Friday, April 30, 2004

The Old House is Closed

The keys have all been turned over and we can pick up our check this afternoon. No more least none nesting in my backyard here in Arizona. No more cranes or herons. I'll miss them but I'm sure I'll see plenty of wildlife in Wisconsin. Ducks, herons, loons, porcupines, groundhogs, otters, deer, fish, snapping turtles, black bears, woodticks, deerflies, (lions and tigers and bear, OH MY!).

42 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin (This is purely a tentative number and may change depending upon unforeseeable circumstances.)

Today will and has been spent unpacking boxes and making a multitude of holes in the new walls to hang up all of my wall art. Maybe I need to buy one of those nifty wall hanger thingies that I see for sale on TV (AS SEEN ON TV) that claims to help you hang your pictures perfectly the first time every time. Nah! I'll have all the pictures hung before that. I wouldn't want to put the spackle and paint people out of business.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

When talking about the flamingo, "this long-legged pink wading bird is named for the people of Flanders, the Flemings, as they were called. Flemings were widely known for their lively personalities, their flushed complexions, and their love of bright clothing. Spaniard explorers in the New World thought it was a great joke naming the bird flamingo, which means 'a Fleming' in Spanish." (From Facts On File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins, by Robert Hendrickson)

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