in salads, but I chopped and froze the rest to use in soups and other cooked dishes. I suppose I may go out and dig more wild leeks to use fresh but with limited freezer space, I don't think I'll be digging mass quantities again this spring. With all the tromping around in the woods, I wouldn't be surprised if my woodtick count goes up tomorrow.

Of course, Kylee training is a daily process and she's making progress. I’ve started teaching her the “Box” command (Kylee, get in your box), using treats as a lure. I break up the tiny treats into six tinier treats…nibbles. Hey! It works. On our obedience training walks, I just started the “Stay” command. Today, when we came inside from our obedience training session, I walked her on “heel” over to her box and gave her the “Box” command. She got right and laid down. Then I told her to “Stay” and I backed away, just using the hand command for “stay”. I repeated the exercise three more times, successfully, and then I put her in her kennel to think about the lesson. We may have another “Box” lessons later tonight but,of course, we always take the time to enjoy some play sessions with her toys.

Random Thought of the Day

How come cats butts go up when you pet them?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them at least five years.

- Samuel Goldwyn (1882 - 1974)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Summer 2009 Wine

I didn't take any pictures of the Arizona wine bottling done here in Wisconsin for the very first table looked a lot like it did after bottling the summer wines last fall.

Word of the Day

Stylephile - A person who is obsessive and inundated with current fashions.

Sis and I racked the Mulligan Berry Wine and then racked and bottled the Arizona wines. We ended up with 36 bottles of Prickly Pear Cactus wine, 28 bottles of Pomegranate wine (made with barley water), and 37 bottles of Pomegranate wine (made with white grape juice). We started at around 10 AM and didn't finish until after it was time to start dinner.

After throwing some wings in the oven for our Monday night TV night, I took my share of the wine down to the my basement wine cellar. Lots of wine! I really should start drinking more of it. Oh well...maybe tonight. HTP and I watched a new episode of Chuck, a re-run of Two and a Half Men, a re-run of The Big Bang Theory, and a new episode of Nurse Jackie.

Today? Aside from taking Kylee for her obedience training walk and doing laundry, I spent most of the day hauling wine-making supplies back down to the basement storage room. I also packed away half of my half of the Arizona wine to take back to Arizona, stored three small bottles (one of each wine)up on the shelf where I keep samples of each of our wines, and stored the rest of the wine in the wine racks T-Square made for me. Sis and I will be starting more of our Wisconsin month. Our first 2010 Wisconsin wine (Mulligan Berry Wine) is one month old.

Random Thought of the Day

What would happen to the sea's water level if every boat in the World was taken out of the water at the same time?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

An economist is a surgeon with an excellent scalpel and a rough-edged lancet, who operates beautifully on the dead and tortures the living.

- Nicholas Chamfort (1741 - 1794)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kylee Wonders Why I Can't Walk Faster

Word of the Day

Sturp - The last bead of toothpaste remaining behind the nozzle of the tube that cannot be reached, barring disassembly.

2010 Woodtick Count - 3

We met #1 Son for an All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry supper on Friday night. On Saturday, we ended up spending most of the day inside because it rained for most of the day. I made some compound butter, using some of the wild leeks I'd dug and cleaned. Then, I made a batch of Italian pizzelle so I could send some back home with #1 Son. We made steaks on the grill for supper on Saturday night with a bit of the wild leek compound butter I'd made melted on top. HTP made French fries and I provided a healthy garden salad...with minced wild leeks, of course. Yummy!

You'd think that I'd have been discouraged from digging any more holes after the two that I dug on Friday. Well...

Our lake is part of a chain of lakes and that chain of lakes has an association that encourages preservation of the lakes and the shores surrounding those lakes. The lake association is nothing like a regular homeowners association. For one thing, there is no requirement to become part of the association and the annual fee is considerably lower than for a homeowners association. Anyway, every year, the lake association provides free dry root trees to its members. The first four trees are free, but, you can purchase additional trees at a nominal cost (a dollar a piece).

This year, for some reason or other, HTP and I never received the association newsletter with the form to request the free trees. So...I thought that we'd missed out this year but, I decided to stop by at the warehouse where the trees were being distributed on Saturday morning, just in case they might have some extra trees. Woohoo! I was able to pick up four dry root wild plum trees! Just what I wanted!

It rained for most of the day on Saturday but, not discouraged, I snuck out between the bouts of rain, dug four large holes (removing lots of rocks...but not too bad) and planted my four wild plum trees. They're small but I'm hoping that they'll mature rapidly so Sis and I can harvest wild plums to expand our wine-making repertoire. Besides, Sis has a wonderful recipe for plum liqueur that uses wild plums. In the meantime, I think I might make some hardware cloth collars for the new trees to protect them from critters. I figure that with the six wild plum trees that she got and the four I got and I think my folks got four or six...we'll eventually end up with LOTS of wild plums.

