Monday, April 19, 2004

12 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

2 Days Before the Movers (I have to have everything packed!)

I won't be able to do too much today. Dental appointment. *Shudder* I really hate going to the dentist. Concidering my dental history, he's sure to find something wrong and then I'll have to schedule in a multitude of followup visits for repairs before we head for Wisconsin.

I think I may just have things under control, packing-wise, but all depends on HTP and son. Both of them seem to have this laid back approach to packing. Hey Guys! Tomorrow will be arriving right on schedule! The movers should be here right on schedule too! Are your ready? Doesn't look like it to me.

Hey Mink! You never told me whether or not you wanted me to bring you that antique bed! I need to know. Now! I don't know if I can bring you the dresser and desk even if you do want it. All depends upon U-Haul and how large of a trailer we can rent and how much stuff your bro wants to bring to Wisconsin.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The word "Ferret comes from the Latin furritus, for 'little thief,' which probably alludes to the fact that ferrets, which are related to pole cats, like to steal hens' eggs. Its name also developed into a verb, to ferret out, meaning 'to dig out or bring something to light.'" (From Cool Cats, Top Dogs, and Other Beastly Expressions, by Christine Ammer)

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