Sunday, April 25, 2004

6 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

Unpacking continues. I finished unpacking all my desk stuff. Since all that stuff came out of my desk I knew that it all should fit back into the desk. It was a struggle. I ended up throwing away a mountain of stuff (only the stuff that probably should have been thrown away before I packed it up in the first place but I wasn't all that organized at the time). My kitchen is all organized. I finished that up yesterday but I still can't see the top of my kitchen table. My dining room is all unpacked too but there's still stuff on top of that table too. Today will be spent making a small area habitable for our son who is returning late tonight from Reno. It would be nice if we had a freshly made up bed waiting for him and clean towels in the bathroom. He'll have to worry about setting up his own computer system. I doubt he'd want anyone messing with his system...even his Dad.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

"Before the Norman conquest of England, French hunters bred a keen-nosed dog that they called the St. Hubert. One of their rulers, William, took a pack to England and hunted deer--following the dogs on foot. Saxons had never before seen a dog fierce enough to seize its prey, so they called William's animals hunts, meaning 'seizure.' Altered over time to hound, it was long applied to all hunting dogs. Then the meaning narrowed to stand for breeds that follow their quarry by scent." (From Why You Say It, by Webb Garrison)

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