Random Thought of the Day

How come you never see a billboard being put up by the highway?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In this way he steadily raises his level of aspiration.

- Kurt Lewin (1890 - 1947)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Blueberry Hill - April 23, 2010

Kylee felt like she had to inspect the currant bushes that have been doing quite well...which isn't surprising because I'm the one that planted them...not the landscaper.

Word of the Day

Stuponfucious - Describing something as being awesome.

The two blueberry bushes that I ordered online came today! Both are high bush varieties and both should prosper in our planting zone (Zone 3). One is called Patriot, the other is called Jersey. They aren't much to look at right now but they'll grow. My other blueberry bushes (on Blueberry Hill) have never produced like I'd like...though...I still hold out hope that with proper care and fertilization, they may eventually produce. However, while prepping the holes for these two bushes, I can see why they aren't doing all that well. They were planted by our landscaper and I had my suspicions because I've encountered the same planting style used by him in the past when I've dug out some of the dead and dying plants that he planted for us up here. How can anyone think that something will grow and prosper in soil that contains more stones, rocks, and boulders than actual soil? Today, I dug out an ornamental bush that wasn't doing well in its rocky environment at the foot of Blueberry Hill and found a spare spot on Blueberry Hill to dig the other hole. I could hardly dig for all the rocks and boulders, some of which were so heavy that I could barely maneuver them out of the holes. I dug two holes that were three times as deep and as wide as necessary and back-filled them with a combination of sifted lake soil and MiracleGro garden soil to which I added some aluminum sulfate. Hopefully, all my prep work will produce two very healthy blueberry bushes which will, in turn, produce buckets of blueberries.

Random Thought of the Day

Do the English people eat English muffins, or are they just called muffins?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Summer afternoon - Summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language.

- Henry James (1843 - 1916)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Hyacinth is Blooming...but quite frankly, I've never thought it looked much like a hyacinth....but it is....really. However, it's never lived up to the display picture where I bought the bulb several years ago.

Word of the Day

Stupiphany - Stemming from a flash of insight: an idea that seems brilliant until one starts to tell it to someone else.

2010 Woodtick Count - 2

I hauled the additional eight cubic feet of potting soil that HTP and I bought yesterday down to the lower patio. I've already used four cubic feet of the new stuff, but, it looks like I won't need to purchase any more this season...I hope. As HTP pointed out, I could have purchased a LOT of tomatoes for what I've spent on potting soil and pots.

Despite the scare of falling off the dock, Kylee has gotten over her fear of the dock. She's not fond of the boats and she's being fairly a bit more cautious, but, she hasn't quibbled about walking out to the end of the dock with me and sitting for a bit.

Meanwhile, obedience training continues. Kylee is doing pretty good with the sit command but I don't think I'll progress to the stay command until she can perform reliably with distractions. Distractions like people, cars, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, June bugs, flying get the idea. However, having said that, she's doing quite well with minor corrections. I wish she was doing as well with her house-breaking. She'll be four months old at the end of this month. I suppose I should be happy that she's keeping her kennel clean and she sleeps through the night. I just wish she were more reliable for longer periods of time in her play pen.

Random Thought of the Day

How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't grow in it?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

I guess we'd be living in a boring, perfect world if everybody wished everybody else well.

- Jennifer Aniston

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Dwarf Iris are Blooming

Word of the Day

Stupiculous - Stupidly ridiculous.

I took Kylee over to Sis' this morning after breakfast. Play Date. Sis' dog, Tobey, and my folks' dog, Sandy, played with Kylee on Sis' screened in porch. I thought it might wear Kylee out a bit since both the other dogs out-weigh Kylee by...LOTS. However, they were gentle with her...and Kylee had some sneaky moves of her own. Meanwhile, Sis gave me all kinds of sausage and venison that HTP and I will enjoy and a box of empty wine bottles that we'll have to fill up with Arizona wine some time in the next couple of weeks. We'll need to empty a few wine buckets before we can start any summer wine projects.

With my garden all dug, and after planting four of my large tubs, I realized that I needed more potting soil AND more pots. So, while HTP and I were out shopping, I picked up eight more pots and another eight cubic feet of potting mix. Then...since the tomato cages were on sale, I bought twelve tomato cages. Hey! They were three for $1.68! Who could resist that? Besides, I'm going to be needing them this year. I've got LOTS of tomatoes that will need planting...thus...the eight additional pots....and soil. However, for right now, I'm using four of the new pots, up-ended, to cover the tomatoes that I already planted. It's going to get below freezing tonight.

Random Thought of the Day

Why do they call it the Department of Interior when they are in charge of everything outdoors?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Life wouldn't be worth living if I worried over the future as well as the present.

