Tuesday, April 20, 2004

11 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

1 Days Before the Movers (I have to have everything packed!)

This is crunch time. I've got today to finish up all the packing. *Laughs hysterically* Actually everything is under control. * More hysterical laughter* I didn't have any dental problems yesterday so that's something I won't have to worry about. The movers are coming tomorrow morning. I'm doing laundry for the last time in this house. I packed most of the dishes and only saved out those we'll need tomorrow morning for breakfast. All dishes are now being washed the old-fashioned way. OK. Not so old-fashioned really. I don't have to boil the water on top of the woodburning stove but I do have to wash them in the sink, by hand.

We have to go over to meet with the security idiots (specialists extroardinaire) who have goofed yet again. We still haven't been able to arm our system. (Note to all burglars: We have a whole houseload of stuff that is currently unoccupied and unprotected other then flimsy locks. Please try to avoid disturbing the neighbors when you come and steal our stuff.) On the plus side, we can bring over another load of stuff that someone can steal. And we get a break on our household insurance because we have a security system (which doesn't work but that's beside the point).

This will probably be my last blog post until HTP and son get my system up and running at the new house. I'm willing to bet HTP and son will wait to do my system install until after their own systems are up and running. Such is life. I am the low man (woman) on the totem pole when it comes to computer technology. Maybe I'll get faster results if I threaten not to cook any food or wash any clothes or unpack vital household items until my system is up and running. That's a thought.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

"Because the little stiped mammal could squirt his foul yellow spray up to 12 feet, American Indians called him seqankw, or segonku, the Algonquin dialect word meaning simply 'he who squirts.' Early pioneers corrupted the hard-to-pronounce Algonquin word to skunk, and that way it has remained ever since." (From Animal Crackers, by Robert Hendrickson)

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