Saturday, May 01, 2004

41 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I need to wish my brother and his wife a Happy Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! I remember their wedding well and not only because HTP's brother decided to get married on that very same day. We flew in from Arizona so we could attend both celebrations. My brother and his wife got married on a cliff by a river. I had two young daughters at the time. Mink was three and the other daughter was in a baby carrier still. I had to take off my shoes, shredding my nylons (that's ok because I packed several pairs) to make it safely down a steep hill to get to the wedding site without risking either my life or my daughters' lives. HTP carried Mink down the hill and kept her from jumping off the cliff and I carried #2 daughter who slept through the whole wedding. There is a God. Happy Anniversary!

I've been going through a decorating frenzy. All of a sudden almost all my wall art spoke to me simultaneously demanding to be installed on this wall or that. Thankfully, none of them bickered over the same bit of wall. I still have a few paintings and such that are waiting patiently for installation because I'll need HTP and son to help with the installation process. And some of the wall art has remained mute but that may be because they will eventually find a home on one of the walls of my guest room which is currently occupied by #1 son.

In the meantime, I continue to continue unpacking. Everyday more boxes are being emptied. The pile of collapsed boxes in the garage is growing. The huge black garbage bags of bubblewrap are mounting. I'm reluctant to part with any of it because I may need some of it when we pack up stuff for Wisconsin.

Life goes on for #1 son too. He's going to the prom with the daughter of one of my friends next weekend. His tuxedo will be ready for pickup on Thursday. The prom is on Saturday. Dinner reservations have been made. We just need to go order a wrist corsage. Red roses. I'll take pictures.

I caught HTP doing something other then helping unpack yesterday. He may have to die. NO GENEALOGY UNTIL AFTER THE UNPACKING IS DONE!!!!

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

"There are lots of kinds of bagels made today, but to the purist, real bagels contain only flour, water, yeast, malt, and salt. No sugar, no eggs, no raisins, no onions, no sesame seeds, no cinnamon, no garlic, no jalapeno peppers, no cheddar cheese, and no sun-dried tomatoes." (From Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader by The Bathroom Reader Institute)

My favorite bagels are the Everything Bagels. HTP and son love the yucky blue Blueberry bagels. The smell of those things is enough to drive me from the room. I bet they glow in the dark too.

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