- W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Garden Beds are Ready for Tilling

Word of the Day

Stupicide - An act or instance of unintentionally killing oneself by exhibiting lack of better judgment and thus attempting a stupid stunt, such as trying to jump off a roof and land in the pool; death due to the quality or state of being stupid, dense, dumb, obtuse or thick.

2010 Woodtick Count - 1

Not five minutes after I told my sister that I surprised that I hadn't found even one woodtick so far this year...I plucked a wandering woodtick off my neck. And so, as you can see, the 2010 Woodtick Count has begun. Of course, Kylee has had several woodticks already. Since I Frontlined her, I've been finding dead woodticks on my bed and in her bedding. It amazes me that someone hasn't invented a similar product for humans. Come to think of it, I don't think they've developed a vaccine to protect against Lyme's disease for humans either...but...I could be wrong. It's amazing how many imaginary woodticks a person thinks they feel crawling on them after finding the real thing crawling or dug in on them.

After another successful obedience training session, I spaded my last garden bed. My seven raised bed gardens are now ready to be roto-tilled but that's for another day. Then, after lunch, I planted Sweet 100 tomatoes in the four largest green planters on my lower patio. The pots are so big that I planted two tomato plants per pot. I know that it's way too early to be planting frost sensitive plants but I plan on covering these four plants every night until the danger of frost is no longer a problem. Hopefully, that won't be more than a week or so. The set onions that I planted in the same tubs won't need to be covered.

Random Thought of the Day

Why are dogs noses always wet?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer.

- Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832)

Monday, April 19, 2010

We've Got Boats!

Word of the Day

Stupedious - Describing something that is both stupid and tedious.

#1 Son had a change in plans so he wasn't able to come up to The Lake to see us this weekend but, we saw him on Sunday when he joined us in The Big City to celebrate HTP's Dad's 92nd birthday. However, this didn't at all change my opportunity to blog. As it was, I ended up killing my fish in Fish World because I forgot to feed them. *sigh* Poor little floaters. I still feel guilty. At least my dogs didn't run away from my FarmVille farms.

We took Kylee to the vet on Friday. She got a clean bill of health along with her last puppy shot and her first Lyme's disease shot. She'll get her rabies vaccination and her Lyme's disease booster shot next week.

After the vet appointment, and after doing some basic shopping, HTP and I enjoyed a leisurely dinner at The China Buffet in the city. We don't make a habit of going out to eat a lot but The China Buffet on a Friday night sounded wonderful.

Saturday? Kylee and I resumed obedience training and I spaded another garden bed. It was five down and two to go. And I was tired but...Sis called and got me all excited about wild leeks. So, I put my garden gloves back on, grabbed a trowel, a plastic bag to hold the leeks, put my cell phone in my pocket and hiked back up the road to where the wild leeks grow. Sounds like a perfect title for a book. Where the Wild Leeks Grow. Anyway, I forgot that the trowel that I took with me is totally useless. I should have thrown it away years ago because whenever I try to use the thing, it bends. Useless. I hiked back to the house and grabbed a garden spade (which works a lot better) and hiked back out where the wild leeks grow which isn't all that far but...hey, I was tired. I dug up a nice sack full of wild leeks and trudged on back to the house. At this point, I put the sack into my kitchen sink, fully intending to start the cleaning process but first...I needed to take off my sweater, roll up my sleeves, and put my cell phone away. OH NO! Where was my cell phone. *sigh* Somewhere between the house and where the wild leeks cell phone fell out of my sweater pocket. So...I took HTP's cell phone with me and using it, I called my cell phone. On the fifth calling attempt, I heard the faint sound of my cell phone...ringing beneath the leaves by a patch of wild leeks. Needless to say, at this point, I didn't feel much like cleaning leeks...not to mention...I still needed to make some pizzelle to bring to HTP's folks as a birthday present for HTP's Dad. However, I cleaned the leeks and then put the pork roast that I'd planned to make for supper in the oven. And then...

If I weren't already exhausted, HTP told me that he was ready to help me clear away the stuff that was growing and shading my garden but he needed my help to haul debris and let him know what I wanted cut and what he wasn't supposed to touch. This was an offer I wanted to resist but knew that if I told HTP I was too tired to add even one more thing to my plate, chances were that the offer wouldn't be repeated any time soon. So...HTP helped me saw down and remove a tree that has been shading my garden while I hauled away the debris...and then, that looked so nice that he sawed down a few smaller trees that were getting a bit too close to our propane tank...and the garden. And then he used the weed-whacker/saw thing to remove the wild raspberry bushes that have been sending roots into my garden beds. Hopefully, all our work will make my raised bed gardens more productive this summer. After that, HTP and I had to unload all the potting soil that we'd purchased on Friday. Ten cubic feet of potting soil. HTP hauled one of the bags out to the deck for me while I hauled the remaining four down to the lower patio to use in my four HUGE green pots. I'm not Super Woman, nor am I crazy...I used a wheel barrel. Regardless, we were both darn tired.

