Friday, April 30, 2010

More and More Wildflowers are Making an Appearance

Word of the Day

Subatomic toasticle - Any tiny fragment of toast left behind in the butter.

Here we go again. Once again, the days have flown by and I haven't taken the time or had the energy to blog.

Wednesday? I prepped my container gardens and Earthboxes for planting. Done. It took most of the day but I even cut and secured the plastic sheeting that each of the Earthboxes require. As soon as it's safe (no frost in sight), I'll plant my gardens. Next week?

Thursday? Well...I have to admit. I kind of took the day off and vegged out with a good book. HTP and I celebrated our anniversary. We went out to dinner at a restaurant in a neighboring town, enjoying our first night out for a long time. We went out to supper at a place called Hanson’s Hide-A-Way in Haugen. The owner was manning the bar when we got there and made us feel right at home. We sat in the bar to have a few pre-dinner drinks and chatted with her and another couple who had just returned from Texas and who stay at the camp ground on Bear Lake during the summer. They do the whole RV trailer thing and during the winter months, their mailing address is the same town where Sarge and D Buddy live. Small world.

After a few drinks, HTP and I headed off to the dining area. The prawns are fantastic. Too bad there were only four of them but HTP gave me some of his all-you-can-eat shrimp. Next time I’d order a baked potato instead of the sweet potato fries and maybe I’d pile my plate up a bit more at the salad bar. Even though the prawns weren’t cheap, they were delicious and well worth the price.

Today? I baked a couple loaves of bread and made some croutons out of the last few slices of the bread I baked previously. After lunch, I went out and dug three pounds of wild leeks. It took me another two and a half hours to clean, chop, and freeze them in one cup portions. I kept some fresh leeks out to use in salads, but I chopped and froze the rest to use in soups and other cooked dishes. I suppose I may go out and dig more wild leeks to use fresh but with limited freezer space, I don't think I'll be digging mass quantities again this spring. With all the tromping around in the woods, I wouldn't be surprised if my woodtick count goes up tomorrow.

Of course, Kylee training is a daily process and she's making progress. I’ve started teaching her the “Box” command (Kylee, get in your box), using treats as a lure. I break up the tiny treats into six tinier treats…nibbles. Hey! It works. On our obedience training walks, I just started the “Stay” command. Today, when we came inside from our obedience training session, I walked her on “heel” over to her box and gave her the “Box” command. She got right and laid down. Then I told her to “Stay” and I backed away, just using the hand command for “stay”. I repeated the exercise three more times, successfully, and then I put her in her kennel to think about the lesson. We may have another “Box” lessons later tonight but,of course, we always take the time to enjoy some play sessions with her toys.

Random Thought of the Day

How come cats butts go up when you pet them?

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them at least five years.

- Samuel Goldwyn (1882 - 1974)

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