Monday, April 05, 2004

26 Days Before Closing (The time that remains before we have to get out of this house)

I spent the day over at the new house. No internet yet. No phone yet...except for the cell phone. My new wall was constructed. It looks great! They (the builders that we hired) are coming back tomorrow to sand down the drywall joints, cut, paint and install the baseboards, texture the walls to match the existing walls and put the carpet back in place. All will be in place for the painters to come in. I actually feel like I built that wall myself but they did a far better job then I even imagined. While all this was going on, HTP was constructing shelves for my hall closet that we are converting to pantry space.
HTP also installed my new hot water tap seconds before the water softener/reverse osmosis guy came to install the reverse osmosis system and the water softener. On top of all this the landscaper came to dig the footings for our new exterior landscape walls and gate.

As I write this I finally have figured out why I'm so tired. I don't think I sat down for more then 5 minutes today. I ran to check up on HTP, I ran to check up on the interior wall progress, I ran to check up on the RO guy, then I ran and checked up on the interior wall progress, then I ran to check up on HTP, and then the air-conditioner went on and HTP wanted me to turn it off but the controls were locked so I couldn't shut the darn thing off so I had to call the customer assistance people to ask them how to unlock the controls and they told me that the information was in the packet of information that we got at closing but that stuff wasn't there so I had to have them walk me through the instructions over the phone...the cell phone that charges .35 a minute...and then the landscape guy came and wanted to see the plans for the exterior walls and HTP told me that it was in the green folder in the red bag with all the papers but there were two green folders in the bag so HTP had to be more specific and roll his eyes at me. And then I decided to go check the mail that is kept a block away at a bank of mailboxes around the corner from our house. No mail. The pest control guy came and had to be told what I wanted treated. And then I had to check up on the water softener installation, and the wall construction and then I had to call to see if our son had made it home safe from school. The permission slip that he needed signed for his trip to Reno for the jazz competition is due tomorrow so I had to have him bring the permission slip to the new house so he could pick me up so we could go to the bank to have the permission slip notarized because our society has gotten paranoid about such things and lawyers demand notarized permission slips these days. And then after our son picked me up and we took care of the permission slip, I had to drain the reverse osmosis tank because that's one of those things that you have to do when you get a new system set up and I watched as the wall guys finished up their work for the day and cleaned up their mess and I watched HTP finish up his work on the shelf installation project. I was so worn out that we stopped and picked up chicken (pre-cooked chicken from the deli) and salad fixings (caesar salad lite) for supper.
I'm not going to go to the new house tomorrow morning. HTP has to go to let the wall builders in, the garage cabinet people in, the security system people in, and he has to finish up the shelf project. I'm not going to be sitting on my hands here at the old house. Someone has to do the laundry and that someone is me. I'll have our son drive me over there after school tomorrow.
I'm exhausted. Our son and I just finished loading up the car with stuff to go over to the new house for tomorrow but that's all for today. Tomorrow will easier. Right?

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Fearing that they might be losing business from women whose husbands hated to shop, the Braehead Shopping Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, came up with an unusual idea in 2002: "The Shopping Boyfriend", a real-life person who acts as a temporary boyfriend or husband to be dragged along from store to store. "The Shopping Boyfriend is the ultimate retail therapist," said a mall spokesperson. They are "enthusiastic, attentive, admiring, and complimentary," and, if necessary, they'll even say "her bum looks small."

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