I was going to make two batches of pizzelle but ended up making one batch...which was greatly appreciated. And...I chopped a few leeks into the salad I served with the pork roast we had for supper...and that's all I have to say about Saturday.

Sunday was spent in The Big City with HTP's folks, #1 Son, HTP's brother and his fiance, and HTP's sister and her family. We brought Kylee with us but were able to leave her out in the car. We all enjoyed the pizza that HTP's brother brought and the salad that HTP's sister brought. We lit the candles on the cake that HTP and I bought and sang Happy Birthday to HTP's Dad who turned 92 years old on Saturday.

Today? Kylee and I continued her obedience training. Sit. She's doing quite well but her attention span tend to lapse after the first half mile. Perhaps I'm pushing things a bit. I'm not sure how long it takes us to walk the entire mile but I'm going to time things tomorrow. After walking fifteen minutes, no matter where we are, we'll turn around and head back home. A half hour of lessons is plenty for one day.

I spaded another of my garden beds. Six down and one to go. Then, I got some bread started before heading outside to help HTP roll our big boat out of the garage. We never launched the Lund boat last summer, so I had to do a lot of cleaning before we could launch her this year. HTP hauled the vacuum cleaner outside for me but left me to the cleaning. After changing into an outfit that I wouldn't mind ruining, I vacuumed the entire boat and then tackled the mildew. Mildew removal can ruin clothes...thus the change of outfit. The stuff I used worked really well but, thank goodness I wore gloves and the boat was outside where there was plenty of ventilation. Nasty stuff. Afterwards, I sprayed everything with something at promises to prevent the mildew from returning...for three months. We'll see. Mildew and The Lake seem to go hand in hand.

With a clean boat, HTP and I hooked the boat up to the Gator, gassed up the tank and filled the trailer tires with air at our local BP, and then drove right to the boat landing. What a perfect day to launch a boat! There was hardly any wind at all. The only glitch came about when HTP tried to put the boat in reverse. The engine started right up but.... Last spring HTP installed a brand new throttle in the replace the throttle that he installed previously to replace the original throttle that came with the boat. In other words, this was our third throttle but since HTP installed it last spring and we never launched the boat, he wasn't sure that everything was quite tweaked properly. Needless to wasn't...not quite. As I watched HTP and the boat drift toward shallow water as he pulled the motor cowling off to adjust things, I noted that someone was waiting patiently for me to pull our car out of the way so he could install a boat lift...right where our car was blocking the way. I raced to pull the car and the trailer out of his way and then ran back to see if I could help HTP. Never fear...HTP got things adjusted just in time and the sticky throttle became unstuck. Phew! As he pulled away from the shore, I ran back to Gator to take the trailer back home so I could be down on the dock to help land and tie up the boat.

So, the Lund boat is firmly tied to the dock and the rowboat and its bumpers have been moved to the other side of the dock. I took care of installing the tie-downs and moving the rowboat while HTP was putting the batteries back in the Lund. The end result is that we've got two boats tied to our dock and we're all ready for fishing opener which isn't until May. But...we're ready...and I'm too tired to do anything but get the bread baked and make some pizza for tonight's TV night. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up and relaxing. Tomorrow is another day.

Random Thought of the Day

If a bee is allergic to pollen would it get the hives?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Grasp the subject, the words will follow.

- Cato the Elder (234 BC - 149 BC)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Word of the Day

Stuffilated - Eating to the point where it's difficult to move.

I've picked five wood ticks off Kylee in the last few days. She's not due for her second dose of Frontline for the season until tomorrow. Since she has a vet appointment tomorrow, I'm going to hold off until the vet gives me the go ahead. Kylee hasn't had any further issues with barfing since I started her on the rice and water. I've even started slipping in a bit of her own food. She's bouncing around like she doesn't have a care in the world. HTP pointed out that I've called the vet more for Kylee than I EVER called the vet for ANY of my other dogs. However, NONE of my other dogs found it necessary to eat dead mice or any other of the crap that Kylee wants to put in her mouth and eat.

We got rain last night. It was too wet to spade my "one a day" garden bed. I'm not into mud pies. So, I still have three more beds that need spading. We'll see what tomorrow brings....other than grocery shopping and Kylee's vet appointment and #1 Son will be coming to see us this weekend. Maybe we can get the boat launched...if this wind lets up some. I probably won't be spending a great deal of time online with #1 Son here for the weekend and a trip to The Big City on Sunday to celebrate HTP's Dad's 92nd birthday. However, if I blog, I blog. If I don't, I don't.

Random Thought of the Day

Why do people say "heads up" when you should duck?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

One should count each day a separate life.

- Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Word of the Day

Strumble - The invisible object that someone uses to cover up the fact that they really tripped due to their own clumsiness.

I probably shouldn't have given Kylee that piece of wheat toast this morning. She ended up barfing it all up and then some. I called the vet and was told that Kylee's tummy was probably upset by something else, and since Kylee seems to eat everything she can get into her mouth (even when I've got her on leash), it's hard to argue with that. Oh well, Kylee is on a strict diet until she can keep things down, plus, she's confined to her kennel except for potty breaks. No food or water for six hours. At around 7 PM tonight, she can have 1 tablespoon of boiled rice and a tablespoon of water. I seem to remember this diet from when my kids got sick. *sigh*

Meanwhile, since I didn't dig my "one a day" garden bed yesterday, I hoped to make up for yesterday by digging two beds today. Didn't happen. After digging one bed, my back was broke. However, HTP helped me move all my Earthboxes out to the deck and I moved all the rest of the containers for my deck gardens out onto the deck. After that, I called it a day. It's too early to plant anything right now since I expect we'll be getting several more frosty nights between now and the end of May. However, I may try to start my deck gardens by the beginning of May. If it gets too cold, I can always cover my containers with sheets.

Sis tells me that my folks are having grand adventures on their road trip to Vegas. I won't go into the list of misadventures but, at least I'm told that they were in good humor and they made it safe and sound at the motel last night.

Random Thought of the Day

Why does triangularly cut bread taste better than square bread?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.

- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Word of the Day

Stroodle - The annoying strand of cheese stretching from a slice of hot pizza to one's mouth.

I was finally able to take Kylee out for her obedience training after breakfast....yes, I did. It was muddy but we managed. It was raining the first two times that I took Kylee out to do her thing this morning. I got did Kylee...but she didn't mind. During our training walk, I saw some larger tracks, domestic, wild, I have no idea, but...I'm leaning toward a larger cat, bobcat, not cougar (yes, cougars have been spotted), or domestic, too small for bear, and not quite the right shape to be a large dog or coyote or wolf. You know, sometimes, I really think I should be armed when Kylee and I take our walks...or when I go out berry picking. I may consult with Sis' hubby. Maybe he can advise me and teach me how to use a small fire-arm. I figure that by the time I can grab my cell phone and call for just might be too late...other than to find bits and pieces of my mangled body...or just the cell phone. I've been glad that I decided to walk Kylee on leash (since the mouse incident...and, no, I won't EVER forget that incident)because every day I see several pairs of mating bald eagles circling over our home. Right now, Kylee is small enough to rate as food when it comes to bald eagles...probably owls as well. Until Kylee gets to be a bit bigger (not that I want her to be "bigger" or as big as a standard Australian shepherd), and, until her obedience training kicks in a bit, I figure she'll be safer around here...on leash.

My folks have headed off to Sin City...the wilds of their Nevada home. This is the last time they plan to visit their home in Las Vegas. They're packing up as much of their belongings as they can fit in their car before they head on back here to the wilds of The Lake. Meanwhile, Sis and her hubby are taking care of my folks' puppy...Sandy. What a handful! I'm sure Sis and her hubby can handle her...I'm just glad that I wasn't asked to take care of one hyper-active bundle of energy. It's all I can do to handle Kylee. Kylee is laid-back compared to Sandy.

I never got around to spading another garden bed today. Too muddy. Maybe tomorrow. However, I did pull one tick off Kylee, but I won't start my 2010 Woodtick Count until I find one crawling or stuck into ME. I was able to dispatch the tick I pulled from where I recovered it, deep within Kylee's puppy thatch, to a watery grave (flushed it). I noted that I'll have to Frontline Kylee again on Friday.

Random Thought of the Day

If one man says, "it was an uphill battle," and another says, "it went downhill from there," how could they both be having troubles?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If you have any doubts that we live in a society controlled by men, try reading down the index of contributors to a volume of quotations, looking for women's names.

- Elaine Gill

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Showers Bring...April Flowers

Word of the Day

Stries - The stray fries that are always in the bottom of a fast food bag.

We got rain. Thankfully, it didn't start raining (more like a drizzle)until after Kylee and I completed our obedience training and after I'd dug one more of my garden beds. Three down, four to go. Kylee doesn't mind the rain all that much. She kept looking around to see who was spraying her with water, but, other than that she was fine with it.

If I hadn't had Kylee on leash this afternoon, she would have taken off after a squirrel she saw. She actually did take after it but came up sharply at the end of the leash I was holding. Sorry Kylee. I don't mind her chasing squirrels but until she's had her rabies shot there's no way she's going to be mixing with the wildlife out here.

Random Thought of the Day

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.

- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Flowers

Word of the Day

Strategery - To defeat an enemy through the use of a large amount of bombs, munitions, or other explosives or projectiles.

Two down, five to go. After another obedience training session, I spaded another of my garden beds. One a day? That's my goal. I can't plant the garden this soon but I can get the beds spaded so HTP can till them.

HTP launched our rowboat all by himself. We'll be launching our big boat this year but that can wait. In the meantime, he adjusted the dock legs as best as he could from the boat. There's one more dock leg that probably needs adjusting but HTP and I can't do it on our own. However, as far as I'm concerned, I'm satisfied with the dock, as is.

I sat with Kylee down by the shore. She discovered the water and it wasn't long before she waded right in. She found a convenient rock to sit on while she splashed the water with her paw and snuffled and drank. If a dog can grin, she was grinning...ear to ear. She loved it. She'd still be there but I wasn't willing to let her get any more wet that she already got. It hasn't been all that long since the lake was covered in ice. I can only imagine how cold the water is. She didn't mind but.... She ended up getting wet up to her knees, so we ended up walking and running around outside until she was dry. I was doing the walking. She was doing the running.

Random Thought of the Day

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If you can find something everyone agrees on, it's wrong.

- Mo Udall

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Viewing Corridor - April 10, 2010

We've got two HUGE brush piles that HTP and #1 Son can permiting.

Word of the Day

Stoptional - 1. When stopping at a stop sign is left to choice; not required. 2. Any stop sign with a white border.

Kylee only woke me up once last night. The canned pumpkin seems to be doing its job. I'll have to put canned pumpkin on my shopping list so I'll have it readily available....for the next time. We resumed our obedience training. It's going to take a while but a well trained dog makes a wonderful walking and hiking companion.

Exhaustion! After Kylee and I took a long training walk up to the main road and back, I decided to start spading my raised bed gardens. It immediately became apparent that my task was going to be harder than I thought. The one bed that I spaded was LOADED with wild raspberry roots. There's no way that HTP can roto-till the gardens with all those roots. I ended up with an entire bushel basket packed with raspberry roots. It was like digging through sod. Oh well...hopefully, the remaining six garden beds won't be as bad. I found the garlic that I thought I'd lost and will plant the spouting corms in the front flower garden. Hey! Why not? And...I've got worms for whenever I eventually find the energy to go out fishing. Not today.

While I was still battling the one and only garden bed that I eventually dug, HTP shouted that he was going to work on removing the blackberry bushes and brush from the edges of our lawn and near our dock. So...after I finished cleaning up with the one garden bed (there was no way I could have tackled more than the one...oh, my aching back), I helped HTP with the blackberry bushes and the brushing. Done! Our viewing corridor is once again a viewing corridor and we cleared a small area where we can land and pull up our rowboat....and all the blackberry bushes that have been attacking HTP when he's working on the lawn. Not to worry, there are plenty of blackberry bushes lining both sides of our half mile driveway.

Dare I hope that I've avoided getting any woodticks after all my outdoor activities today? Eventually, I know that I'll be seeing that first woodtick and will have to start my 2010 Woodtick Count. I didn't start my 2009 Woodtick Count until the beginning of May. However, my Mom has already been finding ticks. Hopefully, treating her dog with Frontline will have taken care of that problem...and, yes, Kylee has been Frontlined.

Random Thought of the Day

If you get cheated by the Better Business Bureau, who do you complain to?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.

- Gilda Radner (1946 - 1989

Friday, April 09, 2010

The Hepaticas are Starting to Bloom

Word of the Day

Stopengawker - A motorist who slows down to watch the curious event causing a traffic jam, thus adding to the problem.

I bought some canned pumpkin to give to Kylee. Other than forcing me to get up and take her outside a couple of times at night, she seems perfectly healthy...the little stinker. Unfortunately, she's just like a baby, everything has to be put in her mouth and tasted. Hopefully, the pumpkin will help solidify her...puppy poops. I'm told that it's a perfectly safe and natural solution to the problem. I don't want to resort to OTC drugs. Meanwhile, obedience training has been put on hold while my patience isn't what it should be...due to lack of sleep.

In the meantime, T-Square came over and patched Kylee's escape hole in the puppy pen. Thank you very much T-Square. He shed blood. Not Kylee...the hardware cloth he used to patch the escape hole is SHARP!!!! T-Square made sure that the sharp edges were all taken care of so Kylee won't hurt herself, but in the process, he managed to knick a few of his fingers. However, the escape hole is all gone and until Kylee can jump out of the puppy pen, she should have a hard time escaping.

For the most part, Kylee seems more than content to play quietly in her puppy pen. House-breaking continues. I sure wish she'd figure this house-breaking thing out soon so we can trust her un-penned. I'm hoping that the puppy pen will help. She had one accident in her pen...which I witnessed and could correct. Since than, she has kept her puppy pen clean. Knock on wood, that continues.

Random Thought of the Day

When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Eating everything you want is not that much fun. When you live a life with no boundaries, there’s less joy. If you can eat anything you want to, what’s the fun in eating anything you want to?

- Tom Hanks

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Kylee - In the puppy pen.

She's still trying to figure out an alternate escape route.

Word of the Day

Stilby - A mullet. Short top, long back.

In a burst of excessive energy, I vacuumed and scrubbed the kitchen floor yesterday...and then I finished pruning the raspberry bushes. And then, HTP came home from his dental appointment with an excessive amount of energy. So...we rolled the dock out. HTP had intended the further project of clearing away some of the brush from our "viewing corridor" but...I put my foot down. My energy had worn out and HTP, although willing, looked like he'd used up all his reserves. We just aren't as young as we used to be.

Today? HTP had an eye appointment in The Big City. I decided to stay behind to puppy sit. Kylee kept me up for most of the night. She had to go out every two hours...all night long. I'm an insomniac so it really wasn't too difficult...other than going outside in freezing weather... I'm not sure what she ate, but I'm glad she didn't mess her kennel. Poor puppy. She seems to be intent on eating EVERYTHING that she can get in her mouth. Bugs, worms, moths, sticks, stones, leaves, DEAD MICE! EWWWWW!!!! was best for me to stay home with Kylee...who seems none the worse for wear...other than numerous loose stools. Besides, I'm expecting a UPS delivery that needs a signature.

I set up a puppy pen in the kitchen...on my tile floor. Tile floor is lots easier to clean up than carpeting. Anyway, I was feeling sorry for her so I set up the puppy pen so she'd have ready access to toys and her food and water, more space than her kennel. I'd even put her kennel in the puppy pen, so she'd have a comfy place to rest. Bad idea. Kylee is a Houdini...a regular escape artist. She immediately jumped on top of her kennel (thankfully, I was there to see her escape attempt)and was getting ready to jump over the top of the puppy pen. Needless to say, I removed the kennel and placed a towel in the puppy pen instead. Comfy. Soooo....the minute I turned my back, there was Kylee, loose in the living room, looking quite proud of herself. Huh?! How?! Thankfully, although Kylee is smart, I've got a few years on her and I think, I hope, I'm a bit smarter. After taking her outside, I put her back inside the puppy pen...and then waited. Sure enough, she'd found a missing spoke in the pen. I can't believe that she was able to squeeze through that little hole but...she can...and did. I've since patched the hole but...let's hope it works. She'd rather than with me than in her puppy pen, but, I think she'd rather be in her puppy pen than in her kennel. She can't always be with me. I've got things to do that makes it impossible to watch a puppy 24/7. However, after blogging, I'll play with her some more...out of the puppy pen.

Random Thought of the Day

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

[Abstract art is] a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered.

- Al Capp (1909 - 1979)

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Ice is Out - This picture was taken by T-Square...last year...April 11, 2009

The ice finally departed this year, 2010, on April 2nd. Must be global warming.

Word of the Day

Sticktoitiveness - Perseverance; A measure of one's persevering qualities.

I'm going to have to practice sticktoitiveness when it comes to training Kylee. She's a smart little puppy which doesn't always translate into easy training. She wants to do what she wants to do when she wants to do it. It looks like I'm going to have to constantly remind her that I'm the pack leader. It reminds me about how often my kids would ask me why they had to do something and I answered..."Because I said so, I'm your Mom." *sigh* Unfortunately, that doesn't translate too well in dog speak. Instead, it'll have to be, "You'll do what I say because I'm the one that feeds you and holds the other end of the leash that you're choking yourself on."

I noticed today (while Kylee and I were walking) that the hepaticas are just starting to bloom. It's been a pretty dreary rain, just grey skies. I can't wait until I can get my garden dug and planted. I can't wait until HTP and I can get the dock in and the boat in. HTP and I got our fishing licenses on Saturday and I bought some waxies. I want to go fishing! With my luck, I'd catch the biggest bass I've ever seen...and I'll have to toss it back because you can't catch anything but panfish and crappies right now....everything else has to be gently released back into the lake because Fishing Opener isn't until May 1st. Of course, by then, the bass will be playing hard to get.

Random Thought of the Day

Can you cry under water?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.

- Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)

Monday, April 05, 2010

Me, Sis, Sis' Hubby, T-Square, HTP, and Ma - Easter Eve at Sis' Place 2010

HTP's Dad, HTP, and HTP's Brother - Easter 2010

Word of the Day

Sticktoitive - Persevering.

HTP and I drove to The Big City yesterday to enjoy a special Easter buffet at the assisted living home where HTP's folks are living. Our group was large enough that they had to seat us at two adjoining tables. It worked out just fine. After the buffet, I was encouraged to bring Kylee inside to meet everyone. She was a hit. Everyone loved her and she loved the attention.

After the mouse incident on Saturday, I decided that Kylee would benefit from some obedience training. We had our first lessons today. Kylee already keeps her eye on me, so today, she just needed to get used to the choke chain and staying by my left side, instead of crossing in front of me or racing off to chase a leaf. She's doing rather well...except for some minor distractions. She's stopped the bucking bronco routine and I hope she's learned that grabbing the leash and choke chain in her mouth is not acceptable behavior. We had a fairly non-eventful walk up our 1/2 mile driveway to the main road and back to the house with me stopping, turning around and then walking the other way whenever she started pulling ahead.

Random Thought of the Day

Why Does Pluto Live in a dog house, eat dog food, etc. but Goofy, who is also a dog, lives in a condo and drives a car?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind.

- Marston Bates

Saturday, April 03, 2010

She's Giving Me the Stink Eye?
Like I made her eat that dead mouse?

Word of the Day

Starvatious - Suffering from a severe feeling of hunger.

I may never eat anything again. The spread at Sis' house was wonderful, and, of course, I ate way too was yummy. All I wanted to do when HTP and I got home was to collapse like one of those lions you see in the wildlife shows after they've gorged themselves on game. I was totally looking forward to a nap.

Unfortunately, that's not what happened. After returning home, I took Kylee outside for her to "do her thing"...which she did...but then she found a dead mouse. At least, that's what I think it was. I could recognize was the tail. Ewww!!!! After chasing her up and down the huge hill by the side of the house and around the yard three times so she wouldn't eat that dead mouse, and to be honest, let's say I could have done without that sort of exercise on a full stomach, sge ate the darn thing anyway. Then, came the panicked call to the vet. Why dogs always manage to do this sort of thing on weekends when the vet's offices are closed, I have no idea. Thankfully, the vet called me back almost immediately. I was assured (reassured) that Kylee couldn't get poisoned (secondary poisoned) from eating a dead mouse but I should give her some hydrogen peroxide to make her throw up because dead mice might tend to make a puppy's tummy upset. HTP and I raced over to The Store to buy some hydrogen peroxide. I dosed Kylee with two teaspoons of the stuff and it worked almost immediately. I only had enough time to get Kylee outdoors before she yacked...barfed...repeatedly. Mission accomplished.

So...after all this excitement, Kylee is doing just fine. She's hungry. She's cavorting about like nothing at all happened. She can't figure out why I'm insisting upon making her use a leash. Me? It's going to take me a while to recover from the adrenaline cocktail on top of a full stomach, and there's no way I'm going to chase around the yard after a naughty little puppy again today.

Tomorrow will be another day of feasting. I probably won't find the time to blog. HTP and I are driving in The Big City to celebrate Easter with his folks, and his brother and sister and their families.

Random Thought of the Day

How come all of the planets are spherical?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

The 'Net is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it.

- William Gibson

Friday, April 02, 2010

Word of the Day

Stainless steal - A white collar crime.

I boiled up and peeled some eggs for deviling and cooked up some German potato salad for tomorrow. The tangelo juice and grapefruit juice is thawed. The champagne is all chilled. My folks brought a load of stuff over to Sis' so I don't have so much to carry tomorrow's Easter dinner at Sis' place.

We got a spring thunderstorm. I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I hadn't been out shopping with my folks...getting both cold and wet. Thankfully, the rain finally let up by the time we took their dog Sandy in to get her nails trimmed at the vet.

I wish I'd bought a pizza to make for supper tonight. I have no idea what to make for supper. Oh well...I'm sure I'll eventually think of something.

Random Thought of the Day

Why doesn't Winnie the Pooh ever get stung by the bees he messes with?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

Where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?

- Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Blueberry Hill - March 31, 2010

Word of the Day

Stabiei - To stab someone in the eye when one is abroad.

It's 80 degrees outside! No...REALLY. No fooling...despite the fact that today is April Fool's Day, there is no more ice on the lake, no more snow on the ground, and I'm wearing shorts, a tank top and sandals. It's beautiful outside. Kylee and I even spent some time playing with her new off-brand Frisbee. I've got as many windows open in our house that I can open without seriously bothering HTP. I figure this may be the last opportunity that I'll have to air out the house before the cold weather returns. I'm sure I'll be back in jeans, long-sleeved shirt, and socks and shoes tomorrow, so I might as well enjoy the warm weather while it's here.

Random Thought of the Day

What do people in China call their good plates?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

When all is said and done, the weather and love are the two elements about which one can never be sure.

- Alice Hoffman